Chapter One

"So do you come here often?" Gwaine asked cheekily, surprised that he was able to talk so clearly in his drunken state. By 'here' he meant a tavern in a town he was currently passing through. And by 'often' he meant just enough for me to woo you and move on.

The girl in question rolled her eyes, which he noticed she seemed to be doing more often than she spoke.

"Actually yes. But it looks like I'm going to have to stop." she finished, before sipping on her glass of mead. She had to admit the man who was currently putting the moves on her wasn't bad looking. In fact, he was rather handsome. She had always loved brown hair on a man. The scruffy look drove her crazy. However, she couldn't tell him that, it would just get his hopes up, and she had no desire to be romanced. Even if it would just be a fling. She was fed up with men, the lot of them.

"Amelia! Long time no see. Who's this prat?" a new voice rang out. A man who looked about the same age as Gwaine came striding over. He wasn't as great looking as Gwaine and seemed to be trying a bit too hard on the 'I don't really care about my appearance' look. His hair was a light black and was a bit passed his shoulders, he was a well muscled man, but Gwaine noticed right away that the girl he had been talking to, who's name he had finally figured out, didn't care for this guy too much.

"Oh God." Amelia groaned, finally turning in Gwaine's direction for the first time that night.

"I swear I'd go on 10 dates with you before I'd go on one with this guy." she muttered to Gwaine, her voice full of sarcasm. She got off of her stool, a little unsteady from the few drinks she'd had, and prepared herself for the short walk home.

"Knew you'd warm up to me." Gwaine answered, all joking aside.

He placed his hand on her shoulder and lightly pushed her behind him, stepping in front of her.

"I could do this the easy way and just ask you to leave my girl alone, but where would the fun be in that ay'?"

"Your girl?" the man laughed, seemingly very amused at this statement.

His amusement was short however, because only moments after the words had left Gwaine's mouth he took a quick step back and brought his fist back before hitting the mystery man in the face.

Amelia gasped and covered her mouth. She couldn't help the small laugh that escaped right after. Maybe she did drink a little too much.

After the first punch over half of the men in the tavern stood and faced Gwaine, who swayed on the spot.

Amelia took him by the hand and began the mad dash for the door while more sounds of chairs falling over backwards were heard and more hits were thrown.

I can honestly say this is the shortest piece I have ever written. But the idea's out now so :P What do you guys think?