Chapter 14

Deadly Dinners

AN: I'm an awful author who never updates, yeah yeah. Trust me, this will make a LOT more sense if you reread the whole story, or at least the previous two chapters. Love me.

Rose's POV

"What on earth am I going to wear. Oh my gosh. I have dinner in 3 hours. With Scorpius. And his family. And my family. And the Scamanders. Which doesn't make sense. I have to wear dressy clothes, like, like, a, dress! I need to –"

"Well if you're done babbling like an idiot, I think I have a solution," Lily drawled, interrupting my steady stream of nonsense.

"…Right," I admitted sheepishly, hanging my head.

"Okay, I have a dress you can wear, and we can always call over Dominique to do your hair and makeup. We can have you looking like a princess in no time," she said, lazily flicking through the latest Witches' Weekly.

"Yeah!" I said, more confident.

"It's so weird that your boyfriend ended up at my boyfriend's house, huh?' she laughed airily. "But I don't know. Us Weasleys are always connected somehow."

I just nodded. It was weird that Scorp had ended up at the Scamanders'. Well, they took care of him, I guess.

"Now let's go try on some dresses."

Now I don't know if I've told you, but with Dominique and Lily, I have my own personal beauty parlor. Dominique is a genius with hair and make-up, while Lily had more dresses than a store.

"Okay, try this one on," Lily said, handing me a dress. I threw off my clothes and slipped it over my head.

I looked in the mirror. It was a strapless pale pink dress that puffed out at the bottom and stopped at my knees.

"My hair looks like carrots".

"Fine, fine, try this one".

A strapless black silk piece that flowed to the ground.

"I kind of want to look….Innocent".

"Pshh, making Rose Weasley look innocent, how challenging. Here, try this one".

She handed me a cotton dress, and I slipped it on.


"I take it you like it?"

It was form-fitting and simple; a pale blue with pink flowers on it in big print, with a thin brown belt at the waist.

"You look hot," Lily snorted. "Sorry, innocent. But wear it with knee-high boots and I'm sure Scorpius will appreciate it."

I rolled my eyes, before sticking my head into the hallway.

"Hey, Hugh,' I shouted. "Floo Dom, will you?"

"Yeah, yeah," he mumbled.

What seemed like hours later, Dominique appeared, make-up case in hand.

"Hurry, Dom! Only 2 hours left!"

"Oh just sit down" she said.

I soon found myself with a head full of red ringlets, each one loose, and perfect.

"Thank you!" I said, trying not to move my head.

"And now for the make-up," she said, putting her blonde hair into a ponytail.

She kept it natural, using a lighter foundation on my upper eyelids, brown eyeliner at the corners, and just a dab of mascara. For my lips, she put a light pink gloss over them.

"I'm amazing," she said, satisfied.

"You look good, doll-face," Lily said, smirking.

"And I have an hour left to worry and practice what I'll say. Alright, thanks girls," I said, herding them out of the room, so that I could sit on my bed and be pathetic.

And now I had an opportunity to think.

Scorpius's POV

"Well I think the house looks decent if I may so myself. I wouldn't want to brag or anything," Luna tittered.

"Um, yes. It does. It looks lovely," I spoke uncertainly. Luna had finally allowed me out of the bed, and I was walking around normally again. She had been able to heal all my injuries, except for A bandage just a little bit above my left eye.

"So, are you nervous?" The same question would have sounded so…so gossipy if it hadn't come from Luna Scamander. Coming from her, it was sincere.

"Extremely. I don't know how I'll make it through. What if I just start talking nonsense?" I admitted to her, fidgeting with the cast.

"Oh don't worry. The boys and I got rid of all the Nargles a while back. You'll be fine. And if anything goes wrong, I'll start talking. Don't worry. I'm pretty good at changing subjects." And then she was gone.

And I was left to think about the disaster that was about to take place.

What was I going to wear? I was limited to the clothes that Lysander and Lorcan had, but we were luckily the same height.

However, I wasn't as…er…muscular, as them, and I was worried for how that would affect my appearance.

I ended up wearing the first thing I tried on- a pair of black skinny jeans, with a light blue buttoned up shirt. It was a bit loose on me, so I tucked it in. I wore the same mud-speckled sneakers I had come in…Oops.

I checked the time on my watch, which had surprisingly survived the fall.

Only a half an hour left.

Rose's POV

"Rosie, Rose? We're Flooing over to the Scamander's now, are you ready?" I heard my mom's voice floating up the staircase.

"Ah, crap," I muttered. "Yes, mum, I'll be down in a minute!"

I started for the boots that Lily left me, before sitting back down again.

Innocent or hot? I thought. Mmm, probably innocent.

I grabbed a pair of ballet flats I found sitting in my closet, and slipped them on. I walked down the stairs, feeling a bit like Cinderella.

Hugo snickered. "Are you 'prepared', sis?"

"Yes, I am, thank you very much." And with that I turned around with my head held high, grabbed a pinch of Floo powder and shouted out "…wait. Where do they live again?"

"Canary Cottage, dear," my mom said affectionately.

And with that, I was gone, with the sound of my dear brother's guffaws echoing in my ear.

I landed in front of a cozy fireplace, a bit shook up, but feeling much better than I would have if I had Side-Apparated with my father.

I dusted myself off, feeling a bit ashy, even though I knew I wasn't, and stepped into the hallway.

"Hello?" I said, my voice sounding scared and shaky, even to me.


I heard his voice from behind me, and turned around. There he was, his hair messed up from a lack of gel, wearing a shirt that was too big for him, with a black eye. It was adorable, and kind of familiar.

I ran into him, and hugged him. "Scorpius!" I said, overjoyed to be able to hug him again, and smell him, and it was just so amazing…Until I realized that he still hadn't hugged me back.

"Hello, Grandfather," he said coldly, looking at something over my back.

AN: Oops! Looks like you're going to have to wait for another chapter till the dinner!(; Don't worry, I'll post it soon, I promise. 3

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