A/N: Okay, this is the second part of the fic, written due to the numerous fans of Omorashi who demanded it. Like the first part, this is OMORASHI, which is oee desperation. If this is not your kink, then don't read it.

Sunlight pouring through the window, Squall blearily opened his eyes, squinting past the blinding glare.

Sunlight...? Oh shit!

He had a midterm that started in five minutes, one he wouldn't be allowed to take if he arrived late. Tugging his boxers off, he threw on his leather pants, ignoring the need for underwear and pulled a white tee over his bare torso, before rushing out of the dorm.

He was half-way to class before he realized he had to piss, but he had no time to stop. He'd be lucky if the instructor would still let him even take the test late as he was. He couldn't afford another delay.

Rushing into class, he let out a small sigh of relief as the instructor nodded him over to his terminal. The test already up, he started typing away.

It had only been about five minutes before he found himself unable to sit still. The pressure in his bladder was steadily increasing and the stiff plastic chair he was seated on only added to the discomfort. Shifting, he tried to move his focus back onto the test.

Twenty minutes later, he could barely see the screen in front of him. His usual leather pants were hot, slick with sweat as he tried to hold on. He swore he could feel the pee just on the edge, could imagine it slowly pushing its way forward-

Quickly he grabbed his throbbing penis, desperate to hold on. Pissing himself in class would be the ultimate humiliation; Seifer would never let him hear the end of it.


The bastard was the whole reason he was in this predicament in the first place. If the idiot hadn't show up at his door at twelve in the morning, demanding a spar, he would have gotten up on time. No tardiness and no achingly full bladder, ready to burst.

He had to bite his lip to stifle the moan that wanted out as his abdomen clenched.

Fuck the test, he was acing it anyway. Keeping dry was far more important now.

Submitting the unfinished exam, he rocked forward, hands on his knees and he used everything he had not to let go. His crotch was wet with sweat (Please let it be sweat) and he wasn't even sure he'd be able to get up by the time they were let out. He wanted so much to grab his dick, but anyone could see it if he did; Seifer could see it, the blond sitting right behind him.

Finally, the instructor let the class out, and he was out the door. Refusing to let his need overpower his pride he kept his posture as straight as his bladder would allow as he stumbled towards the washroom. It wasn't long before the halls had cleared and once everything was silent, he bent over grabbing himself desperately. It wasn't enough this time and he felt a hot, short stream of urine splash against his leather pants. He could feel it drip, drip, drip against his knee and slowly roll down his calf.

Standing straighter, he rushed towards the restroom. The door coming up to his right quickly (but not quick enough and he felt hot dribbles leaking from the tip of his cock), he shoved the door open. Or he would have if it hadn't been locked. Staring up in surprise, he could barley comprehend the Out Of Order sign tacked up.

Another hot spurt leaked out, this one longer, and he could feel the wetness rolling down further, soaking into the cuff of his boot. Grabbing his cock, he tried to forcefully hold it in. The leather was unforgiving and all he could really do was press against it. It was enough for now.

The girls room was just a few steps away, and he hobbled over to the other door. It was agony as a similar sign was posted there as well. Bouncing a bit, he pressed harder, the pressure making him moan in pain.

A short stream rushed out past his painful grip, followed by another longer one. It was too much for him as he eased the pressure off his dick and then it was bliss. The hard stream beat against his leather pants, not soaking it but splashing against the hydrophobic fabric, drowning out the loud hissing as his bladder slowly emptied.

The relief was imminent and he found himself rubbing his aching prick slowly as he emptied himself. The urine was pouring over his boot and forming a large puddle on the tiled floor beneath him. As the last of the piss left him, he let out a final sigh of relief and glanced up.

Right into the stunned face of his rival.

He felt himself pale before a deep flushed worked itself up his body, cheeks aflame as dread and embarrassment washed over him. Unable to think of anything to justify the situation, he turned and ran. He'd shower off before hiding himself away in his room.

They had a lot of secrets between them, he just hoped this would be another one.