Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight Stephanie Meyers does. I however own this story and sexy Barward turned super- hot Rock God.

Thanks to my Beta NeeNee246

"Thus hath the candle singd the moath."

Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, 1596

Chapter One

I sat watching my unbelievably gorgeous husband. His hand was slowly inching up my leg. I tried to be firm as I shot a look at him.

"Don't you dare put your hand any higher," I giggled at the breakfast table. "Your mom will be back with the children at any moment." Edward didn't listen. Damn him and his magic fingers. Why was I still so weak to his powers? "Edward." I tried to get up but his hands were almost near my panties.

"We have time, love." Edward pulled me onto his lap.

"Is three times not enough for you for one morning?" I knew we weren't the sex craved couple we had been years ago but it had been a while since I had three orgasms in one day let alone one morning.

"You know it isn't." Edward smouldered attacking my neck. I moaned feeling his tongue taste my skin. I couldn't remember the last time we had been this wild. Three children really took it out of you. "You know we have to make the most of our alone time."

The fire was building. I knew I was about to give in. Even after ten years with my green eyed bar man my body still reacted with pure fireworks when he touched me. I was helpless. Edward could feel my defences dropping.

"That's it, love," Edward began to undo the buttons of my shirt. "Give in to me. You know what I can do to you. Let my fingers do the talking. " I was panting now, clinging to him like the sex craved woman I had always been.

I moaned feeling him remove my panties. "You don't play fair."

"You want this as much as me." Edward smirked going in for the kill and I was lost letting him take me on our kitchen table. . . .

The doorbell rang while we were straightening ourselves out.

"Are you going to get that?" Edward laughed knowing I looked like I had just been well and truly fucked. Damn him!

"You are so dead," I glared going to the sink to splash some water on my face before I went to the door. I yelped as Edward hit my ass winking at me. Why did he still have to be so breath taking, in every single way?

"You know how I love our alone time. I feel we never get enough of it anymore."

"But you wouldn't change our three little angels for anything." I smirked kissing his lips. Knowing my words were true. He doted on our three children as much as me. Edward was a wonderful father. In our ten years together I never knew happiness could feel this way.

"You know me too well. You better let our angels in." Edward smiled getting up to clear our breakfast plates. Which were in a bit of a clutter after our little activity? God, what his hand and tongue could do. "The door, Bella," Edward laughed watching me drool over him and the images of what we had just been doing on that table.

"Right," I snapped out of my daze racing for the front door.

"Mommy," Hope reached for me from Esme's arms as soon as I opened the door.

"Hello baby," I cooed hugging her tightly.

"Mom, can you yell at Jack. He has been pulling my hair all morning." Grace pouted clinging to my waist.

"I didn't, mom. Grace is lying." Jack gave me his puppy dog eyes. All I saw was his father. Our boy was going to break hearts when he was older.

"Why would Grace lie, Jack?" I questioned. "Please do not pull your sisters hair. You know she doesn't like it." Jack rolled his eyes wondering past me to find Edward. "Thank you, Esme." I smiled hugging her while Hope still clung to me.

"No problem, Bella. I can't stop. I have a meeting to go too." Esme smiled placing the bags down.

"Thanks mom," Edward called coming up behind me wrapping his arms around me waist. "We really appreciated you having the kids."

"You know we never mind." Esme smiled starting to wonder back down our drive. "Do you still need us to baby sit at the weekend?"

"Yes please."

"That's not a problem. Carlisle wants to take them out for the day. He has booked the weekend off so he can spend time with them."

"Thank you, Esme." I called as we waved her off. They really were amazing grandparents.

"Daddy," Hope leaned over me to fall into Edward's arms.

"Hello Baby. Did you miss us?" Edward cooed wondering down the hallway with our youngest bundle of joy. Hope reminded me so much of Grace at that age, apart from her chocolate eyes.

"Dad," Jack called from the living room. "Can I play my new PlayStation game now?"

"Did you finish your homework while you were at Nanny Esme's?" Edward questioned as he put Hope down. She skipped off to her large pink toy chest.

"Y . . .Yes." Jack squirmed. Both Edward and I smirked at each other. We knew our son too well.

"Let's see the homework then, Jack." I smiled putting my hands on my hips.

Jack huffed storming past us. "Where are you going, Jack?" Edward asked.

"To finish my homework so I can go on my game." Jack looked at me. I ruffled his hair as he walked pasted me.

"That's my boy," I beamed as Jack raced up stairs.

Family life was everything I could ever have hoped for. Grace was now ten and growing into a strong minded young woman. She was top of every class at school. Her long bronze hair had a slight curl to it. She looked more like her father as each year passed.

She knew nothing about the first few years of her life. Alex was someone Edward and I hardly spoke about now. We had moved on. Alex was behind bars and always would be.

I admit I had nightmares about Alex the first few years. I was scared he would find me and my family but as the time slipped away I realised Edward and I really had won. Alex was gone – for good. I didn't need to be afraid of someone who was locked away.

Jack our middle child was now eight. Boys can be a hand full but I could never stay mad at him. Jack was in every way the image of his father. I had two beautiful men in my life now.

Jack loved sport and music. My heart still melted each time I watched Edward teaching our son to play the guitar.

Our youngest, Hope, wasn't planned. Edward and I had conceived her while Eclipse were on their world tour. I hated when Edward toured. He would be away from me and the children for months at a time. The sex was always mind blowing when Edward and I finally saw each other, hence Hope being conceived.

We had just celebrated Hope's fifth birthday. She was the only one of our children who had my colour eyes and dark brown hair. She was adorable and seemed to have quite the gift for music. Edward was evident in all our children. I could not have been happy with that fact.

I sat in the garden, watching the children help Edward fix their new climbing frame. I loved our time in Seattle. The cottage had been extended in such a way I wasn't sure I could call it a cottage anymore but I was glad Edward wanted us to settle here rather than the other properties we had around America. This had always felt like home to me. Having Carlisle and Esme near was such a blessing. I never knew just what a handful three children could be.

"I'm going to make you a daisy chain, mom." Grace smiled with a handful of daisies sitting next to me.

"Thank you Gracie," I breathed watching her little hands link the flowers together.

"Did you want a coffee, love?" Edward asked me wondering over after fixing the climbing frame. Jack was already half way up it. He was such a little monkey.

"I'll make it," I got up but Edward still followed me into the kitchen.

"You are still thinking about earlier aren't you," Edward whispered running his hand up by back. I held back a groan watching the kids playing outside.

"I had been a while." I whimpered feeling his lips graze my neck.

"I'm sorry I have been away so much these last few months. I have told Garrett not to book anything for next month. I want to concentrate on you and the children."

I turned to run my hands down his chest. How was this possible? Still I yearned for him just like the first time I ever met him. Actually, probably more – I knew just what powers he could hold over me now.

"Edward, I want that too but Eclipse is your job. You can't let the band or your fans down. That isn't who you are. We always knew it would be this way once all the children were at school."

"It's more difficult now, Bella. I hate being away from you. I know I can't cart you all around with me anymore." Edward sighed sadly.

"But we are always here waiting for when you get back." I smiled kissing his lips softly.

"I know that but . . . I just hate leaving you all."

"I love you." I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck. "I wouldn't change anything. I love our life. I hate you leaving too but I just count the days until you return. You are Rock God Edward Cullen after all. I know I can't keep you to myself all the time." Edward chuckled as I pressed my lips against his. "Your fans would mob me if I did that."

"I never planned to be away from you so much." Edward pulled me close against his chest running his hand through my hair. "Fame comes with a price. I understand that now." I knew what Edward was talking about. The main reason we stayed in Seattle was because the cottage was untraceable. Edward was an even bigger mega star now than when we got married. Everyone wanted a piece of my husband. I knew it scared him at times. How everything was out of his control. Some of his fans were crazy and I mean crazy.

"Hey," I turned his head pulling him out of his daze. "After what we had to face we can achieve anything. Remember that."

"I know," Edward smiled kissing my lips before reaching for the milk.

"I'll let you have your wicked way with me again later if you smile." I whispered in his ear. Edward turned to beam a breath taking smile. "I thought that would make you smile." I laughed taking my coffee to walk outside.

"I love you Mrs Cullen." Edward called. I turned drowning in the warmth of his eyes as he looked at me. Fuck me, my life was perfect. It could not get any better.


"This isn't going to be like your award." I breathed looking around trying to find our table.

"Bella, relax," Edward chuckled rubbing my back. "You are as white as a ghost."

"I'm nervous." I admitted finding our table. Luckily it was empty for the time being.

"But you deserve this award. You are an amazing author."

"I write biographies, Edward. It's hardly Shakespeare." I moaned.

"Stop putting yourself down," Edward held out the chair for me to sit down. "Is this why you only wanted me to come with you?" I looked down at my napkin. "Bella," Edward lifted my face to up to meet his eyes. "You are an amazing author. You deserve this award."

"Oh My God," I was about to speak when a lady screeched towards us. "Am I dreaming." The blonde screamed standing in front of Edward. I rolled my eyes standing up to get rid of this groupie. They were fucking everywhere.

"I'm really sorry but my husband and I were really hoping to have a quite meal before the award show."

"This is your table?" She replied excited. "It's mine too. Wow, this night is going to be better than I planned." I moaned sitting back down, while the blonde groupie planted herself next to Edward. "I'm Cathy." I really didn't give a shit who she was. If she didn't stop eye fucking Edward, I would scratch her eyes out.

The rest of the table took their seats not long after Cathy joined us. I was with a few familiar faces and once the table got chatting Cathy finally came up for air with Edward.

"Are you okay, love?" Edward smiled squeezing my knee under the table.

"I never thought she would shut up," I giggled looking over at Cathy who was fixing her lipstick.

"I'm not sure what's funnier. The dress she pulled herself into or the fact she thinks she has pulled me when I am hear with you - the love of my life."

"Kiss me," I smiled touching his face softly. Edward didn't hesitate as he crashed his lips urgently against mine. I pulled him closer, my hands found his wild hair. I was slowly burning for this man. Just like every other kiss he had ever given me Edward took me over completely.

"Better?" Edward smiled crookedly at me as the kiss broke.

"Much better thank you." I smiled looking at Cathy with her mouth open wide. That's right bitch, back off. He is mine.

I wasn't the jealous type normally. I trusted Edward with my life. He had to behave a certain way with his fans but I knew it was an act. I was the only woman Edward wanted. Just as he was the only man I would ever love for the rest of my life.

It didn't however stop the green eyed monster coming out on occasions. Cathy had tested my patience. Eye fucking my husband in front of me was not a good idea.

"Bella?" I heard a familiar voice. I turned to smile as I noticed one of my old clients.

"David," I smiled getting up to greet him. "I didn't realise you were in New York."

"I'm presenting an award." He smirked. I raised an eyebrow at him. "That Biography you did on Sir Winter's was awe inspiring Bella. The last chapter brought tears to my eyes."

"You are presenting my award?" I beamed. I wasn't perhaps quite as scared now.

"I came especially for that honour." David smiled moving his eyes to Edward. "Finally, I get to meet you. Pleasure to meet you, Edward. You have an amazing wife." David held his hand out to Edward.

"I am aware of how amazing my wife is." Edward frowned shaking his hand.

"I'm sure you do," David smiled. "Well, I better take my seat. See you later, Bella." David moved into the crowd as I turned to nudge Edward.

"What was that?" I laughed a little angry with his tone at David.

"That was David Armstrong?" Edward raised an eyebrow at me. What was his point?


"I thought he was old." Oh my God was he for real. Could Edward be anymore adorable?

"You are thinking of his grandfather." I smirked sipping my wine. I was going to have so much fun teasing him.

"All those late nights were with him last year."

"And the overnight stop overs," I added watching his face drop. "Rome was quite an eye opener. There was only one room left when we arrived at the hotel."

"That's not funny, Bella."

"You should see your face," I giggled pressed my lips against his. "Yes, David is a good looking guy but he doesn't even compare to you."


"Edward, you have the whole female race in love with you. I can never understand why you have these insecurities."

"I don't care about the female race, Bella." Edward placed his hand on my face as he softly spoke. "All I care about it that I will always be enough for you."

"Of course you are." I shook my head in disbelief. Edward was the one who was hunted by almost every female on this planet yet he was the insecure one. I could never understand that about him. He had told me time and time again it was because he loved me so much. His only fear was losing me and the children. He was insane, like that would ever happen. "Edward, you and our children are my life. Nothing would ever stop me wanting you."

"Sorry," Edward breathed in relief. "I know I am being stupid. I guess I won't ever be able to change a habit of a lifetime."

"I wouldn't want you any other way." I whispered running my hand through his hair. "My sexy barman." Edward smirked kissing my lips softly as the lights went down for the awards.

"Oh crap," I breathed nervous.

"You'll be fine, love. I am here." Edward was right. I took a deep breath and waited for my queue to collect my award.

The award ceremony went by fairly quickly. Luckily my award was towards the beginning. I knew I was as red as a beetroot as I collected the award. I wanted to give a big speech just like Edward had done at his life time achievement award but my nerves would not let me. I wondered if I would ever have as much courage as my husband. I could never play to crowds of over seventy thousand like he did.


"Thank God that's over," I breathed as we entered the hotel room. I hadn't even put my hand bag down before Edward pushed me hard against the wall.

"I'm going to make love to you against this wall, Bella." Edward smouldered, his hands moving up under my dress. "Do you remember how wild we were when we first met? I am going to be that man tonight. Wild- wanting every inch of your skin at once. I am going to fuck you until you can take no more."

"Fuck Edward," I moaned feeling his hands inside my panties. "Where the hell has all this come from?" I couldn't remember the last time we had been this wild. Like I said three kids took a lot out of you. It had only been a few days since our kitchen antic. I wasn't complaining. Fuck no, this was heaven but I did wonder why Edward was acting this way. Was he keeping something from me or was he just really horny this month?

I stopped analysing everything as I felt my dress slip down my body and Edward's fucking magic fingers began to do things to me that should be illegal. Edward was just horny I was over thinking everything.

I groaned into his mouth as I felt him consume my every desire.

Bella and Barward(Rock God) are back Yay!

So what do we think? Are we excited?

Bee xx