My Friend Pippa

By Carol M.

E/O Challenge…sly and royal wedding reference…Dean's stuck in the hospital and there's only so much to watch on television

Word Count: 100

Disclaimer: Don't own them, only love them


Sam grasped the doorknob of his brother's hospital room and slyly opened the door, surprised to see the night darkened room glowing with the light of the television. He was even more shocked to see what was playing.

"Dude, are you watching the Royal Wedding?"

Dean, his leg in traction, his face covered in purple bruises and stitched up cuts, gazed up at Sam with wide eyed, slightly drugged up innocence. "Gimme a break, man. I couldn't sleep and this is the only damn thing on television."

Sam smiled in amusement. "Right."

"Shut up," Dean retorted. "Pippa's kinda hot though."

That's All Folks!