It's been months since I was inserted in Pet's body and some things were easier to get used to than others. I loved the way my curls fall around my face, and how Ian starts playing with them while we eat. There are things I hate though; like how I can't exert much physical force without getting tired. As a result I asked Jeb if I could stay in the kitchen working, for a while until this body gets used to more work. As much as I hated asking him, I was relieved when he said it was okay. It was horrible always having someone else take the work out of my hands, and it also settled Ian's fear of me getting hurt, so that was a plus. That's one of the great things about all of this, I have Ian.

I didn't feel well, I actually hadn't been feeling well for a while, but today it was extremely worse. I had to run to the bathroom. As I was getting up from the bed I heard Ian call out my name I didn't answer though and just left out the door.

Running down the corridor, I didn't run into anybody, seeing as the sun was barely out this was no surprise. As I got into the bathroom I heard someone else inside and was about to wait but then I felt my stomach churn and I just ran forward. We were both in there for a few minutes, and then I noticed we were puking almost simultaneously. When we stop all I hear is Mel say "Congratulations you're pregnant."

That was about a week ago.

Right now Mel and I are waiting and preparing ourselves to tell Jared and Ian.

"You nervous?" she asks

"Extremely, what if He didn't want to have a child? What if he didn't want to have a child with me?" I ask my voice made slightly incoherent through the soft sobs.

"Come on," Mel says" Only an idiot wouldn't want to have a child with you."

"You scared?" I ask her.

"Yup" She says and we spend the rest of the time in silence waiting for the arrival of Ian and Jared.

Ian's Pov

As I walk down the hall to my room I hear Jared coming up behind me I stop and wait for him to catch up.

"Mel wants to talk to you?" I asked, and by the look on his face I can tell he is just as worried about what they have to say as I am.

"Yeah, does Wanda want to talk to you?" He asks still looking slightly lost in his own thinking.

"Yup, do you have any idea what it's about?" I say seriously hoping he does.

"No, I hope it's nothing bad though."

We continue walking down the corridor and before I know it we are right in front of my door. Jared waves good bye and I wish him luck. When I walk in the room I notice Wanda isn't here and am about to settle in and wait for her when i see here come through the door crying. She has puffy eyes and tears still run down her face. This is not going to be good, I think to myself. As soon as she is in though, I go wrap my arms around her and bring her to sit at the edge of the bed. I pull her closer to me still, as if it were the last time I were going to be seeing her. We stay like that, in each other's arms until she lets go and begins to speak, but still i hold onto her hand.

"Ian I'm..." she begins but then starts crying, "I'm...I'm...I'm...I'm..."

She starts over and over again. I bring her into my arms again, and start rubbing the back, doing soothing circles around her back until she comes down. I am impatiently waiting for her to tell what she has to tell me but I am not going to rush her and give her some time.

"Ian," she says and it sounds as if she is more confident about herself, more certain, "I'm Pregnant."

At first I don't get what she is saying. Then as the news starts to sink in I realize what she has told me. She's pregnant! We're pregnant! I'm going to be a Father! I was about to get up and hug her, but then I open my eyes, which I hadn't realized I had closed, and all I see is Wanda opening the door to our room and leaving.

Jared's Pov

I walked into the room, just as Wanda leaves. She doesn't acknowledge my presence. She just bows her head, walks past me, and leaves for her room. When Melanie sees me she looks worried but gives a slight smile, and in a way, that makes me feel slightly better. I was about to ask what was wrong with Wanda but Melanie started talking right away, and I quickly forgot about it.

"You'll never guess." She tells me. The worry seeps into her voice but there is also something else there, something like excitement.

"Huh, let's see. You finally see the resemblance between me and Gerard Butler" I say trying to keep everything nice and friendly.

"No" she says and I have to duck out of the way to avoid being hit with the she threw at me. "Do you give up now?" She doesn't even wait for me to answers and just continues, "We're pregnant!" Mel says rushing through the last part.

As soon as she tells me I feel my face light up and I can hardly contain myself.

"Really!" I say "Wow I'm going to be a father! We are going to be parents!" By the time I finish talking we are sitting at the edge of the mattress, gazing into each other's eyes with looks of pure amazement and joy.

"I love you Mel"

"I love you too, Jared"

Mel's Pov

Telling Jared wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. At first I was worried especially after what Wanda said, but then I saw the loving look on Jared's face and I knew that no matter what it was all going to be okay. After I told him we both lay down on the bed and started thinking about what was going to happen in the future. It was going to be a long 9 months, I already knew that.

I felt bad about not being able to comfort Wanda. She always worries too much, about everything. If she could only see the way Ian looks at her or hears the way he talks about her when she's not there, she would know that all her worries are silly and stupid. If she only knew, she wouldn't have to worry about things like that.

I was dozing off to sleep but then was awaken by a knock on the door, not wanting to get up, I just tell whoever it is to come in. When I see Ian I think he is here to tell us the good news but then I see the look on his face and know that whatever the news he is about to say it's not good. Quickly getting off the bed and to my feet I put on my shoes and ask him what's wrong.

Once he look inside the room his face goes more panic stricken and he asks, "Have you guys seen Wanda?"

"No" Jared says getting to his feet too" Why what happened?"

"Well, today she told me she was pregnant." Ian says, Jared says congratulations but Ian quickly moves on.

"What did you say?" I ask him already fearing that this has taken a turn for the worse.

" Nothing I..."

" NOTHING! IAN YOU IDIOT! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING?" I scream nearly at the top of my lungs. It's only when Jared tries to soothe me that I remember that the other people in the caves are sleeping.

"I was about I swear, but the news took a while to sink in, and when I was about to say something all I see is her leaving the room, crying "He says his voice going lower and lower. When he finishes he is biting his lip, almost as if he is trying not to cry.

It was silent for a long time and it's Jared who breaks it," Man, Ian you screwed up."

Wanda's Pov

I ran and ran until I could barely breathe. I didn't know in which direction I was going in until, I got to the place where they store the keys. I took that as a sign and grab the Jeep's keys and ran as fast as I could before anybody can realize there gone. When I reached the exit I realized that I hadn't gotten any food or water, and I was about to go back but then I decided that a little rest would do me some good and sat down for a few minutes before I got up and started running. Since it was barely night time I had time to run for a few hours.

Telling Ian had been a disaster, Melanie told me there was nothing to worry about, and I had started to believe her, but then I told him. At first when he closed his eyes I thought he was just taking in the news. But then I saw him go pale and he didn't say anything, that's what killed me, the silence. He could have said anything he wanted to, he could have told me he was scared, that he didn't know what to do, that he was worried but instead he just sat there. He didn't say anything at all; he just sat there, in silence. After that i couldn't handle it and left the room. As much as i wanted to continue crying, I knew that would just slow me down, and I needed to be as fast as possible. I need to get away from this place; I need to get away from Ian.

I've run miles and miles. I feel my throat drying up and my head going dizzy. I am not going to give up now though, I'm almost there, I'm almost free. They have food and water in the jeep though, so I'm covered. I reach for the door of the jeep, and I'm about to grab the handle and go in but...