I know this has been done a million times, but i wanted to make my own =) Enjoy!

Kendall was scared. Thats right, Kendall Knight, the leader of Big Time Rush, was scared. See, he and his boyfriend, Logan, were going to tell everybody about there relashionship. For the past year, they had to sneak around to go on a date. Kendall knew it wouldn't last.

Kendall was in his room, waiting for Logan to get back from the studio. Gustavo was making Logan have 30 minutes extra of rehersal since he had a big part in the next song BTR was doing.

Kendall should remember to thank Gustavo someday.

He looked at the clock. Damn! Logan should be back any minute. They wern't going to tell the others right away, but they were going to do it after dinner. He really wished Logan hadn't made it that way. He could imagien Katie barfing up her fish sticks when Kendall told her.

Sure, Kendall's family loves him, but he thought his mother would be dissapointed in him.

He wasn't ready for this, he loved Logan with all his heart, but he didn't want him mother and sister to hate him. He didn't want to hurt Logan either.

Suddenly, Kendall heard a knock at his bedroom door. He got up and opend the door, to reveal his boyfriends beautiful face. "Hey, are you ready?" Logan asked. Kendall shook his head no, and went to go sit down on his bed again. Logan sat next to him and gave him a tight hug.

After Logan let go, he stayed silent for a few mintues. "Kendall," Logan spoke up "I love you. And nothings going to change that. Even if your mom is mad, well change her mind. I'll do anything to be with you." Kendall couldnt believe his ears. Logan was still supporting him?

"Wait, even if my mom was mad, you'd be with me?" Kendall asked. "Of course!" Logan laughed. "Kendall, when i say i love you, i mean it." Logan told him. Kendall looked into his lovers eyes. He really did mean what he ment. "Ok, I'm ready Logie." Logan smiled at him and pulled him into a kiss.

After dinner

Logan and Kendall were sat down on the couch, waiting for everybody to finish eating. Everybody came into the livingroom, and sat down next to Kendall and Logan. "Ok, whats so important?" Katie asked. Logan looked at Kendall and nodded. Kendall looked at his mom, who smiled at him.

Kendall felt tears in his eyes. His voice cracked as he spoke. "I love you guys. I'm so happy to have the life i have right now. A great family, great friends, and a great relashionship."

"Relashionship?" Carlos asked "I thought you were single." James said. "Its time for the truth Kendall." Logan told his boyfriend. "I know." Kendall told Logan "I know, Logie."

"Logie?" James asked Kendall. "You haven't called him that since 3rd grade." "Actually, i call him that all the time when... were alone..." Kendall told his friend. "What?" Carlos asked him confused. "Honey, what's going on?" Mrs. Knight asked. "Big bro, spill it." Katie told him.

"Me and Logan..." Kendall started. He couldn't finish. But he had to. "...are dating. We have been for a year.." Everybody was silent. Then everybody shouted "FINNALY!". Everybody was giving Logan and Kendall pats on the back "Wait, you knew?" he asked. "Yes sweetie," his mom replied "We've known since December." "How?" Kendall asked.

Katie laughed. "Next time, don't kiss under the misltoe when everybody is opening presents." "Hey," Logan replied "I thought you would be to distracted to notice." "Well then next time," James replied "dont make smaking noises when your lips touch." Logan blushed.

"So, your cool with this?" Kendall asked everyone. "Yes." everyone replied at the same time. Kendall smiled. He took his boyfriends hand and led them to there room. It was time to "celebrate"

I love this =)) do you guys like it? It was hard to come up with it. lol thanks for reading =)