Disclaimer: I'm not own Vocaloid. It belongs to their respective owner. But, I still have this fic!

"Wake up, Rin, please wake up! Don't sleep!" said a worried voice in her mind.

Everything is black in her world, black and white, nothing more. Why? It is because she found out, that her dear brother going out with a teal-haired girl he found, and eventually betray her. Yes, she is his sister, known as Kagamine Rin and the brother known as, Kagamine Len. They are orphan, but they have enough money to live by their selves.

"Len, let's call the doctor!" said other voice with worried tone in it.

After that, Rin feel nothing, nothing weird or strange, just nothing. She even can't feel any warm from other. Sometimes it sounds creepy, but she likes the feeling of nothingness in her mind.

I'm sleepy… will you guys leave me alone and let me go to Papa and Mama… in heaven.

In other place, a blond-haired guy, with a teal-haired girl, come to the doctor, whom taking care of Rin. The doctor shuffled around his medic file, and eventually talk to them, "So, this Kagamine Rin is a family of yours isn't it?" ask the doctor.

The blond-haired boy just nod at the doctor statement, and then he said, "I'm his… twin brother, sir. My name Kagamine Len," answer the boy.

"Ha-Hatsune Miku, Rin… friend," answer the teal-haired girl.

The doctor watching the kid in front of him, from their story earlier, it looks like, Kagamine Rin fall into deep slumber because of them, and simply, refuse to wake up. But, it won't be that long, the problem is what happened after she awakens.

"Well, this sister of yours is… in a deep coma," said the doctor.

Len just gasped, and ask the doctor, "Will she awake?" ask Len.

The doctor smile a little and nod, it made Len and Miku sigh of relief, but then the doctor face stiffen, "Can I ask what she said before she pass out?" ask the doctor.

Len just shivered by the thought. Before she passed out, Rin screams like she is in the hell. And it made him regret, why he said to Miku that he loves him, and when Rin just standing outside of the room? It must be broke Rin from inside, and now she just sleep in the hospital bed, worser than Miku conditions.

"She… said… that she can't feel anything, she can't feel the warm, and she looks like she can't feel the pain when she try to hurt herself, she just feel nothing," answer Len truthfully.

"Rin also said that she wants to go to heaven, so she can see her father and mother… by commite suicide, that's when we throw her knife and she just fainted like that," add Miku. She feels some regret to make someone suffer like she did before.

The doctor just sigh in understanding, he know that those kids through a lot, although they still 17 or 18 years old. And then he talk again, "Anything other than that?" ask the doctor again.

Len and Miku just shake their head a little, and then the doctor said again, "Well, I start from the good news for you, Rin won't sleep that long, maybe around one or two month, 3 months is the longest time she will be sleep, and she won't forget anything about you two or anything…" said the doctor.

Len and Miku feel a little relieved to hear that, but they hear about some bad news from the doctor, so they stiffen once more. Len then asked, "What is the bad news?" ask Len.

The doctor know that he shouldn't hide the truth, well, he can't anyway, so he just said, "The bad news is, after Kagamine-san awakens, she will clearly have no emotions, she laugh, but not really laugh, when she stab herself, she will not feel any pain, and along the way she won't see any color except black and white, and she just lost her sense. She will sleep longer, and on one point she will never awake again, she talk less too, and eventually lost her voice," answer the doctor.

"No way!" said Miku in horror, that's the worse thing she ever heard, worser than knowing that Rin will sleep for a long time. Her state is the same as a doll, a living doll that walking below the sun.

"Doctor, please tell me that's not true!" Len shouted at the doctor in disbelief, no way he can bear seeing his beloved one to live like that. He himself won't bear with it, seeing her live but not alive at the same time. It is the same as Rin already die.

The doctor sighed, and then he said, "I'm afraid that it's mostly true. Kagamine-san just refuse to live, and have no reason to live her life right now and she will try to commite suicide all the time, protect her by any cost," said the doctor.

Len and Miku just silence, and some awkward silence surround the air around them, and then Miku ask, "Is there any way to make sure that Rin will back to her happy time?" ask Miku.

The doctor smiled, it made some hope lit in Len hearts, so there is some way, and the doctor know it. The doctor then said, "This is indeed a rare case, but, it does have its own cure, and it involve you two, deeply in it," said the doctor.

"Please tell us, whatever it is, I swear to bring back Rin smile," said Len. He hold himself to not over reacts with the doctor statement, but he promises himself to bring back his dearest smile, once more.

"Well, it is easy and hard at the same times, the cure is, you two… need to teach her the meanings of emotions once again, every one of it, sad, grieve, pains, happiness, bliss, warm, all of them. It might take eternity for her to understand every one of it, but, it is the only way for her to recover and take one more steps, to live once more," said the doctor.

"How we do that?" ask Miku. She wishes she can help, but, how they can teach some emotions that revolve a practice? Like… pain, for an example. Did they need to hurt her… directly? That's not an answer or a choice in this case.

"When she learns it, she will feel it by herself, it is easy to see it from her face, and then she will lighten up, even just a bit. And please, make her walk around for now and then, to avoid the fact that she will never walk again in the future, and make sure she talk a lot, even just a slightest noise will do, you need to give her some affection, so she can start feeling again. The last thing is, never let she bring anything that can be used to commite suicide, or she will try it, and end up in the hospital again," answer the doctor. He then leaves the room and gives a 'good luck' sign to them.

Len and Miku are in silence, they busy with their own thought and regret. Len punch the wall a little for his regret to hesitant to take Rin, now he has a probability to lose her smile forever from his live. And Miku regret it, for not reject Len in instant time he confesses to her, so Rin won't have an emotional distress like now.

Both of them still stay in silent, until Len broke the ice, "What should we do now?" ask Len, he sounds like asking himself, than asking Miku whom still there.

"I… don't know anymore, everything was my fault, our fault," said Miku with a tone full of regret and sadness.

Len still silent and then he open the door, while said, "I don't know what your choice Miku, but I will do that, no matter what, I will regain it again… even it takes the eternity," said Len. He then leaves the room, probably go to Rin room.

Miku just crying in silence, she is in blame for this accident, she made Rin try to do her sin. And everything was her fault. Will she run away from it now? She knows that Len probably will take care of Rin, even without her helps. But… but…

She clenches her fist, she made her decisions, the decision that she will never run away. Not from this one, she is in fault here, and she can't just leave them alone, "Maybe I become a hinderance, but… I want to, I want to save Rin…" she tought.

-In other place-

Len now sat down beside Rin bed. She looks peaceful in her sleep, she give a look that sleeping like that is fine for her, and that she never wish to wake up, even just once, anymore. Len grip Rin hand in his hand tightly, still feeling the warm in her hands.

"Why you not wake up Rin? I'm sorry Rin, you know that I really feel sorry," mumble Len. He made his grip tighter, and without his knowing, tears rolled down from his cheek. He remembers Rin screaming to him again.

-Flashback Start-

"Liar! Len you are liar! I hate you Len! Of course you are fine since you hate me… right Len? Then it will be better if I die right Len? Yeah, I know that!" scream Rin, she grips a sharp knife in her hand, ready to swing it in her heart.

"Rin, I'm sorry! I love you Rin, don't leave me! I'm only loves you Rin!" Len deny Rin screams earlier, and try to hug her.

Rin flinched when Len tries to hug her, and toss away his hand, while talking, "I can't feel anything Len… not your warmness… or your kindness… nothing… I even feel nothing when I hurt myself…" said Rin. She slices her hand and blood coming out, Len and Miku panicked, but Rin sees the blood like she doesn't feel anything.

"Rin-chan… you misunderstand… Len really love you…" said Miku grabbing one of Rin hand.

Rin struggle and screaming again, "LEAVE ME ALONE! I… I HATE IT… LET ME DISAPPEAR… LET ME DIE! NOBODY LOVED ME SO JUST LET ME DISAPPEAR!" Rin scream and swing the knife to her heart.

Len know that, if he not throw the knife, it will get to Rin heart and stop it's beating, so Len take Rin hand and force her to release it from her grip. After that Miku grab the knife and throw it somewhere, prevent Rin to commite suicide.

"Rin, I love you Rin! Don't leave me alone Rin! Please believe me!" said Len desperately while embracing Rin, tightly.

Rin still struggle from Len embrace, and then she screams, "LIAR LIAR LIAR!" Rin scream with all her might, completely deny Len, she not believe anything that Len said, not even just a bit.

"Rin-chan please calm down! Len said the truth!" said Miku to Rin, she try to make her calmed a bit. But, Rin still struggle.

"Papa! Mama! Help me, bring me there!" Rin scream, she doesn't listen to anything anymore, and she struggle until eventually she said, "Yeah… Papa is right… maybe I should try to sleep… yeah, Mama said… that I won't wake up if I sleep now, yeah… yeah… Papa… Mama… please waits for me… promise me okay… I will go there… to heaven where Papa and Mama are…" Rin said, and her eyes tightly shut, and she faint.

Len hear everything that Rin mumble and he know that everything that she talking about is true, in a mental distress like this… most likely, Rin will sleep into a really deep sleep. She will stay in states of comas.

"Wake up, Rin, please wake up! Don't sleep!" Len said, trying to wake Rin up, but no use, she already fallen into a deep sleeps.

"Len, let's call the doctor!" said Miku whom still standing beside Len. She tries to wake Rin up too, but it is no use now.

Len just nod and then Miku rush to the somewhere to find someone, and not long after that she came back with a doctor beside her.

-Flashback End-

"Rin… please hear what I want to say…" Len talking to himself while gripping Rin hand, it already turns cold. Yet, her heart still beating, she still alive, yet she is not. Len just crying in silence while gripping Rin hand.

Miku now standing right outside Rin room. She wants to enter it, but she froze at the door when she hears Len sobbing inside. She can't brag in like some emotionless girl, since she still has this so-called emotion, stuck in her head.

And then day pass and now it is already a month since Rin started sleeping, Len came to the hospital every time he can and watching over Rin, hoping that their parents won't take Rin yet, since Len loved her, more than a siblings.

"Please wake up Rin…" Len hoped, still sat beside Rin and grip her hand tightly, hoping that she will wake up sooner, and they will once again, meet again.

I would like to give my thanks to the Vocaloid RPG group, which give me some inspiration with some RP-ing about song Re; Act, that made my eyes dry from tears yesterday night, and I'm sooooooooo grateful that you guys made me have this weird eyes today. Back to the topic, this is the first fiction that using English and I are NOT planning to make this to be a long boring fic. Maybe 2 chapter again and this thing will end. Oh, yeah, if you ask, is it Twincest? And yes, it is, and I think it is fine. You want to flame me? Fine, but, never think that I'm going to let it slip from my 'you go to hell' eyes! And I hate it when people said that Twincest or Incest is like this and that! And they said that it is bad! I'm so gooooonna kill you if you ever try to lecture me!

Anyway Review please!