Hey babes! WELL BASICALLY. This is where I'm going to dump all of my unfinished, unsatisfactory seddie stories that I got bored with, or never made the cut. If you don't like anything, go ahead and skip to the next chapter, cause I warn you, I am not pleased enough with the things in here to make them into their own story. I still would like reviews because they would help me improve with my writing and would be greatly appreciated. I'm gonna rate this M. Idk why, I just don't know what's gonna go in here in the future.

[i only keep myself this sick in the head cause i know how the words get you]
[the best way to make it through with hearts and wrists in tact is to realize two outta three ain't bad]

such a seddie song, ya get me. This is based on Fall Out Boy's amazing I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You)

'Seriously, Sam, why are you so messed up? You're such a bitch.' He spat, and you duck your head and pretend like it's all okay for a few seconds, until you have the strength to reply.
'I am who I am, deal with it.' You spit, and he looks angry. So, so angry.
And then he explodes. 'You know what, Sam? I'm sick and tired of you. And I'm done. I really am. I can't put up with you anymore. I'm done with you, and I want you out of my life. You mess everything up for me. I was supposed to nail that interview, I was supposed to get my dream job, and I was supposed to have the career I've ALWAYS wanted. But you have to go and get drunk and call me halfway through it, you keep calling and calling, and you made me look bad. I had to turn my phone off, in an interview! And then when I finally get out, after they tell me not to hold my breath for that job, and i find out it's just you wanting me to pick you up. Cause you can't even be arsed to stop fucking drinking, and being a selfish bitch, to think about someone other than yourself. Why do you do it Sam? And why do you always rely on me so much? It's time you took a reality check and stopped being so...' He paused, thinking for the word.
'So Sam?' You ask, and your eyes are sparkling, tears threatening to spill. They won't though, cause you won't let them.
He looks at the floor, realising what he's said and done.
You say, 'I'm sorry.' And walk out.
Leave him to his amazing life.
He deserves it.

You've never felt this b r o k e n. Like you have no purpose anymore. Your life was kinda centred around him, you realize.
But now... You're so lost. You never realised how much of your daily routine he took up.
He's tried to apologize. He's called, texted, left voice mails, got Carly to try as well, but you haven't been around Carly's in a week because you might risk running into him.
He's even tried to find out where you live, but you swore Carly to secrecy because you can't face seeing him at the moment.
If he turned up, everything might come out. And you just can't let that happen.
Life goes on, it's just a little more complicated right now.

'Sam, you need to speak to me, speak to Carly about it, yell at me, scream at me, hurt me, something! It's not like you! Normally when we fight, you call me on my crap! Look... I didn't mean what I said, you know I didn't... I was just pissed... Speak to me Sammy, I miss you so so much... Please, PLEASE, call me back, I'm not gonna rest until you do. Love ya, Sammy.' BEEEEEEEEEEEEP.
She sighed and snapped her phone shut.
A billion other voice mails waited. She didn't know whether to listen to them. She was getting upset.
She missed him.
If she did she would cave and call him.
And she WOULDN'T lead herself on this time.

'Sammy!' He calls down the hallway.
CRAP. You forgot you would have to avoid him at school as well. You need to hide somewhere.
'Sam! Sammy, don't run away from me, please! Just speak to me!'
You've had enough. That's it. You twirl around, and he looks so shocked... So upset... So damn p e r f e c t.
Eyes squeezed shut, you push him off you as he tries to hug you. His lovely smell hits you and makes you want to cry, GOD, you're MISSED him.
'I... Please, Freddie, leave me alone.' You whisper. You open your eyes and he looks so hurt. Good.
Why do you feel so guilty?
'Sam, we need to talk, hear me out, PLEASE.' He says urgently, but you're already feeling bad, so you need to get away quickly.
'Look, Freddie... You told me you were done with me. So, you got what you wanted. Now please leave me alone.'
'Sam... That is the last thing I could ever want.' He whispers.
You snap.
Pulling him into the janitor's closet, where no one can hear, you start to rant.

'Then why'd you say it then, huh? Cause you were mad? You said it in the heat of the moment? Cause Freddie, I could never, NEVER tell you that I'm done with you. I never would. You can call me all the names you want, but when you say you're done with me, and you tell me I can't rely on you anymore, I'LL LISTEN TO YOU. You said you were done with me, so I'm done with you. We're DONE, so please just LEAVE ME ALONE. Okay?' You're sobbing by now, angrily choking out the words while he listens silently, and then a single tear slides down his cheek.

'Sam, I miss you. If there was any way I could go back and change what I said, then I would. I don't want you to hate me because I was being a dick head. And I'm so, so sorry. That job means nothing to me if I don't get to see you aswell. Screw it, screw everything. I just want you to be my best friend again. I said some things that weren't true, I didn't mean anything. I didn't mean to bring your drinking into it, you know you can always rely on me to help you, I was just pissed off when I said that you couldn't... You don't understand how big a part of my life you are... Sam, please, just...' He whispers.

'No, you were right about my drinking. I'm bringing you down. I'm getting in the way of your whole life. And I am all of those things you said, a selfish, impatient bitch. So you don't need me weighing you down, Benson. If it wasn't for me, you would have that dream weekend job, you wouldn't be abused both mentally and physically everyday, maybe you'd have a friend who would tell you how amazing you are every once in a while, and most of all... You'd have Carly. I just get in the way. And you've made that clear, although I already knew. So, maybe this is for the best.'

'SAM, JUST STOP IT. I don't CARE about the job, I LOVE our little arguments, they keep me fucking sane, and grounded! You're my BEST FRIEND because you're YOU, and I don't fucking WANT Carly,
I want YOU.' He yells, and you flinch, crying more.
He realises he's getting out of control, and immediatly wraps his arms around you, apologizing. You both fall to the floor.
'Sam, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it any worse-'
You start sobbing loudly again into his chest, gripping onto his shirt like a child. 'Benson, I miss you so much.' You manage to say.
He kisses your head and says, 'It's okay Sammy. You don't have to miss me anymore. And I don't have to miss you. Okay?'
You nod into him.
'I love you, Sam.'
'I love you too.' You whisper, and take it all in so you can remember every detail.

UGH SO OOC BUT BEAR WITH ME. I didn't finish it cause that's all I really wanted to write, plus all the OCC-ness was bugging me so I just left it alone.
Reviews? Next failure will be up soon :D