A.N. Hey guys, this is my first ever short story (four shot) and songfic; I hope you like it. I really suggest that you read the lyrics as well as the story. After all, it is based on the song…. Kind of.


Chapter 1: In For The Kill (La Roux)

We can fight our desires

Oooh but when we start making fires

We get ever so hot

Oooh whether we like it or not

"Paul?" Jess said; he kept on planting loving kisses all of over her neck, she couldn't concentrate.

"Paul, wait a sec." She asked as she tied to push him away; he exhaled and pulled away from her, looking into her face expectantly. He didn't have time for this shit, he wanted to get in and get out.

"What?" He asked, his voice was irritated; Jess cleared her throat and tried to swallow the thick lump in her throat.

"I have something to tell you." She whispered as she sat up in the bed; his eyes narrowed as he tried to distract her with kisses again. He didn't like where this was going, wasting all his time. Maybe he should have called Lucy instead... Or maybe Erica. Ooh yeah, definitely Erica.

"Cant it wait?" He asked as his hands groped her body; Jess pushed him off again causing him to curse under his breath. She had never known him to be like this, he was usually kinder. She knew that he'd been around but she thought that maybe she was different to all those other girls. After all, she loved him and she believed that he felt the same; he had told her often enough.

They say we can love who we trust

Oooh but what is love without lust?

Two hearts with accurate devotions

Oooh but what are feelings without emotions?

"Speak then." He snapped; she jumped lightly and cleared her throat again.

"Ok, I don't know how to say this…" She whispered, it really wasn't something that you just come out with; Paul rubbed his head tiredly and ground his teeth.

I'm going in for the kill

I'm doing it for a thrill

I'm hoping you'll understand

And not let go of my hand

"Just say it Jess." He prompted; she worked her small hands through her shoulder length brown hair once before speaking.

"Paul, im pregnant." His eyes went wide as saucers as he backed away from her slowly; tears began to run down her cheeks.

"Paul, please." She whispered as her hand reached out to him; his body recoiled in what looked like disgust. Jessica's body vibrated in fear and she watched him stand there, staring at her.

"Say something." She begged him; his eyes went narrow as he stood to his full height of five nine and raised his chin.

"It. Isn't. Mine." He said slowly; she took in his words and froze. He called their baby an 'it'. Her hand rose instinctively to her stomach.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She screamed at him; he smirked mockingly and crossed his arms over his chest.

"It means that you better go find the real daddy. Who knows how many guys you've slept with?" He told her; his voice was so sure. Jess choked on a sob.

"There's only ever been you." She whispered in response; he threw his head back and full out laughed at her. After a few second it seized almost robotically.

"Don't make me laugh… Now. Get. Out. Of. My. House." He enunciated perfectly; Jess cried harder than ever before.

"Paul, please don't do this to me. You told me you loved me!" He looked at her like she was the craziest person he had ever seen. She couldn't be serious; he was the Paul Meraz. I mean, he cut class to get ass. He didn't love, he lusted.

"I may have said that… but hey, I say a lot of things. It doesn't mean I meant it." She gasped at his words.

"…Now get out of my house." He continued with that permanent smirk; Jess' eyes snapped open as anger consumed her body. She stomped over to him and lifted her small hand. She slapped his face with all her strength. Paul recoiled from the shock of it; he was just slapped by a woman… a strong one at that.

His face contorted into a mark of fury and he charged at her and lifted her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes; her little hands pounded against his back and she screamed continuously as he carried her down the stairs until they reached the front door. Jess squealed as he dropped her in the dirt; her head knocked the ground. She said up dizzily just as Paul threw her backpack at her stomach; she shrieked in pain.

"Don't ever come back here with your shit again." He told her seriously as he slammed the door; Jess couldn't believe what had just happened; she kept crying as she stumbled to her feet in pain. Her head felt like it had been smashed in with a brick and sharp pain stabbed at her stomach. No, no, no… the baby; she would kill him if her baby died. She wept silently as she trudged, resisting the need to bent her back. Jess wiped her tears with the back of her hand and made her way down the street.

I hang my hopes out on the line

Oooh will they be ready for you in time

If you leave them out too long

Oooh they'll be withered by the sun

Peace stood up in shock as her cigarette tumbled out of her hand; her best friend was walking towards her, messy hair, dirty clothes and all.

"What the hell happened to you?" She screamed as she ran to her; throwing a hand over her shoulder and helping her into the house.

"What do you think?" Jess asked as she crashed on the couch; Peace ground her teeth as she ran upstairs to get some clothes and brought them back to her friend.

"Fuck Jess!" She cursed as she sat down next to her.

"I know, okay? You told me so." Her voice was tired, like she was tired of fighting; Peace exhaled deeply and turned on a movie... any movie.

"Its okay babe, you'll get through this… and I'll help." Jess laid her head on Peace's shoulder and cried… but she promised herself that it would be the last time she shed a tear for him. The last time, she did anything for him… but she still loved him. Probably always would.

It was all so obviously now like a red balloon bursting in her face; he had never really acted like a proper boyfriend. Never took her out for dinner and a movie or normal stuff like that. In fact, he never did anything romantic but she didn't mind; he'd always make time for her, three or four times a week… at his house. But then again, he never spoke to her much.

Their relationship was physical for the most part; that should have been the biggest clue… no it wasn't. The biggest clue was the fact that he wanted to keep their 'relationship' a secret. That should have sent out major warning bells. She realised that he had never really called her his girlfriend or asked her to go down to La Push to meet his friends. The only times she stepped foot on the reservation was when he invited her over or when she went to visit Peace.

I'm going in for the kill

I'm doing it for a thrill

I'm hoping you'll understand

And not let go of my hand

Jess snorted lightly as she remembered a time when she went down to surprise him; he opened the door and his eyes narrowed, he wouldn't even let her in. He told her not to go over without his knowledge just in case his dad was home; apparently he was violent. At the time, she was so flattered that he cared for her safety that she walked away with a smile on her face, even after she could have sworn she heard a girl call his name from the inside.

She had brushed the feeling aside, putting it down to misunderstanding. He made her feel like it should just be the two of them, and then no one could take away from their happiness. Ha! That sounded like the biggest joke ever now!

She smiled weakly while she remembered the beginning of their 'relationship'; it started about a year ago. He was so sweet and kind to her, no other boys had really shown her any attention. That was probably the kind of girl he prayed on, girls with no self esteem and average beauty…. Not like Peace. She was so pretty with her shoulder length choppy black hair and tanned skin.

"So what are you gonna do?" Peace asked, wondering why her friend was staring at her; Jess exhaled knowing exactly what she was asking.

"Im gonna keep him or her. I'm not getting rid." Peace nodded.

"That's cool, but you've still gotta tell your mom and dad." Jess exhaled again; she seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

"Yeah I guess, but they're not getting back until next Wednesday so…" She trailed off not knowing what to say next.

I hang my hopes out on the line

Oooh will they be ready for you in time

If you leave them out too long

Oooh they'll be withered by the sun

"That's cool, but you can stay here if you want. You know, im sure my mom wont mind." Peace said with a laugh; her mom was into that whole hippy and free spirited shit; she didn't believe in anger. Hence the name 'peace' which she hated; it didn't suit her at all.

"Thanks P." Jess replied even though she had apprehensions; she didn't really want to stay in La Push… six doors down from Paul no less. This was not going to be easy.

The girls finished the movie before going up to bed for the night; Jess took Peace's bed while she slept on the floor on a sleeping bag.

Full stops and exclamation marks

Oooh my words stumble before I start

How far can you send emotions?

Oooh can this bridge cross the ocean?


"P?" Jess yawned as she wondered downstairs into the kitchen only to find it empty. Her eye brows furrowed, it was ten a.m.; Peace was rarely out of bed before twelve on a normal day. Where could she be? Jess turned to the door as it opened widely, an angry Peace stepped in and closed in behind her. Her face brightened into a sheepish smile when she saw Jess.

"Oh hey Jess." She sang guiltily as she tried to make a quick b-line for the stairs.

"Stop right there…" Jess told her; she froze. Shit! She wasn't even supposed to hear her come in.

"What happened?" Jess gasped worriedly as she saw that her right hand was covered in blood; Peace stayed silent.

"P… who's blood is that?"

"Peace?" Jess squeaked.

"Is that Paul's blood?" She screamed as she stalked towards her friend; she knew that Peace had been way too calm last night. Little did she know that her friend was planning to kill him.

"Relax, relax. I only got a couple of punches in. Then Sam Uley and his goons dragged him into the woods." Peace said as she held her hands out in surrender; Jess burst out into uncontrollable laughter.

"Oh man, why didn't you wake me out? I wanted to be there when you gave it to him." Peace's mouth fell open.

I'm going in for the kill

I'm doing it for a thrill

I'm hoping you'll understand

And not let go of my hand

I'm going in for the kill

I'm doing it for a thrill

I'm hoping you'll understand

And not let go of my hand

"Seriously?" Jess nodded as she hugged Peace closely.

"Yeah, he hurt me… so he can go to hell for all I care." She growled out as she walked upstairs to have a shower. Peace stood there with a crooked smile on her face; well that was different. She hoped that maybe she was rubbing off on her friend.

"How could you be so irresponsible?" Her mom screamed at her; Jess didn't even flinch, she really wasn't in the mood for this.

"I thought we raised you better than this Jessica. Who's the father?" Her eyes snapped to her dads.

"I don't know." She answered dryly; not because she didn't want any harm to come to Paul… but because she didn't want to associate herself with him at all.

Let's go to wars to make peace

Let's be cold to create heat

I hope in darkness we can see

And you're not blinded by the light from me

"This just keeps getting better and better!" He screamed; her mother had taken a back seat now.

"Are you done?" She asked them; their mouths fell open.

"Jessica!" Her mother scolded; she had never acted this way before.

"What?" She screamed as she started for the stairs.

"Y-you, you get back here this second! We have to talk about this!" Her mom screamed after her; Jess turned around to face them, her face was like thunder.

I'm going in for the kill

I'm doing it for a thrill

I'm hoping you'll understand

And not let go of my hand

"What do you wanna talk about, huh? The fact that my own parents and never home so they didn't even notice that I was seeing someone… or maybe that my mothers a complete hypocrite! You were a year younger me was when I was born! Is that what you wanted to talk about? Because if it's something else, I don't wanna fucking know about it! I. Need. To. Pee!" She screamed as she marched upstairs and into the bathroom; she slammed the door behind her loudly.

Thoughts? Good? Bad? …. Ugly?

This is a really short story. Only gonna be about four chapters long… maybe a bit longer.

I've got character pics on my page XD

You know what to do,

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