
Unfortunately, I don't own Detective Conan.

Author's note:

Sorry, I just wrote this chapter in a hurry when the idea popped in my mind so the 1st chapter is kinda short.

My Destined Girl


The Return


Somewhere in Japan, inside Hakase's residence Conan sat, staring at Ai as she handed him a pill after calling him to come immediately.

"What is this?" He asked, obviously confused of the reason of such a hurry.

"It's the antidote."

"You've completed it?" he asked still in denial of the truth he had been waiting for more than three years.

"Clearly, yes. Unless you're dreaming of course." She flashed her trademark smirk at him.

"Thank you, Haibara."

"At last I will return back to Shinichi Kudou; my real self!" Conan exclaimed happily as he almost jumped of joy.

After wandering around the house for some useless new gadgets, he was intending to leave when a sudden urgent question popped in his mind, and he suddenly turned around to face her.

"And where's yours?" He questioned her incredulously.

"Actually, I decided to remain as Ai Haibara forever." she stated simply as if she hadn't just set off a bomb in his mind.

"What did you just say?" he glared at her as though she had gone insane.


"No way, you will take the pill as well. You should return back to your real self." He yelled, cutting off her words.

"Since when did you have the right to order me?" She crossed her arms, angrily.

Conan was taken aback by her harsh reply. Nonetheless, he smiled placing his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm not ordering you. It's just... I care about you, since we're partners, Haibara."

Ai was surprised by his insistence on making her turn back to her true identity. She couldn't help but return back the smile at him.

"Fine, don't worry. I will take it, but I just want sometime to get used to the situation. Also the kids will be sad if we both left them at the same time, you know." She assured him.

Conan paused for a moment, thinking of her words. After all, they seemed reasonable.

"Okay, but promise me you will return back soon." He said, skeptical of her manipulative pranks.

She hesitated for a while. However, she nodded briefly, "Sure."

Conan's POV

That's really great. Finally I could return back to myself; Shinichi Kudou; the famous detective. Even though Edogawa Conan will remain a part of me forever, I will still miss those days. It was really a great experience I had passed in.

However, it was so weird what Haibara was thinking. Sometimes, I just can't understand that woman. She should be happy that the Black Organization has been defeated, and she can live a normal life as a normal teenager again. I can tell she still feels lonely though we became very close friends. I just can't read her aqua-mysterious eyes like I do to most people. She's just so different from other girls who are so predictable.

I can't imagine my life without her teasing statements and sarcastic comments which she threw here and there.

Also, I really wanted to see her in her true self. I mean, I didn't see her once, right?

—What am I saying? That's nonsense.

Ai's POV

I was really stunned by his deep concern on me. I thought he didn't care about me once except for making the antidote for him.

Really why did I promise him to return back? I had made my decision long time ago.

He really does have the power to change my mind in a second. I don't know what I am getting myself into.

Shiho had been buried for a long time since Sherry came to life how could I just bring her back to life one day.

He will have his Mouri-san, family, friends and fame, and then what will I get? My miserable past and drastic memories.

But I promised him.

I got tired of thinking. I think I need some rest.

To Be Continued..

I will try to update soon, but I can't promise you 'cause I have my exams next week. Pray for me guys, I don't have the effort to study... So boring~
I'm so talkative, aren't I? No
wait, I forgot something important


-Shuts my mouth-