Warning! Yaoi in the form of established KaiShin and a plot that is literally made up as I go along.

Chapter 1

Tiers screeched as a car swerved on the wet road, a small cat continuing its sprint across the road. The driver cursed slightly at the cat and continued his drive as if nothing had happened.

The cat however, was terrified. It was already lost, wet and scared then a huge monster had nearly flattened it. The cat sat down on the pavement and leaned over to look in a puddle at its reflection. It stared, a human-like look of confusion spread across its cat face.
Then the reflection was destroyed as another car sped past, throwing the water up into the small cats face which fell back with a confused 'mew'.

The cat in question, was none other than a very confused Shinichi Kudo, who was right now scared and alone. It was meant to be a fun day hanging out with Ran, he'd hardly hung out with just her ever since Kaito had moved in. But being the detective he was seeing those men in black he couldn't help but stick his nose where it didn't belong.

And now this is what he had to show for it, a small scrap of brown fur dripping wet sat on a street corner. He slowly opened his eyes and glanced around, trying to figure out where he was. The street actually wasn't far from his house, it was only around the corner.

Mustering up his strength, Shinichi slowly lifted a small paw, momentarily marvelling at how his body and mind seemed to figure out how to move automatically, and he began to walk home. He soon reached the familiar iron gates which he easily slipped in and he glanced up at his door. He looked at the doorbell and glared at it as best a cat can, it was far too high up!

Glancing around, Shinichi walked over to a window ledge, then leaped at a hanging flower basket that hung over the bell. His paws hit it and claws slipped out naturally gripping into it tightly. Shinichi hung there for a moment, part testing his grip part in amazement that it had worked so far, then he slowly moved his feet. The basket then began to move, swinging a short distance at first but soon it was swinging
widely, at least to Shinichis size it was. He stretched out his hind paws as swing, and finally his foot hit the bell which rang as he slipped and fell to the ground,
'Kai you had better have heard that because I am NEVER going to be able to get back up there,' Shinichi thought resting his head down as his body finally ran out of energy.

Kaito, who had been waiting inside the library for Shinichi to get back, looked up as the bell rang out,
'Maybe its Shin-chan. He's probably lost his keys again,' Kaito thought standing up and walking over to the door, 'Maybe I should teach him to pick locks, I could probably convince him,'

Kaito continued to ponder this, smirking as he wandered down the hallway and stopped by the door. He placed his hand on the handle and pushed to door open and a light cold wind blew slightly into the house making Kaito shiver slightly.

He frowned as he looked around, he couldn't see Shinichi anywhere. He glanced at the doorbell then ducked as something swung at his head.
He glanced up at the basket, 'Odd, the wind isn't blowing strong enough to make it swing that much…'

Kaito stepped back and shut the door then frowned as he looked down, there was a small trail of water along the floor. He turned around, not sure what he'd see, and was surprised to see a small wet cat dragging itself across the hall.

After watching it for a while Kaito quickly stepped over to it as it collapsed and held the soaking wet animal in his hands. It looked up at him then slowly opened its mouth and let out a tinny sound, almost a whimper, then it flopped its head down and seemed to fall asleep.

Kaito stared for a moment, then he wrapped the cat up in his arms and walked quickly to the bathroom, looking it over in his arms,
'That looks like blood on its head, maybe someone hit it,' Kaito thought as he entered the room and pulled down a towel which he wrapped around it, 'I hope it will be ok, maybe I should take it to a vet in the morning,'

Kaito carefully wrapped the cat up to try and keep it warm, then he returned to the living room settling the small bundle down in his lap, stroking it carefully, 'And its only small, probably a kitten, who would hit a kitten?'
Kaito kept stroking the kitten as it slept until his own head dipped slightly and he slowly fell to sleep, the kitten sleeping comfortably in his lap all night.

Sorry for the lack of thoughts/reaction from Shin-chan, but he's supposed to be in a lot of panic so he still hasn't had a chance to realise what's happened ^^;

People! I need a name for this, any suggestions?