Spoilers : set after 2X20

Damon entered the Boarding House, slamming the door behind him violently. That alerted Stefan who was pacing in the den.

"What happened?" he asked upon seeing his brother's blue eyes blazing with fury.

"We've been tricked. That bastard had a plan B all along. I went to free Caroline and Teen Werewolf – who couldn't wait to turn and attack us by the way. And during that time Klaus got Jules."

"And who he is going to use as a vampire? Katherine?"

"Nope, I thought it was going to be me, but apparently I'm useless now."

"What? Why?"

Damon watched Stefan intently. He knew his brother was smart enough to figure things out on his own.

Werewolf. Attack. Useless.

"No, Damon...No."

"Yes, Stefan, yes." Damon replied while pouring himslef a drink. The humor in his voice never reached his eyes.

Far from it.

Stefan was suddenly frozen in place, speechless.

Even despite their tumultuous relationship, Damon had always been the one constant in Stefan's life. And Stefan had always thought that someday, once everybody they knew in Mystic Falls would be gone, they would still have each other. Damon was the thorn in his side but he was always supposed to be around.

Until now.

A bit surprised by his brother lack of response, Damon eyed him suspiciously. "You're not going to cry, right?"

Stefan didn't quite registered his words. But then Damon raised his arm to drink and Stefan could see it.

The bite.

Realization hit him like a giant, crushing wave. Damon is going to die.

Damon is going to die.

Those were the only words his brain could process at that moment.

Unaware of this, Damon toasted him with his glass. "Come on Stefan, look at the bright side. I'll be out of your way forever."

A surge of deep anger and pain swelled in Stefan.

"I don't want you out of my way! Dammit Damon, I love you!"

Damon stiffened but stayed silent. And Stefan felt ashamed.

Ashamed that it took him more than 150 years to say those words to his brother.

Of course he didn't expect Damon to answer back, as he's used to avoid any emotional exchange like the plague, even apparently when he was about to die.

But it broke Stefan's heart nonetheless that Damon didn't even acknowledge his words, even with a joke.

Damon put his glass back on the table and stepped closer to his brother.

"I need you to do something for me, Stefan. I don't want to go through all the craziness that Rose experienced. As soon as...this begins, I want you to end it."

Stefan had a strangled laugh. "Damon, half of this town would gladly drive a stake through your heart. Are you sure you want me to do this?"

"It has to be you Stefan. I don't want anyone else."

He put his hand on Stefan's shoulder and squeezed it. Then he smiled.

And Stefan understood that smile.

It was Damon's own unique and twisted way of saying "I love you too."