Disclaimer:I do not own the rights to Treasure Planet; Disney does. I just own a copy of the movie, which I am very happy to have.

Evenings on Montressor were always Jim's favorite time. Though usually too dark to fly outside in peace, it was one of the calmest times during the hours he was awake. He enjoyed the silence that it brought, easing his mind of the worries and stresses his job as a captain brought. That, and he could be at home with his family.

At this moment he was reading the newspaper, though doing so aimlessly. In reality he's never understood how men could be so absorbed with the newspaper that they devoted more than an hour to it, ignoring all else with an air of importance as they flipped through the large, thin pages. Headlines about recent discoveries and how this invention or that made your life easier were skimmed over, then exchanged for the next bit of information. He usually got more out of wandering through the ports and people he knew than these voiceless sheets of paper. His attention wandered to the window next to him, the glowing spaceport visible along with a few stars. He sighed, smiling a bit. It would be nice to go visit the spaceport at night like he used to, but he did have responsibilities down here, and he would rather take care of his family than just gallivant around the port for the heck of it.


Jim blinked in surprise as his attention was brought back with the sound of a young voice. He peered over the paper in his hands, and found that his little five-year-old son standing in front of him. The boy looked a littleā€¦nervous. Jim sat up immediately, eyebrows furrowed mildly with concern. "Is something wrong?" he asked, all ears.

"...Can I sit with you?"

Jim grinned. "Of course you can. Come here." The little boy walked over to him, and Jim picked up his son as if he weighed nothing, placing him gently in his lap amidst the little one's giggles. Then he picked up his newspaper again and held it out in front of them so they could both read. This was probably one of the only reasons he kept the newspaper around so frequently; his son would often sit in his lap and read with him.

After a few moments, the little boy squirmed. "What is it?" he asked. He watched as his son knelt and put an ear to his chest. His eyes widened as the little boy smiled.

"Dad! Your heart sounds so loud! Why is that?"

Jim's voice caught in his throat. He couldn't answer immediately. He remembered that when he was about his son's age, he'd done this with his father. Although he couldn't excuse his father's behavior toward him and his mother, he understood what it meant to be a father now. He knew what it was like to wake up each day and think about how his little boy was growing older, and would one day have to face a universe that wasn't all fairytales. Sometimes he thought it would be better just to wake his son up from the whole thing ahead of time so he wouldn't get hurt later.


There were times and places for everything. Right now, his son didn't need a drill sergeant or a wake-up call. He just needed his daddy.

So Jim smiled and placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "That is the sound of my heart talking to yours..."

A/N: I did not want to leave this story hanging, just because I don't like doing a lot of sad stuff. So here's a continuation.

Your critiques and feedback are appreciated. I know this story isn't canonical in the first place, but this second part stretches more into the unknown, so what you have to say is extremely important to me. ^U^