First of all, let me again thank StarQuilter57 for the use of Sirin and his family in this work of fiction. Dear lady, my wish for you is speedy treatment and recovery.

To anyone not familiar with FanFic-I do not own or profit monetarily from this work of fiction. But emotionally, I am 'Paid In Full'.

Please excuse any errors-grammatical, spelling, etc. This work has been posted without the aid of a beta. ( Who no doubt would have 'red penciled' some portions. :0)

Dear Readers:

We will now visit Spock and Nyota during the final days of her pregnancy and then the delivery of their twin sons. Of course, friends and family are quite involved.. How is Spock able to surprise his beloved with his special gift? What assistance is received from his father, her family and their friends? Read, only if you want to see their bond grow even stronger and wish to get swept up into their lives and their deep love and devotion.

We will also be privy to the continued and growing male bond between Sirin, Lo'vaak and Spock. Hopefully, this relationship will be explored extensively through the birth of children, marriages and grandchildren. But that is really far down the pike.

I hope you enjoy.



Chapter 1

Amanda's Legacy…

A little while after he and Nyota moved into their home, Spock laid in their bed and watched his wife as she slept. It always amazed him that he never tired of just looking at her. In every activity of her life, his eyes adored her. Her hair lay loose against the pillow and he was able to determine that she was still in REM sleep. The sheet was pulled taunt against her growing belly and he had to resist the urge to kiss it. Nyota had predicted, that his human side would surface prominently during her pregnancy. He knew that at one time in his life, that thought might have distressed him. But as he remembered his father confession…'I married her because I loved her…" there was no shame, in his own personal evolution.

It was at a time such as this, that he almost could not believe how, his life, up to this point, had turned out. He had long ago discovered that everything good had come to him was because of or through Nyota. She, even though human, was the instrument pivotal to his maintained Vulcan center, his contentment and as illogical as it might seem, his happiness. What added to this in fullest measure was the presence of his sons, as they nestled inside his beloved's body. Every day he shared thoughts with their ever growing consciousness. At this point of their development they even sensed his presence before he reached out to them. Nyota would giggle and described their time of bonding as, 'Spock, taking the boys out for a little explore.'

He included her in these session when he placed her hand on top of his as his splayed across her abdomen. Spock had shown her how their sons looked and she had seen them as they touched one another and sucked their thumbs.

As a communication specialist she acknowledged their sons' need to hear sounds and voices, so Nyota read to them every day and familiarized them with the great musical masters. She kept a journal documenting every day of her pregnancy. On occasions, Spock played his ka'athyra and they sang together, just for them.

Spock was also very satisfied with the house that they now shared as man and wife. He remembered fondly how his cousin Sirin's family had welcomed them as they opened the door leading from the vestibule. Nyota was welcomed warmly by Sirin, and his family.*

Rachel, Sirin's wife had even bought dinner to their house that first day and they all shared it in the lovely dining room*. It was comforting to know that his cousin's wife had undergone three successful pregnancies, even though, with each, she had problems with copper poisoning. She and her mother, Esther, had immediately taken Nyota under their wings. Their oldest son, Jason, was so happy to be able to be around his 'Uncle Spock' again. He had grown into a mirror image of Spock, so much so that it set Nyota's mind racing as to how their own sons would look. The three children were very excited about the coming of new cousins.

Spock's initial request, as far as the location of a house was, 'in your neighborhood'. As it turned out, they were in truth neighbors because Sirin's backyard abutted theirs and they had made plans to place a common gate in the fence they shared.

Many nights since their arrival here at their home, Spock had thought about his mother. Not in the terrifying way that had caused nightmares and anger. No, these memories, softened by time were begging for a tangible outlet. This had bought him to a wonderful conclusion. He would memorialize his mother by duplicating her Vulcan rose garden in their backyard. He would make the area child friendly, and beautiful. It would be his own project from start to finish with a special addition that would have been impossible on Vulcan. He would center the garden around a fountain, similar to the one that was dedicated to his mother at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, her home city and state.**

Spock reached for the PADD that was on his nightstand and began taking notes-dimensions, stone paths, hedges, fencing, lantern selections and a sketch of the fountain he and Nyota had seen in that memorial garden. He had to formulate a plan to make sure that he would be able to surprise Nyota with this project. He was hoping to be able to work on it to its completion while Nyota was in the hospital after delivery of the twins.

When he told Sirin about his idea he instantly gained twelve additional supportive hands. When Lo'vaak's, Christine's fiancée had heard about it, he also volunteered. *** Sirin asked Spock if he would object to him continuing the garden into his yard. Spock agreed, as long as his was completed first, as a present to Nyota and their sons. This was agreed upon.

Sirin marveled at how domesticated Spock had become. While he was a cadet, with few exceptions, Sirin had only known him to be bookish and an introvert. His marriage and impending fatherhood had made him assertive, verbal and demonstrative. Sirin and his wife concluded Nyota was responsible for these wonderful developments.

Despite the fact that Spock no longer taught at the Academy, he would on occasion visit the site, seeking out old acquaintances. Besides that he was always ready to take on new competitors in 3D chess. They would post their challenges on the announcement board by the library. If only a game was involved, Spock was usually back home within an hour.

Nyota could feel that he was indeed restless, maybe he considered the possibility of going back to the Academy to teach. He had not brought up the subject, but she knew when he was ready, he would. Of course, she could imagine what he would say if she brought up that topic in light of the frequency of his visits to the Academy… "It is logical to keep contact with old acquaintances."

He would remind her, "After all, Star Fleet should hold special memories for both of us, how else would we have met? Our continued association might at some future time serve to benefit all parties." To a human it might seem that such a thought was self-serving, but to Vulcan it was viewed as forward planning, looking to the future with absolute purpose. And besides, she knew that while there at the Academy, playing 3D chess with students and faculty members he was catching up on all the new projects, classes, and departments proposed by the Academy. At this juncture, she was far too tired and preoccupied with decorating the nursery to really be proper company, so his actions were quite acceptable.

Nyota had just seated herself in the nursing chair and put her feet up when Spock came in, just a bit winded. He knelt down beside her and positioned his hand to 'speak' to his sons. Nyota brushed his slightly rumpled hair from his forehead.

"I do wish I could have joined you on your run," she whispered.

"Soon, Ashayam," was his reply as he kissed her. "That jogging stroller was given to the four of us," was his comment..

She smiled as he extended his hand to assist her to her feet and then as a second thought he grasped her firmly by the waist and picked her up and carried her to the backyard. Seated on a bench with Nyota on his lap he enjoyed the bright sunlight and imagined what the garden would look like and the joy it would bring to his beloved. He smiled inwardly and brought her closer to him burrowing his face in her hair. She sighed and snuggled closer and said, "This is where our boys will have their greatest memories-the times they will spend here with us."

"And we are starting them out now, and I think we should make this a daily activity," Spock whispered.

"I agree, we should walk everyday out here-our fresh air and exercise routine," she exclaimed.

Spock responded with, "Indeed."

He then gently placed his wife on her feet and tucked her arm into the crook of his elbow and they took their first steps.

She looked down at her belly and said, "OK boys, today is the first day of our Fresh Air and Exercise Program, hope you like it. If not, tough! You go where I go."

With that she smiled up at her husband and said, "OK Dad, lead the way."

Since all journeys start with the first step, here they were starting another one together. While they walked Spock mentioned that he had seen Sulu while at The Academy,

He informed her that Sulu was now serving as head of the Horticultural Department, but. to keep his skills as a pilot fresh, he also taught classes in that department. This was such a change from pilot on a star ship, but marriage could give one a new perspective.

Spock continued, "He told me to give you his regards. I invited him to visit us. Perhaps we can make dinner for our four families, if that is agreeable with you."

Nyota's face lit up, "Sulu is married!"

Spock always delighted in his wife's unbridled happiness and he visualized a weepy wife upon reunion with their ex-crew mate.

What he didn't tell her is that he had enlisted Sulu's assistance in the creation of a special gift for his wife.. It was with deep satisfaction that he lay beside his wife that night and experienced his sixth greatest inner smile ever.

Hope that you enjoyed it so far. Don't worry, we will be 'on time' for the wedding.


*See my story, 'Just Looking for a Home'' for information about this welcome..

**See Aashlee Elizabeth's 'Insights' chapter 'Devotion' for further 'insights' into Spock's mind set.

***See my 'Christine Story' re Lo'vaak.