Chapter Nine: Finale

AN: LAST CHAPTER! It's been, what, three months now? Review!

"Alexa! Welcome to Archenland! You look like you're starving! Do they feed you in Narnia? Of course they do! Come! Have some food!" Lune boomed at me, smiling and laughing in delight. I decided I liked him.

What's so wrong with that? Nothing, that's what. He gave me food. I was in heaven.

But it wasn't Narnia.

Still, this gig was pretty good.

I was training, killing time, waiting for Corin to come. A swordsman walked up to me, curiosity rather than disdain on his face. "Hello."

"Good morn, Lioness."

I sheathed my sword, examining him. I looked up into his eyes – blue and grey. He was Gifted, lean and tall, with brown hair, obviously a fighter. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name, and how do you know mine?"

"Luas. Luas Skai. I know your name because there aren't very many handicapped women fighters. There aren't very many woman fighters, for that matter. Too few." I nodded, saying yes to both. "I was wondering if you'd – " he paused, unsure of himself, " – if you'd spar with me. I've been watching you, to see whether the rumors are true, and they are. You're incredible, even with that leg. I wish I could have seen you before, when you had your Gift and your magic and when you weren't injured, like you are now."

"I'll spar with you. Draw your sword." He did so, eyes lighting up. "I suppose I'd better warn you. I don't fight fair, and I didn't when I had two good legs, so be prepared – " I came at him, quickly, surprising him, " – for anything."

"Exhibit A?" he asked, grinning as he parried.

I nodded. "Exhibit A." I'll give him this: he was good. Very, very good. Good enough to quip intelligently while fighting. Strong, fast, flexible. "You're gifted in fighting aren't you?" I asked him.

"Yes." I grinned evilly. "Oh, I don't like that look at all."

"You shouldn't. Trust me, I am a liar." He laughed. "Watch your blind spot."

"What blind spot?"

My sword flew up to the side of his face, resting on his neck. "That blind spot."

"How long have you been here?"

"A day."

"You've been here a day and you've already gotten a spot in training?"

"I can be quite assertive when I want to be."

He grinned. "I can tell."

Yeah, I'll do fine here.


AN: One-shots about the Ride sisters shall continue to come, but for now, I'll slack off 'cause today was my first day of high school. First day + high school = not amused. Thanks for sticking around with me, even though I so don't deserve it.