
Hey again:) This story is probably gonna be a few(or more) chapters long. Its a Fraphne, eventually. I hope you like, and please review:) Constructive critisism helps:) I went back to school today,and its depressing:( Not as much time to write stories:) But never fear, Livvie's here today;) Haha I'm lame. Anyway, enjoy!

Coolsville High was a popular high school. Ask anybody who went there. Including a group of friends, and their dog, who solved mysteries for people wo thought their houses were haunted. But it always turned out to be a hologram, or a man in a mask. There it starts...

"Hey, Daph!" Fred shouted over to his friend. She was standing by her locker, and although people were swarming everywhere, he managed to find her.

"Hi Freddie", Daphne smiled at him weakly, as she noticed his girlfriend, Jasmine Stone, walk upto him. Daphne and Jasmine had been best friends when they had first started Coolsville high, but Jasmine had always been jealous of Daphne's beauty. Now, she and her little group of friends, including a freckley girl called Lana, and a spotty girl called Kitty. After an arguement a couple of months ago, the two had broke friends, and Jasmine found Lana and Kitty. She knew Daphne had feelings for Fred, after a sleepover in seventh grade. That lead to Jasmine asking Fred out soon after she had broke friends with Daphne. They had been together for almost 3 months, and whenever she was around, she would tell Daphne to back off and go away whenever she felt threatened.

"Daphne, leave. Stop making a move on my Freddie!"Jasmine whispered, when Fred went to his locker.

"What? I'm not doing anything! All I'm doing is minding my own buisness!" Daphne cried, and stormed off, tears in her eyes.

It always confused Fred how one minute Daphne would be there, he'd go and do something and he'd return to find her gone. He knew about the arguements between them, but he never said anything. "Hey Daph, I got this mystery book to show you-" Fred's voice trailed off when he once again realised Daphne had gone. "She went to class", Jasmine lied, acting innocent.

"Oh". That was all Fred could manage. He cared for Jasmine, but he found her a little clingy, and annoying.

"I'll see you later, Freddie, I have math",she told him, giving him a kiss.

"Okay", Fred replied, trying to get away to his class.

When he eventually arrived at his geography class, he discovered he was 5 minutes late.

"Detention, Jones", his teacher, Mrs Cadell, shouted. Fred nodded his head, and went to his seat. He was surprised that Daphne wasn't in the seat next to him, as she usually was, infact, she wasn't in the room at all.

As his teacher started the lesson, he looked up at the clock, and noticed Daphne was 15 minutes late. Sure, she had been late a couple of times, but nothing like this. Velma and Shaggy also shared this class, and they sat afew seats down. Velma was growing worried that Daphne still wasn't here. She put up her hand, and when her teacher finally answered, she asked if she could go the toilet. With Mrs Cadell's consent, she stood up and made her way to find her friend. The toilet plan had been a ploy to try and find Daphne, and she knew where her friend would probably be. She went to the little door that was reserved for cleaning things, which hadn't been used for years. Daphne always hid there when she was upset or angry, only no-one but Velma knew this. Not even Fred. Sure enough, Daphne was sat on the little bench that had a mop on it.

"Daph? You ok?"Velma asked her friend.

Daphne sniffed. "Uh huh. Jasmine was just so mean again", she sobbed, and Velma comforted her.

"You really love him, don't you?"Velma asked, and with the nodding movement of Daphne's head, she gave a small smile.

"Well then, do something to make him love you back".

" Velms, thats the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I can't make him love me", Daphne said, her tone bitter.

"Well, your the biggest drama queen I know", Velma giggled.

"Thanks! Well, I guess I could give it a shot", Daphne smiled.

"Go for it", Velma said, and they both walked upto class together.

"I found Daphne, Mrs Cadell", Velma said politely.

"Where have you been?"Mrs Cadell asked Daphne, sternly, trying to act calm, as she could see the girl's tear marks on her cheeks.

"I felt sick",Daphne told her, and Mrs Cadell nodded her head.

"Just sit down then".

"Daph, you ok?" Fred asked, concern laced in his voice.

"Yeah. Just a headache", she told him.

"Have I upset you?" he asked, questions swarming round his mind.

"No", she answered truthfully, putting on her biggest fake smile.

"Good", he sighed in relief.

The rest of the lesson went in a blur for Fred. However, for Daphne, it went very slow. Thinking of things to get Jasmine out the picture was very hard, but she would soon think of something.

Ok, I know this is real short, but I have quite a bit of homework to do already. Ugh:/ Thanks for reading, love Liv xxxx