AN: Hello, this is my first fanfiction, please be nice, if you don't like it then I won't update it anymore. Thank you. I hope you enjoy this story, also I don't own anything in this fanfiction, not the characters, not the music, not anything, except the storyline. Plus you won't really understand this story if you don't read the manga Guru Guru Ponchan, well you might, but anyways thank you. Please no flames or bad reviews, and some of this stuff could offend you, so if you get offended easily please don't read, and I'm really sorry if it does. If I accidentally copied anything from your story then I am very sorry, I didn't mean to, I thought all of this stuff up. Please Enjoy.

Double the Love

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter 1

Bella, that's my name, there's no last or middle name, my master gave me that name, he thought it was fitting for dog like me, the thing is I am a dog that can turn into a human whenever I wanted, it was a complete accident, but it was a good one. When I was three in human years my master wanted me to talk so he invented a bone that is now attached to my collar, it could make me talk whenever I kissed it, but instead it turned me into a human. From then on I turned into a human occasionally, I mostly did it to look for food and play, it was really fun, mostly when I made my master angry at my antics. But now I can't do that anymore, master passed away a few years ago, because of old age, he was 105 when he died, I cremated him and spread his ashes into the lake he loves to go to when he goes to the park. He'd sit on the bench in front of it and feed the ducks there while he looked at the sunset, I miss him so much, but I'm happy he's in a better place.

Since then I've been adopted into three homes that abandoned me, now I'm tired of it, it hurts to trust someone so much and end up being abandoned by them, I'm not going to make that mistake anymore, that's why I took the money that was left behind from master and came here to La Push, I'm going to live my life to the fullest and then leave this earth without regret. That's why I'm going back to La Push, the place where I originated from,

I lived there until I was three with master and his wife, it was a lot of fun, I loved it there, I still remember when Jacob and me made mud pies together, but by now he probably forgot about me, I can also remember when Uncle Billy saw me turn into a human. He was master's best friend, and he was family to me, so I called him Uncle. At the time he accidentally walked in on me when I did it, his face was hilarious then, it cracks me up when ever I think about it, he was going to meet master to go fishing at the time. But a few months later when master's wife died, we moved to Oregon because it hurt him to much to stay.

Getting off the bus at La Push I hailed a cab and got in with my suitcase, then I told the cab driver to take me to the cheapest hotel, and to my surprise there was only one hotel here. When the cab stopped I got out and looked at the sign that read "La push Motel", sighing I paid the cab driver and entered the hotel, standing there was a man behind a counter, he looked old and drunk.

"Excuse me, I would like to book a room please" I said politely trying not to vomit from the ghastly smell coming from him, he probably haven't showered for a few days I guessed, goodness I wished I didn't have a dog's nose at the moment.

"Sure babe, I'll even give it to you for free if you give me a blowfob" He slurred. Blowfob? What's a blowfob?

"Um, I'd like a room and I'll pay for it if you don't mind. A blowfob doesn't sound so good right now" I said trying to make him stop ogling me.

"Not a blowfob, a blowjob" He corrected, trying to grab my hand that was on the counter.

What in the world is a blowjob, whatever. "Like I said, a blowfob or job doesn't sound so good right now, can you please let me rent a room."

"Fine fine, here" he said finally, I paid him and took the keys and went to my room, 249. It was disgusting, the walls were a weird yellow color that was chipping off, the bed looks decent enough, the ground has gross stains on them, and the bathroom was atrocious, there was slime and mold in there. God, this is going to be one terrible month, I came here to La Push to visit my uncle Billy and live here to actually, I was planning to get a job then buy a house. I know I have no skills seeing as I was a dog for half my life and didn't go to school.

After speculating my room I went into the bathroom and got a quick shower and put on a white tank top, black skirt and cardigan, and then my white pumps, then I went and looked at myself in the mirror. I have white skin, round face, kind of long at the same time, with blue eyes, brown hair that goes to my bottom, and I was at least 5 foot 4. When I was done looking, I went out the hotel and hailed a cab and headed to uncle Billy's house, everything looked the same as always, still gloomy and cold, not to mention vacant.

Uncle's house is the same as always too, small, brown and homely. After standing there looking I knocked on the door, there was some rustling in there as well as wheels squeaking, then the door opened, he still looked the same, maybe a little older.

"Hello, is there anything I can help you with?" He asked. I almost giggled, he didn't recognize me, I guess I changed a lot.

"It's me uncle Billy, Bella" I said as his eyes widened and gasped.

"Oh my god Bella, I didn't even recognize you, you look so beautiful" He smiled as he led me into his living room. It was homely, a couch, TV and whatnots.

I blushed. "Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself."

"Haha, I know I look like a geezer, don't need to sugar it up" He laughed. "So, why all of a sudden come visit me huh, where's Yumo?"

"I missed you that's all. Master has past away" I said sadly sitting down.

"Oh, I'm sorry, when did he die? How long will you be in town?" He asked frowning.

"It's okay, I'm use to it, he died years ago, said he didn't want a funeral and not to tell anyone. Well, I'm currently staying at a hotel and I was planning to go visit you then go to somewhere and apply for job. When I save enough money I'll buy a house." I stated confidently.

"Why don't you stay here with me, hotels are nasty." He offered.

I smiled. "No need, I don't want to burden you, its fine"

"Ok, but my offer still stands" He huffed. "Anyways how old are you now, I haven't talked to you for years, the last time I saw you was when you were still a pup."

I laughed. "Yeah, I turned 19 in human years a while back and a few days ago I decided to live as a human with a normal life, that's all. How about you, how's your life going, how's Jake?"

"Eh, fine as always, he's out running some errands so you won't meet him until later, but I don't think he'll recognize you, you left when he was four" Billy said.

"I think so too, but we'll get to know each other soon enough" I laughed.

"Are you still changing into a dog?" Uncle asked.

"Occasionally, but for a while I'll be busy so I won't change as much anymore." I said looking down at my bone collar.

"I see" Uncle replied. "Um, do you want to stay for dinner, Jake and his friends will be here"

"Sorry, no thanks, I'm sort of busy" I said sheepishly. "I have to find a job, which reminds me, I have to go."

"That's fine, I'll see you next time then." He said as he went with me to the door.

I leaned down and hugged him. "Bye Billy, I'll come to visit you when I get hired kay, we'll celebrate"

"Sure, but tell me before hand so that I can buy some congratulation soda for you" He laughed. "Bye"

"Of course, bye bye" I said and walked into the forest to strip down and grabbed my clothes with my mouth and ran in the direction of the hotel. Just as I got there I phased back and put my clothes on again and went into the hotel. I opened my door and laid down on my bed and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up, brushed my teeth, showered and put on a white blouse, blue cardigan, skinny jeans and knee high boots, I tied my hair in a messy bun and walked out of the hotel. I decided to not use a cab today, I have to conserve money, so I walked instead, looking at the shops and stores that was along my path. An hour later my stomach started to growl so I went inside a random diner called "Clearwater's Restaurant" and sat down, it looked clean and nice on the inside, table booths aligned the walls, a few tables in the middle, and to the corner at the front was a small stage with instruments on it. There were a few people eating too, they served all kinds of foods, but right now I just want some eggs and toast, I sat patiently until a waitress took my order. She had tan skin, with cropped short hair, with brown eyes, she was beautiful nonetheless.

"Hello, my name's Leah, what can I get for you today?" She asked nicely.

I smiled. "Just some eggs and toast please"

"Of course, right away" She said as she wrote down my order and left. Seconds later she came back with my order, I thanked her and she left to do her business, my food looks so yummy, I ate it in less than 5 minutes. As I was eating I heard Leah arguing with someone, a woman that looked a lot like her, but older with long hair.

"Honey, we need all the help we can get, you have to stay, who will help me when your gone?" The woman asked sadly.

"Sorry mom, but Sam's being an ass, he won't let up and I'm just so tired." Leah said.

Leah's mom sighed. "Fine, go, I'll be home late tonight"

"Thanks mom. I'm really sorry." Leah said as she ran out the door leaving her mother standing there, I felt sorry for her, she had to work all day without rest, sometimes I wonder why humans do this to themselves. I mean they aren't going to live forever, why not live life to the fullest with out regret. But then again, I am a dog and dogs die earlier than humans and I am looking for work, to get enough money for a house so I guess I feel her pain. Hmmm, maybe she'd hire me to work here, it would be a great opportunity to save more money, after much thinking I got up and went over to Leah's mother.

"Excuse me, my name is Bella and I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with your daughter" I said shyly. "Um, I am wondering if your hiring, I'm looking for a job right now"

Leah's mom smiled showing her teeth. "Of course, my name's Sue Clearwater, would you like to work here Bella"

"Yes, please, but I have no skills though" I said sheepishly scratching the back of my head.

She smiled at me and softly said. "That's fine, you can help me waitress, would that be fine?"

"Yes, it is, thank you very much." I smiled back. Yay I got a job, yes! I thought as I did a happy dance in my head.

"Your welcome, well, your work hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 8:30 to 4 in the afternoon, we don't open on Sundays and the other days I have another employee. Is that fine?" Sue asked me.

"Sure, when would you like me to start." I asked happily.

Sue scratched her chin. "Well today's Tuesday, so how bout tomorrow?"

"That would be great, oh and here, for my food" I said as I gave her the money. "See you tomorrow Sue"

"Wait, do you have a phone I can contact you with?" Sue asked me.

I blushed. "I don't have enough money to afford a phone yet."

"Oh, that's fine, when you get one, let me know, bye now." She said. I waved at her and left the dinner, I went to the beach not far away and sat in the sand for a bit looking at the waves, when I got bored I went back to my hotel room and fell asleep. I figured I'd tell Uncle Billy tomorrow and buy the beer and soda myself, he doesn't work and needs the money for himself.