A/N: This is my first story. Well, not the first story that I've written, but the first one to be posted. Yes, I know it's not that great. It's not very original, and it's really short. Read it to humor me please, I was really sick yesterday and had to stay home, and on Advil, so you never know what it'll end up like. Also, I'm writing a story with James II and an OC, and it's actually pretty good, so read that when I post it please! So…enjoy I guess!

"Albus, we need to hurry up and get back to the dorms before anyone realizes that we're gone!" A black haired boy whisper-shouted to what looked like a small clone of himself. "James, we have an invisibility cloak! No one can find us!" The two Gryffindor boys crept along the corridor stealthily, trying to not make any noise.








"Bi – wait. What?"

Albus turned towards James, both of them noticing the shouting at the same time.

"It must be Scorpius and Rose!" He whispered quietly to his brother.

James barely suppressed a groan. Ever since that fateful day on Platform 9 ¾ when Ron had warned Rosie to stay away from Malfoy, she had hated him. Of course, she didn't hate him based on what her father had told her. She was the one trying to be civil to him when they first met, but his obnoxious personality had made that impossible, or so she said.

When Albus and Scorpius had met though, they had become great friends immediately. Even after the sorting, when they were put into Gryffindor and Slytherin, they remained best friends. James hadn't necessarily liked Scorpius right away, but once he started think of him as Scorpius, and not just Malfoy, he realized what a great boy he was. Besides, he didn't want to ruin his relationship with his brother.

Albus and James had been inseparable since birth practically, and neither of them was willing to risk the bond that the two had.

"Reckon they're going at it again?" Albus questioned.

"Well….this time it sounds different. Usually they're screaming at each other about how much they want the other person to go die. We should go into the secret tunnel behind this wall so we can watch this unfold." James said thoughtfully.

Albus nodded, and the two of them carefully slipped into the secret tunnel, trying not to make any noise, as to alert Scorpius or Rose that they were there.

"Why did you call me Malformation? Where did that even come from?" Scorpius was asking Rose.

"How would I know? Just leave me alone Malfoy!" She screamed back.

"I have a name you know."

"Yeah, it's Malfoy." She responded, sounding confused.

"Yeah, but I have a first name." he all but whispered.

"I know that. Just – just bloody leave me alone, okay?" Rose's voice cracked.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He asked.

"I don't – I don't hate you. I just…thought that you hated me. And besides, whenever you happen to be around, my blood tends to boil and I kind of HAVE to yell at you!" Her voice rose as she continued.

"I-" Was all Scorpius could manage.

Albus and James looked on, the shock written over both of their faces. Rose didn't hate Scorpius?

James' mind was spinning. He knew, from Albus, that Scorpius had fancied Rose ever since that day in first year. If Rose had just admitted that she didn't hate him – what would happen?

He peeked out once more, only to see Rose sprinting away from Scorpius, the tears in her eyes evident.

"What just happened?"

A/N: Okay, so again, I wrote this in 10 minutes while I was practically loopy with Advil. Don't blame me entirely for the crappiness of this please! I'm going to write more, considering the number of views I got, and all of the excitement over this. This was also my first time not writing in First Person for a story that I was going to post. So overall, review, favorite, whatever, constructive criticism!
