This was just sitting around on my computer and my friends told me to post it that it was interesting. Gin and Aizen are one of my favorite OTP even though its obvious Gin's in love with Matsumoto. Well i wouldn't call that love its more like strange possessive ownership but looking beyond that. But anyway. This has the potential to be a main story. Hope you enjoy it and tell me if you want to read more? Penalty Shot and Tigers Wish on the Moon will be updated soon :D.

Summary: Out of boredom Aizen goes to the red light district where he meets a young prostitute. This boy catches his eyes and he can't help but bring him home. Little did he know what he was getting himself into. Pairings: GinXAizen, MasakiXIsshin, baby Ichigo and Hichigo with young Uloquiorra and Grimmjow Possible Renji X Shuuhei. Story is mainly about Gin and Aizen.

Fox Hunter

Aizen sighted as he drove around the Red Light District. He was a rich kid with the world all before him. He found himself just driving around not having much else to do. At the age of 16 he found himself bored and in need of entertainment.

He turned a corner and found himself parked outside of a male escort service with tons of different men pouring in and out of the area. Some men loitering outside dressed as scarcely as the male next to him trying to seduce the incoming customers to let them show them around town. Others were men dressed in business suits coming to acquire an escort to be shown around town. Aizen shook his head and put on his baseball cap and wig before getting out of his car and walking towards the building.

He walked through the masses of men each fawning over him sensing he was a high roller despite his apparently underage figure. He shrugged off arms that moved to stroke him as he walked and ignored calls for him coming from here or there. He walked till he was almost inside and that was when they first saw each other.

He was far too small and scarcely clothed to be outside tonight for any other purpose but one. Sosuke's brown eyes looked the small boy up and down. He wasn't even a teenager yet judging from his height and body structure. His hair was short and whitish silver color. His skin was pale as freshly fallen snow. The boy's eyes not visible behind closed lids making him appear more like a Kitsune then anything else as his lips had an oddly playful smile.

"You looking to have a good time?" The boy asked bringing his long lanky arm up to gently caress Sosuke's. "I'm better then any old geezer they have in there." He pointed towards the escort service. "And any sleazy slut out here."

Aizen rose an eyebrow. This kid was forward and knew exactly what he wanted from Sosuke.

"And my rate is much cheaper then anything you'll find out here or in there." He continued figuring he had his fangs in Sosuke. He leaned closer and moved his arm to take Sosuke's hand to his mouth. He gently licked Sosuke's palm before dragging his long slim muscle over the tips of the older boy's fingers and then began to gently suck on his middle and index finger. "I'm really worth every penny." He promised sucking the fingers harder and nibbling slightly. "Don't you want a taste?" The boy released his hand.

All of Sosuke's danger instincts were firing off at once. Something about this seemed so wrong yet he couldn't help himself. Something inside him screamed that he wanted to be right and he wanted to bring this child to safely. Something just told him he had to save this one. That he didn't belong with these others out here.

Sosuke offered up a smile. "Come we can talk more in my car." He said as he led the boy back to his car.

He opened the passenger side door for the smaller boy. Once he was inside Sosuke closed the door and walked across to his side. He got into the car and pushed the ignition button to fire up the engine of his sport car.

"Fancy car." The boy said trying to hide his amazement.

"How old are you?" Sosuke asked as he looked at the boy next to him as they drove.

"As young as you want." He replied running a hand through his hair. "I'll do anything you want minus that cutting bull shit. If I get cut up my master will have a fit. If that's gonna be a problem let me off at the next red light. If not then my rate is 50 for a blow, 120 for intercourse, 250 for an hour or 450 for an entire night." His words appeared carefully rehearsed.

Sosuke just nodded. "You're about 11 or 12 then?" he asked noting the boy's higher voice.

"I'll be how ever young you want." He replied again not interested in giving Aizen an actual age.

"Alright then." He said driving off to his pent house.

The boy once again stared in amazement at the large structure as it came into view. It was well over 20 stories high. Luxury apartments meant for the upper zoo as Aizen called them. This was only where he stayed while he was in school, this place paled in comparison to his Summer and Winter homes.

"Come on then." Aizen said pulling him out of his stupor as he opened the door for him in the parking garage.

The garage was filled with Mercedes, Porches, Audis and a few Ferrari and Lotus models.

The boy stared at all the expensive end cars. He had really landed a big fish. He might be able to make enough money not to have to work the rest of the week if he did a good job with this one.

Sosuke guided the boy over to the elevator and swiped his keycard sending the elevator straight to his floor, which was the highest story.

As the two of them stood in the elevator Aizen noted the smaller male was eyeing him. Sosuke decided now was as good a time as ever. He reached up and removed his ball cap and wig.

The boy stared in wonder as long brown strands of hair were released from Bobbie pens and cascaded down the older boy's shoulders. He couldn't help himself he reached out to touch.

Sosuke felt the boy's small fingers twirl around in his hair examining it and found it rather enticing. Once the boy realized he was being watched he stopped and instead placed his hands at his side.

He then leaned closer to Sosuke reminded the older male exactly what business they were in together.

Sosuke buried his hand in the boy's hair. He frowned when he felt the boy flinch away then force himself to remain still. He could only image what this child had been going through what he would be going through if Sosuke hadn't wondered down that street tonight.

"Will I wake your neighbors?" The boy asked looking up at him. "I've been known to be noisy. But I can be quiet too if that would please you."

"There's no need to worry about the neighbors." He assured the boy. "My only neighbor is the 19th floor and during this time a year those models are usually away doing shoots." He assured the boy.

The boy nodded and followed behind Sosuke as he walked out of the elevator and into the foyer.

Once inside the apartment the boy became very quiet almost as if he was waiting for something to happen.

Aizen noted this and smiled at the boy. "Come this way." He said leading him down the hallway.

The boy followed.

Sosuke stopped and quietly opened a linen closet and pulled out a large fluffy white Egyptian cotton towel. He handed it to the boy.

The boy marveled at how soft the material was. He rubbed it against his face slightly as he felt its smoothness.

"The shower is this way." He said opening the door allowing the boy to walk through it.

The boy's mouth dropped open as he saw the huge western style tub and separate shower.

"Go ahead and take a shower. Take as long as you want. When you're done come to the kitchen. I"ll leave a spare set of clothes for you to change into on the counter." He promised.

The boy rose an eyebrow. What kind of weird sex game was this? Take me to your house, make me take a shower then wear your clothes. He was thoroughly confused. But this guy was gonna pay him regardless of what ever weird ass game they were going to play.

The boy slowly took off his leather boots and unbuttoned his tight black leather pants. He continued to watch the door as he took off the small leather vest and fishnets his master demand he wear. He stood in the bathroom naked for a moment examining his body a few hickies from his earlier client were forming. He turned to examine his back end. He should be fine as long as this guy didn't demand a raw entrance regardless he'd wash himself thoroughly just in case.

He quickly turned on the shower to the hottest it would go not remembering the last time he took a hot shower by himself. He faintly heard the door to the bathroom open a few minutes later and steeled himself. But the door opening was followed only by the sound of something landing on the counter then the door closed again. The boy had looked quietly outside and saw the older teen was indeed gone again.

He washed until his skin was wrinkly and decided to get out. He looked around and found the other male had taken his clothes. This left him rather angry. Those were his and now they were gone. He looked around and found a large button up shirt on the counter along with an oversized pair of pants.

He slowly put the shirt on as he did he made sure to build up his shield so that this wouldn't hurt so bad. He still found himself crying slightly at the thought of what was going to happen to him. He wiped his tears away as he left the bathroom and moved to were he heard someone moving around.

He walked into the kitchen to find the older teen was heating up food from some take out place. "What are you doing?" He asked confused.

"I figured you would be hungry." Sosuke replied. "You look like you don't eat enough."

"I'm fine." The boy replied rubbing his stomach, which choose that moment to growl.

"Come sit and eat. You'll be okay it's not poisoned." The brunette said with a laugh.

"What is this exactly?" He asked sitting down. "You're going to have to pay me regardless you realize that don't you?" He asked messing with the food. He was so hungry but he knew better then to accept food from clients. It might have something in it that will make him act weird.

Sosuke pet his head. "what is your name? we've been together now almost an hour and I have no idea what it is."

"What ever you-" He was cut off by Sosuke's finger.

"I want your real name." Sosuke said smiling at him.

"Gin." He said quietly. "I was named cuz of my hair." He said quietly.

"Hello Gin, I'm Sosuke." He replied but everyone calls me "Aizen."

A flash of fear came into Gin's face for a few moments at the mention of his name but he seemed to catch himself. His face calmed after a few seconds and he smiled that same odd smirk from earlier that evening.

"So eat already." Sosuke replied as he moved to leave the room.

Gin ate the food hesitantly hoping he was living out this guy's fantasy to the best of his abilities.

Aizen walked back into the room he returned about ten minutes later wearing a pair of night pants and glasses. His hair was tied back in a ponytail. He sat down and watched Gin eat with amazement. The boy was just throwing down the food.

Finally Gin concluded eating and just looked at the shirtless teen before him. I guess it was time to get to business. He said to himself as he stood up.

Gin walked over to were Aizen was sitting and moved to sit on his lap.

Aizen smiled at him and put his finger to his lips. "Not tonight." He said smiling at Gin.

Gin looked confused. "You're going to pay me regardless." He said again. "I'm not spending my time with you for free."

Aizen nodded as he picked the smaller far to light boy up off the ground. Gin gripped onto the teens back for balance as he was carried to the bedroom.

He tensed when he felt himself lowered to the soft mattress. He steeled himself waiting for the other boy to get on top of him. He froze when he felt the bed beside him dip slightly and the brunette's back was facing him.

"what are you doing?" Gin asked as he crawled over to the taller boy. "Don't you wanna do it? You're gonna have to pay me if you do something or not."

Sosuke rose an eyebrow and turned over. "Do you want me to do something to you? " he asked propping his head up. "is that what you really want?"

Gin was speechless. Then he felt himself overcome with anger. "What kind of fucking mind game are you playing?" He asked upset. "Just fuck me already. There's no reason for you to be so nice to me. I'm not someone worth being nice too. Just use me and let me go."

"Is that really what you think of yourself?" Sosuke asked as he sat up and took the smaller boy into his arms. "You're just tired. Come lay down we'll talk in the morning."

Gin fought him for a few moments but the other teen was stronger and he eventually gave up and fell asleep.

Sosuke woke up the next morning feeling oddly relaxed. There was a small warm weight gathered on his chest. He lifted up the covers snickering quietly. On his chest was the little boy from the night before. Gin he had said his name was. Gin the Kitsune for sure. Aizen thought to himself.

Gin was curled up on Aizen's chest emitting a kind of content sound, his face was fully relaxed. That was how Aizen could tell he was asleep.

Sosuke gently let a hand out and began to pat the boy's head. He watched and noted when a quick look crossed the younger male's face. He's awake. Aizen noted.

Gin was lying still on his chest. Stiller then he had been when he was asleep.

Aizen watched him for another minute before gently turning onto his side. This caused the younger male to roll onto his stomach as Aizen moved to get out of bed. He pretended not to notice when the other boy spread his legs ever so slightly wider then the way he had landed.

Once Aizen was out of bed and shuffling around the room Gin was again confused staring at the man's well-toned shoulders and back as he went around collecting things for the a shower. It appeared Aizen's room had an attached bathroom to his room.

Aizen was discretely watching the boy over his shoulder as he gathered his morning sweat pants and shirt to wear as he loafed around since he didn't feel like attending school today. He looked one last time before getting into the shower.

Sosuke was quietly taking a shower thinking about the boy who was still lying in his bed. He had examined the clothes the boy had been wearing the night before. The leather boots with a slight heel to make him appear taller then he was. The fishnets to contrast his pale skin and make him look more alluring. The leather to make him appear older and body tighter used to give him a more appealing quality. Yet as Sosuke thought back to the boy he couldn't see him that way at all. All he saw was someone trapped and being exploited probably by a stronger male of some sort.

Gin looked over at the clock and began to panic. It was already 8:30. He should have been back to master hours ago. He was going to get it. He could feel it if he didn't take his money and leave soon.

Gin's body felt rested and relaxed after sleeping in Aizen's bed. This older boy had taken care of him and not used him once. Though Gin left plenty of opportunities. He'd have to make up a fantasy for his master so he would not get punished.

Gin gently placed two fingers in his mouth and began sucking on them. The best he could do was loosen himself up a little to prepare for when he got back to his master.

With a grunt Gin slowly pushed into himself allowing his fingers to move pasted the delicate tight ring guarding his entrance. He let out a breath and began to breath evenly as he worked his fingers in his hole making sure to stretch it adequately.

"Didn't I tell you we weren't going to have sex?" Sosuke asked coming out of the bathroom rubbing his head with a towel allowing long brown strands to dry.

Gin froze in the middle of fingering himself causing a blush to creep over his face. He'd never felt embarrassed before about touching himself in front of someone but having Aizen scold him seemed to have that sort of effect on him.

Sosuke walked over and grabbed Gin's wrist pulling his hand back gently allowing the fingers to slowly slip from inside the smaller boy causing him to let out a groan and whimper.

"How long?" Sosuke asked quietly picking Gin up and pulling up his pants.

Gin weakly fought to get out of Aizen's arms. "Let go. Let me go." He shouted wiggling around weakly.

Aizen tightened his grip on Gin, "Tell me how long? How long have you been out there letting other people touch you? Grope you? Fuck you?" He asked suddenly over come with a possessive feeling about this boy.

Gin whimpered. 'So his true nature is finally coming out…' The smaller boy went limp knowing it was better then fighting. If he was gonna get hurt there was no point in fueling the older boy's anger.

Aizen let the smaller male go and he fell onto the bed face first. He watched as the smaller boy merely spread his legs wide and turned his head to the side. Aizen let out a frustrated sigh as he turned away from the boy and walked out of the bedroom.

This move left Gin yet again stunned and confused.

Aizen walked into the kitchen and threw two pots onto the stove and moved to start his coffee maker. He filled one of the pots with water and turned it on then turned to the other and went to the fridge throwing butter into the other pan. He then began to calm down and went about preparing something to eat.

Gin quietly straightened himself up and slowly went into the kitchen. The clock there read 9:00. He knew if he didn't run soon his master was going to skin him alive. He coughed lightly causing Sosuke to turn towards him.

"I have to go now. I'll take my money." He said quietly not coming any closer to Sosuke Aizen.

Sosuke turned to him from the stove and turned the heat on low before going to get his wallet. He took out the required bills and moved to hand them to Gin.

Gin moved to take them but paused as he felt Sosuke hesitate. Gin's breath hitched when Sosuke spoke. He froze and looked up. "What?"

"Is that really want you want? To go back?" he asked quietly again as he leaned closer to Gin.

Gin's breath hitched as Sosuke got closer.

"I…I…" He tired to speak.

"He'll hurt you won't he? This master? Stay with me I'll protect you." Sosuke whispered gently bending down to Gin's height.

Gin gasped as he felt Sosuke's breath ghost over his ear. He felt himself whimper. He knew better then to flee. If he ran and his Master ever caught him, the price would be too high. He knew better. He knew he shouldn't but something told him Aizen was safety. That this Aizen would treat him well.

Gin felt a tears slide down his face. This was a large leap of faith he was about to take. He just hoped it was worth it. "You'll save me?" His voice was a quiet whisper.

Aizen merely bent down and picked up the crying boy comforting him.

Chapter 1 end. Let me know if you want to read more of this story :D Review Please :D