I know it's been a really long time since I updated this story but everyday I would open it, stare at it, and then when it was time to go to bed I would close it with no changes.

And then, when I saw Tuesday's episode, I was like, "Yeah, I gotta update." So I am.

I'm not sure if I like it so much, but tell me what you think and I know this not all of the Mommy and Me class, so don't fret because it's short.

Disclaimer still applies...

Mommy and Me, Together At Last:

"Do I really have to go?"


"Are you sure, because Rylin, you know she was pretty warm this morning…"

"She felt fine to me."

Ziva frowned and glanced back at Rylin's car seat before slumping back in her seat.


"Zi, we're already here." Tony commented.

Ziva looked at the Community Building and shuddered.

"I'm not sure…"

Tony opened his door and got out of the car, he walked around to Ziva's side and opened her door.

"You're going. I'll even forfeit my time of going to the movie shop, to go with you."

Ziva groaned and got out of the car while Tony took out Rylin's carrier.

"I did not ask you to go with me." Ziva commented as he, without touching her, led her to the front door.

"Yeah, well, if I didn't drive you here, you probably would have driven right past it, intentionally."

Ziva sighed, "I would have not-"

"Oh yeah?" Tony chuckled. He set down Rylin carrier in the hall of the warm building, and picked her up into his arms. "Tell that to Rylin's face."

Ziva frowned, "You cannot use my own child against me!"

"Uh, I believe I just did."

Ziva rolled her eyes as Tony lightly grabbed her hand, "Come on. Let's go."

Ziva shook her head, "I changed my mind."

"Come on," Tony strained as he tugged on Ziva's belt.

"No, you can't make me!"

"It'll be fine." Tony commented as he led her into the room. A few mothers, no more than three, stood in a center, with three babies.

They all wore nearly the same workout gear as everybody else.

"Okay, this is a really bad idea." Ziva whispered.

"No, it's not." Tony replied.

"Hi, you must be Ziva." A woman said as she walked up to Ziva and Rylin. She was a very pretty blonde with green eyes, and a little boy attached to her hip. She was slim in her light green jogging suit. You could hardly tell she had, had a child, she looked awfully familiar.

"Yes." Ziva answered quickly.

"Um, hi, I'm Giselle. And this," she gave a bounce to the baby on her hip. "Is Matt."

"Hi." Ziva said quickly.

"Who's this?" Giselle cooed at Rylin.

"Um, Rylin."

"Oh, wow, that's a pretty name!"

"Thank You." Ziva answered.

"Um, so, let me introduce you to everybody…" Giselle replied as she gestured for Ziva to follow.

"So, um, Zi, I'll just let you get to know everybody." Tony said as he turned to leave.

"You do that." Giselle said or rather snapped at him. Even though she looked like the supermodel, he hoped she was a lot nicer.

"Um, this is Gemma." Giselle said as she walked up to a brunette woman with hazel eyes and slightly tanned skin, even in the winter weather.

She looked very friendly as she smiled up at Ziva, "Hi. I'm Gemma. And this," she kissed her son's cheek, "Is Riley."

"Hi. I'm Ziva."

"What's her name?" Gemma asked as she looked adoringly at Rylin.

"Um, Rylin."

"Oh! That's really, really pretty! I heard it was a variant of Ryan, but like for a girl."

Ziva nodded, "Sure."

"Well, she certainly looks like one."

"Hey, I just realized we have a Riley and a Rylin that might get a little confusing."

"Yeah, but at least we have another girl." Another woman spoke up as she walked over to them.

She had auburn hair and blue eyes, almost as bright as Gibbs's, but she only other hand was a little darker in skin tone to him. A very fair, skin tone.

"Ziva, this is Alei." Giselle said as she introduced the woman.

"Hi." Ziva said quickly.

"She's adorable!" Alei squealed. "What's her name?"

"Rylin." Ziva said.

"Oh yeah, I heard of that name. It means little princess! I was kinda thinking about it for Bryn."

"Her name is Bryn?" Ziva asked.

Alei nodded, "Bryn Summer Madeline."

"Madeline, that is a Hebrew name. And Matthew too."

"Yeah, it means woman from Magdala. I don't know what it means, but it sounds pretty."

Ziva nodded, "Yes."

She looked at Matthew and smiled, "It means Gift of God."

"Yes." Giselle said as she looked at her son.

"Taison liked it too." Alei nodded.

Ziva heard Giselle sigh before excusing herself to check on something in another room, Alei's smile faltered.

"What is wrong?" Ziva asked.

"No, it's Giselle. She's got…not problems, but, I mean she doesn't like men that much."

"No, she doesn't like them period. Because of, what happened…She's over it, she's just not all that trusting with certain men."

"Oh." Ziva said.

"Yeah, that's why we kinda avoid the word boyfriend or husband." Gemma said in Alei's direction.

"I'm sorry! I forgot." Alei said.

"So…while she's out," she walked over to the circle carpet and set Riley down on the carpet. "They play on the carpet. We," Alei pulled out a few blankets. "can put Rylin, right here too."

"Okay." Ziva said as she sat down on the carpet.

Alei sat down next to Ziva, and helped her slowly unzipped Rylin's winter jacket, and then her hat.

"So, uh, that guy, who came in with you…" she started.

"Oh, uh, that was Tony. He is my…partner."

"Like, life partner?"

Ziva shook her head quickly, "No. No. Of course not. We work together at NCIS. He is my partner."

"Oh. Okay." Alei said. "You're probably wondering who Taison is…"


"It's okay. It's not always that easy to find someone to trust after…that." Alei spat the last word like spit on the ground.

"Relax," Gemma murmured as she placed a hand on Alei's knee. "You've got Taison, now."

"I know…it's just…I wonder how people, think it's okay." Alei said as she started getting worked up.

"Think what is okay?" Giselle asked as she entered the room again.




"It's not okay."

"No." Ziva said as she shook her head. "It's not."

Giselle ran her fingers through Matthew's light blonde hair, it looked familiar, so familiar and his light blue eyes, even though they were identical to hers, were familiar, "Not for any reason," she tickled Matthew's stomach, "But, you can't dwell on the past when got something so wonderful depending on you in your life."

Ziva looked down at Rylin who was smiling a toothless smile at her.

"It's best if you have someone to talk to. To let it out, once a week." Gemma said.

"Or else it's…just a meltdown waiting to happen." Alei said.

"That is good advice." Ziva said.

"Just because, they weren't made with love doesn't mean we can't love them." Gemma murmured. Ziva smoothed Rylin's hair, "That is a good quote. Who came up with it?"

"Me." Giselle said. "When I first started this group. It's something that helps, when you think that a baby is the worst thing to happen."

"But, how can you just forget?" Ziva asked. She never thought, she would fully engulf herself in the group, but this question had been tearing at her every night when it was dark and she was alone.

"You don't forget." Alei said as she bounced Bryn on her knee. "You just try and live your life. And not let it overcome you, and blur your vision when you should be focusing on them."

"There are times, when yeah, it'll come back up. But that's when your support person, can come in, and help you. To calm down, to not do anything rash, to make sure your baby is okay." Gemma said.

"Yeah, but starting over. Or trying to run away, it's not always the best idea." Giselle said in a calm manner as she looked down at Matthew. "Believe me, I tried. Especially after I escaped…"

Ziva's heart nearly stopped, she looked at the baby, that blonde hair did look familiar. So did her face, her voice, the way it quivered.

"Escaped from where?" Ziva asked cautiously, she didn't want to cause any issues during the class, it seemed so calm and happy, and it would only be her to ruin it.

Giselle looked up at her, curiously, "I-uh, just, don't like to talk about that part…"

"You were married, or close to it, once." Ziva said.

"What?" Giselle asked.

"To man, named Elijah."

Giselle's face whitened, "How do you know about Elijah?"

"Who's Elijah?" Both Alei and Gemma asked at once.

She looked down at Matthew, "She got him to you. She helped you leave. Then she got him to you."

Giselle looked at Ziva, "She distracted them, or at least I thought she did and I got out through a window."

"She said you were dead."

"Who?" Alei asked.

"Ameera." Giselle said as she turned and looked at her. "She brought me food, at the camp. She was there, to help us escape."

"I did not know her name; I just knew she was not like them."

"Wait, what? How do you know all this?" Alei asked.

"Because," she looked at Giselle. "She was there too."

Elijah mistress!

That'll be explained more next chapter. But again, I'm not sure if I like it so tell me what you think. So I can decided how I want this next chapter to go.

Til next time...