title: counting stars.
written by: she is a firework.
notes: Drabble!Series, yay!






It's eleven minutes to midnight and Lucy is a new kind of lost

(perhaps because of her annoyance but probably down to all the vodka she's been drinking tonight)

but she really doesn't mind.

She stands in the middle of a street that she doesn't recognise and holds out her hands to cradle the flakes of snow, tumbling down to the ground, down into the palms of her bare hands. She acknowledges, even in her drunken stupor, that she most likely looks like an idiot. She doesn't care, though, because the logical part of her which is still hovering behind the alcohol-induced haze says that, because she's in a place she doesn't recognise, she won't see any people she recognises.

Therefore, Lucy doesn't give a damn what she does. It's not like anyone who sees will ever be able to recall it to her.

A familiar pair of hands come to rest on her shoulders. She giggles lowly, shaking the pale dust from her fingertips. "You followin' me, Natsu?"

"...Come on, Lucy, time for me to take you home."

Lucy wriggles in his all-too proverbial grasp, so that she's looking up—no, pouting up at that sculpted face and that pale red hair and those pretty amber-yellow-brown eyes that remind her of the summertime, the happier time.

She giggles, again. "I'd rather take you home."

And then he's against the wall, snowflakes on his clothes and that lunatic's lips pressed onto his own.

She tastes like everything he can't have.






notes: Lalalalaaa.