The Ministry of Magic
London, England
June 11, 2004 – Friday Afternoon

I stared at the ticket in my hand and couldn't help but laugh out loud with delight.

Festival of Sins The Den & Centro
Special Event: Carnival of Naughty Fun – A Celebration of 'Luxuria - Lust'
Saturday night - June 12, 2004

I hastily penned a reply to my fiancé, confirming my acceptance of his invitation and sent it off with one of the Ministry owls to Malfoy Manor. I then sent a second note off to Gin, inviting her and her spanking, new husband to pick up some tickets for themselves and come along for the fun, if they wanted. I had a sneaking suspicion that Blaise already knew about the rendezvous, though. Call it feminine intuition, but I was betting he'd already spoiled his wife with a clothing and shoe spending spree to help her pick out a chic, naughty outfit to wear to the event. I'd kill her if she'd gotten the pick of the season's newest BCBG Maxazria dresses and Lise Charmel lingerie first!

With visions of low-cut, silk necklines and lacy knickers to tempt my man with, I returned to my office with a smile plastered to my face, looking forward to tomorrow's shopping trip.

A little over a year ago, if anyone would have told me that I'd one day be the recipient of Draco Malfoy's sexual and romantic interest, and that I'd actually crave him back, I'd have laughed myself silly. Now, I thought the idea was absolutely brilliant!



Thank you for sticking with this story to the very end dear readers! I hope you enjoyed Hermione & Draco's story of self-discovery and growing up, finding true love! I have no plans for a sequel. I think the story stands well as-is, having run the gamut and come full-circle. I hope you feel similarly.

Please review, if you would be so kind! I'd love to hear your thoughts about the story (what you liked/didn't like, how it made you feel, etc.).