Oh yeah... I forgots to put a list of mah Pokemanz on her. Ones wiff "(X)" means dead.

Dean the Venusaur. Level 5 to Level 51 (X)

Sam the Pidgey. Level 2 to Level 3 (X)

Krystal the Primape. Level 3 to Level 30 (X)

Tori the Rattata. Level 3 to Level 4 (X)

Ember the Metapod. Level 3 to Level 8

Sam2 the Pidgeotto. Level 5 to Level 33 (X)

Naz the Graveler. Level 8 to Level 45

Gisselle the Spearow. Level 6

Nemesy the Diglett Level 18

Carter the Magikarp. Level 5

Marco the Electrode. Level 16 to Level 46

Zarmin the Vaporeon. Level 25 to level 52

Cyrus/Glenn the Dodou. Level 26

Ashton the Rhyhorn. Level 25

Morgan the Nidoran . Level 30

Quincy the Lapras. Level 25

Kenny the Omanyte. Level 5

Isyk the Aerodactyl. Level 5

Shoelace the Grimer. Level 28

There they are. 19 Pokemon were collected over my journey, and only 5 died. Wow.

I'm working on Johto, but since I just bought Platinum, I'm more worried about checking out Sinnoh first before starting up anything else. I probably should have bought Platinum before I bought White. Ah well, the Crystal Nuzlocke will be up... I don't know. I'm thinking a week? Probably more?

Loves ya, and stay calm until it's ready.