Windstar: This is the re-write of my story On A Winter's Day. This story is much longer, and much more detailed then the original. Fans of the original will find many similarities in scenes and information, but this version is much more comprehensive. I'm hoping to have it finished by the end of the summer. Apologies for the many, many, delays. I hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon, nor will I be receiving any profit for this work. All rights belong to the original creators, of which - I am not.

Chapter One:

Date: Unimportant

Time: 1245

Author: Kouichi Kohaku

Memories blurred and time frames shifted darkly. It has been only one year since the end of the chaos that struck our home and our lives violently and brutally for what seems like ages. Mother tells me it will go away soon, that the harsh times will pass and be replaced by only the good memories. I have not the heart to tell her she is wrong, and that the memories will never disappear.

They are heightened in moments of distress and they are extenuated in moments of terror, but they are also shortened and somewhat ignorable in times of clarity. This ebb and flow will never cease. Like a river it will never stop. It will simply go on forever, aided by the rains and the dark seasons.

Kouji stopped calling our friends nearly two weeks ago. They will always be our friends, but they understand that this is truly a time for us to be apart from them. They know that we need to heal, and while we still attempt to keep in touch with our mothers: there are more important things to do at this moment.

Financially, we have no set income. However, the money that we received recently has been more then enough to cover for our expenses. Not to mention Kibo and his wife have been caring for us for the past three weeks. It is with them that the memories started to blur. I can't remember if things have happened the way that they seem to have happened, or if they have been completely altered in some way shape or form.

Kibo assures me that it's part of the healing process, but I can't be certain. I don't even know what I'm healing from. I don't even know what I'm trying to do anymore. The court case is over, we have received a huge amount of money as a settlement, and we did our time in community service as an appropriate punishment for the crimes that we did despite everything.

Kibo took us out of the country not long after it was all wrapped up. Kouji and I said goodbye to our mothers and we left, we needed to leave. As much as Japan has always been our home, we couldn't stay there any longer. We just needed to get away. We needed to escape.

The road trip in America was Kibo's brother's idea. He's been keeping in touch more then anyone else. He apparently set up a place for us in his house for when we returned. I don't know why he's so keen on helping us, but ever since we've met it has been this way. We couldn't ask for a better friend though, however between the two of them (Kibo and his brother [Yujo], I mean) we have successfully garnered a new definition for father.

Our birth father, the one that started all of this mess, is no longer alive. I can't say that I'm too sad about it, however it has been a wedge that has creased itself brilliantly between Kouji and me for many months now. Kouji assures me that everything is fine and that he understood the situation, but there are times when I see him crying when he thinks he's alone, and I step back and let him continue to think that I don't know he's sad.

Yujo suggested that I write this down, something about putting my feelings into words that is supposed to make the healing process go faster. I don't understand, but I don't doubt that he seems to know what he's talking about. Kibo writes books for a living, and he certainly seems to have healed from the past that he tries so desperately to get away from at times.

I can't help but wonder who is actually healing from this road trip, us, or him.

I can't help but realize; that I truly don't care.

Things started so long ago, so very long ago…and yet it wasn't that far in the past. Only a few years…and yet it is the span of my lifetime as well. Intermingled and twisted and tangled in lies and chaos, and it revolves solely around the simple and irreversible truth that things can and will go wrong if they are given the opportunity to.

I've spoken to Kibo about these things, and he has started to help me organize my thoughts, help me give them life and purpose. Now that it's all done, now that there's no one demanding a strict and promising answer that I can only stutter through as I stare brokenly at the bodies of tortured friends; I realize that I do need an outlet. I need to get this out the only way that I know how, or at least the only way that I'm comfortable learning how.

This introduction, this prologue, of my life has started out as a brief diagnostic exposé of my emotions at this point in time. How do I feel about the events that have passed? I could not begin to express them. For to me, the emotions have never been given names. They simple are there – a burning and hating desire that scorches through my life and cascades down my back into my wounded hands.

What I see, what I have seen, all of these things have changed my perspective on life. I have become jaded, I have become cynical; or at least more then before.

While this document will not be composed entirely of my first person missives and feelings (quite the contrary, I intend to reveal very little in this format…I intend to be purposefully vague), I feel the urge to relay this warning to those who wish to enter upon my life.

Read if you will; read if you dare to experience it.

All I have said is fact, and all I have said has truly occurred. There are countless news articles and countless pages of disgusting literature on what has been reported. You may walk through the halls of my hell and see the photographic evidence of my purgatory.

I announce this life to you not as a way to garner fame, nor even fortune. I wish only to be free of these memories, and perhaps, I wish to feel forgiveness; forgiveness from those who do not know me personally, and can only judge me from the actions that I have done.

So please, read onwards…read onwards. Read my story. Read my brother's story. Read Takuya, and Tomoki, and Junpei, and Izumi's story. But most importantly, read it…and decide for yourself. Decide truly and honestly.

Did any of us deserve forgiveness?

Entry One:

Author: Kibo

Sources: Takeru Takaishi, Takuya Kanbara, Tomoki Himi, Izumi Orimoto, Junpei Shibayama, Kouji Kohaku, Kouichi Kohaku

There is a place called the digital world. It is not an online community, a MMORPG, or some other such community. It certainly sounds like it would be though, and perhaps that is why the truth behind the digital world is one of the most obvious things that have ever come to pass, and yet at the same time one of the Earth's best guarded secrets. The truth lies in the inability to realize that it exists.

The first children to ever were a group of summer camp enthusiasts who were swept away by a renegade tsunami. Of course it sounds fictional the moment that that's put into print, but it is truly what happened. Proof of this stems from the extensive sightings of monsters all across the world in that particular year. Some may recall ghost like creatures floating down city sidewalks, while others may reminisce on dinosaurs and talking dogs with horns on their heads.

As soon as these appearances became known to the public, these creatures, or digital monsters (digimon as they're generally called, and lovingly shortened to) vanished. For a time, select few children around the world maintained a connection to them, but they faded out. Memories of these creatures faded away into the dark and empty corners of the mind. It didn't take long for even these figments to pass away, and to vanish into the abyss.

Several years later, another attack occurred on the country of Japan. Another set of children stepped up to take up arms and save the world. Their attacks varied and their partners were different, but the result was the same (clearly) as we're all still alive and thanking them for it.

Then came the group that is of most importance to this tale. These children, their names are listed above as sources for this text. All of them, excluding Takeru Takashi, were involved in the trials that they faced in the digital world. At the time, Kouji and Kouichi's surnames were Minamoto and Kimura respectively. It was many years later when they decided on a change.

These young warriors were given a choice to save the digital world from disaster, and they agreed to go. For each generation the world has varied and changed. Time has flown differently for countless years; their time being much faster in comparison to ours. Only two decades on Earth was equal to roughly two millennia in the Digital World.

Much had changed. Much needed to be fixed, and it is the children above who fixed it. A digimon called Lucemon had the intention to destroy the world, and it was their job to defeat him. On the way, Kouji and Kouichi met each other for the first time. Despite being identical twins, they had not met face to face since they were toddlers. Kouji could not recall a single memory of his older brother, and Kouichi only knew him from his grandmother informing him of the younger twin's existence.

Lucemon was a dangerous foe, and only from the bravery and sacrifice of Kouichi towards his brother and friends did they garner the power they needed to survive. For Kouichi did not arrive in the digital way the same way the others had: Kouichi's soul had been disconnected from his body after he had experienced a fatal fall on Earth. After his sacrifice, his soul had vanished and the children had been resigned to believing he had sacrificed his life to them.

When they returned to Earth and more importantly: Shibuya Station, the digital world gave one last gift to the children: it saved Kouichi's life and resuscitated him. They all survived, and the world had been saved, only now: Kouichi and Kouji were left with a predicament. It is this chance meeting and that fatal predicament that has shaped them into the people that they are today.

If they had simply walked away from one another and never once opened their mouths to bring awareness to the knowledge of each other's existence: they would never have experienced the pains and the tribulations that now haunts their footsteps and darkens their memories.

"Father…" Kouji had decided on instead, standing before his Kousei Minamoto as he sat on the couch reading the nightly news. The man looked up at him and he simply raised an eyebrow – his go ahead for whatever it was that Kouji intended to tell him. "There's someone I want you to meet."

"Who is it? A pretty girl at long last?" The man teased brightly, folding his paper and turning to get a better look at his son. Kouji was shaking his head though and he glanced back behind him – around a corner towards where Kousei could not see the person he was intended to meet.

"No…just…promise you won't freak or anything." Kouji muttered as he motioned for the person to step forwards into the light.

And there, before Kousei Minamoto's eyes…was his eldest child.

This moment was what declared the trouble that would follow.

While outwardly appearing calm and understanding, Kousei listened to the prefabricated excuse the boys had made up (for seriously, who would believe they met in the digital world of all places?). "We just happened to run into each other in the train station, you know?" Kouji explained lightly.

"How long have you known each other…?" The man asked slowly, eyeing his twin children who sat side-by-side on the couch as the man paced awkwardly in front of them.

"A week or so now…sir…" Kouichi piped up softly (lying through the skin of his teeth), feeling entirely uncomfortable with the situation.

"I met our mom a little while ago, and we figured it was only right if you got to meet Kouichi too…right?" Kouji didn't know it at the time, but it was those words that had damned them all to hell. For it didn't take long for Tomoko Kimura to come to the apartment and sit down with Kousei and Satomi Minamoto about their children…

And from there things changed almost every day.

Wild mood swings, threatening attitudes, violent behaviors, and erratic tendencies haunted Kouji's footsteps.

"He's going completely crazy man; I've never seen him like this." The younger twin informed one evening as he dedicated himself to defeating his brother in a game of Super Smash Brothers, while simultaneously devouring a bowl of chocolate ice-cream. It had taken them hours to convince Kousei to let Kouichi spend the night. Usually it was no problem to have a friend over, but now the man suddenly decided to use every cheap trick in the book until his wife, Satomi, finally put her foot down and said that it was fine. The attitude though, had seriously pissed off Kouji beyond all reasoning.

It is now, that something particular to Kouichi and Kouji should be explained. Ever since they met, they had been capable of feeling if the other person was there, of knowing if they were alright, if they were in need of anything they knew. Overtime, they theorized that it was because the digimon that they fought as, were twins as well. Light guided Kouji's movements where Kouichi was led by darkness. The two were the Yin to each other's Yang.

On Earth this bond only grew, and it helped them peer into each others soul. They stood and existed for one another, guarding and protecting their brother regardless of what was to come to pass. The subtle pain in Kouji's voice gave way to a strong worry in Kouichi's heart. Their bond only grew stronger.

"What do you mean?" Kouichi jumped into the air and hit down and B – his Kirby turned into a brick and landed directly on Kouji's character, Link's, head. The percentages were going up, and it was clear that multitasking was not the younger boy's strong suit. He glowered at the look of pure superiority that his brother was adopting.

"Yeah, yeah, keep it up…I can still kick your ass in real life, and I don't know…he's never screamed and stuff. I think I've been grounded maybe twice before? Now it's like every week!" Kouji moved Link and slashed outwards, but Kirby floated away completely unharmed. Desperately the younger twin chucked a bomb-bomb at the pink blob, but it caught it and chucked it straight back so fast that Kouji barely had time to register what happened before he was blasted off the screen. Kouichi was snickering behind a spoon full of vanilla.

"That makes…fourty wins and zero losses. You sure you don't want to stop now?" His teasing subsided for a moment. "You think we shouldn't spend time with each other any more…? At least not at your house…if he doesn't like-"

"That's just it though – and like hell you're getting away with a streak like that, just restart the game – he loves you. I mean, shit, he treats you better then me these days." Kouichi bit his lip for a moment as his fingers ghosted over the controller.

"Maybe we should take a break then…I mean, he's known you for longer he shouldn't treat you poorly because of me…"

The younger twin just scoffed. He opened his mouth to retort something when there was a knock at the door. His step-mother poked her head in. "Boys, its past your bed time and you know it! Go to bed this instant!" And with collective and identical moans they nodded and readied themselves for sleep.

In the digital world, there had been no beds and no comforters. There had been no duvets or pillows. There had only been the frigid cold and the group. Despite the fact they had been back for months they still couldn't stop the fact that it was far more comfortable (even now) to continue sleeping together.

With no romantic issues or feelings towards each other, they understood this simple matter of comfort and they extended it without asking. They had tried to sleep apart at first, but they had failed and simply found the only way to truly be alright with the situation was to go to sleep back to back.

Saying their goodnights, and laying down, they were comforted by the sound of their breathing and they fell into a dedicated slumber; unaware that this would be the last night that they would ever spend at home for nearly a year.

Sometime in the night Kouichi got up to got to the bathroom. He crawled over his brother who always insisted that the older twin slept closest to the wall, some form of over protective gesture Kouichi was certain. As usual; the younger boy woke up, when he was just about on the other side of him, and asked him what was wrong in his usual bleary morning voice. Kouichi soothed him into going back to sleep and when the boy was breathing softly he sighed in contentment before going to the bathroom down the hall.

He was on his way out and was rubbing the sleep out his eyes when he bumped into someone, his senses not as sharp as they usually are when he's awake. He blinked up at the person before him and an apology fell from his lips, but when he noticed he'd never seen the person before in his entire life he gasped and reality came sharply back into focus. The man turned to look at him and the boy opened his mouth to scream – Kouji would instantly wake up and know something was wrong and his senses would tell him what the problem was.

Before the sound could even grace past his lips though, the man smashed something hard on the side of his head and the scream fell silent on his lips as he fell to the side. Arms grabbed him and he was pulled to his feet. The boy was fading in and out of consciousness and he doubted he would manage to stay awake long enough to find out who the man was.

"Kouji…" he whispered. Their bond shook violently and he could feel the younger boy waking up. He never understood how his brother had grown so good at feeling their bond, but then again besides the basics he never understood his bond with his brother either. He heard the door right next to them open, Kouji gasped in surprise at the sight he saw. Kouichi's body was hanging lifelessly in the man's arms and the stranger stood before him, aiming a gun directly at his head.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" The boy asked as he took a step forward. His voice was more dangerous then Kouichi ever heard it sink. In his hand was his kendo sword that he'd always leaned against his door frame now it was out and he seemed perfectly ready to attack the man. Years of martial arts lessons and months in the digital world had trained Kouji to be a programmed warrior when he needed to be, and this was most certainly the time.

"Put the sword down kid." The man hissed as he shook Kouichi's limp frame. Kouji's eyes flashed dangerously.

"Put my brother down creep." Kouji snapped back as he stayed perfectly still. He wasn't going to do something stupid, and screaming right now (though tempting) was very stupid. Especially with the gun in front of him.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. We don't have to keep either of you alive. In fact, it'd be easier if we just killed you. So put the damn sword down or I will blow you and your brother's brains out."

"Don't shoot him and I'll put the sword down."

"Kid, you're really in no room for negotiation." The boy frowned at him heavily before slowly moving it from its position and placing it by the door frame once more. Before he could move the gun crashed down upon him and he fell to the ground in a heap. There was movement, and the man turned sharply, staring at the form of another man just down the hall. He was watching the scene with blank eyes, no emotion cast on them. "You knew the rules." The first man said simply, and with that, the second man turned and walked away. The only other witness was Kouichi, and as his blurry eyes slipped closed with his brother's name dying on his lips, the two were both carried out of the house.

It is here that our tale skips several hours and in this time, Satomi and Kousei seemingly slept blissfully onwards. They did not know what had transpired and they would not know until the morning when Satomi would walk into her son's bedroom and stare in confusion at the sight of the empty bed and the empty house that yielded no sighting of two boys who were so alike in appearance.

Her anguished screams of terror as she tried to find her son and her son's brother would not be heard for much time to come. Kousei's trembling hands would not wrap around his wife's body and they would not hold her until much later. Yet still, hours did pass, and in these hours our story's heroes were traversed a great distance.

They too slept onwards, initially uncertain of their fates and content to rest in unconscious as their bodies tried to work past the block that had been set upon them. It is as it was written…several hours passed before anyone woke up and realized the true trouble these boys were in.

Kouji groaned as he blinked his eyes rapidly. The sound of a plane's engines going startled him awake. His head hurt him worse then it ever had before, and that included all of the times in the digital world when he was busy being used as a ragdoll by Lucemon and being driven head first into the ground. He groaned and tried to move, but his body was stiff and it wasn't really responding. Turning his head to the sighed he gasped.

His brother was sitting about three meters away, his arms hanging up in the air and chained to the wall about three feet apart from each other. His head was bent awkwardly to his chest (ensuring a cramp later) and his body was limp and lazy.

"Kou-Kouichi." The younger twin tried to move towards his brother, only to find that his own wrists were tied to the wall. He frowned at them as though that would make them unlatch themselves, but in the end they stayed put. His arms were dead weight and heavy due to the limited to no blood circulation in them. He was far past the pins and needles stage and that irked him to no end. He tried to move his body closer to the boy anyway, but it didn't help. There as no way he was going to be able to reach his brother from where he was sitting. Groaning again he tried to pull himself to his feet.

It took him several tried but he made it eventually. His body was sore all over, and he attributed that to the awkward angle he'd woken up in. He doubted anyone had paid much attention to him when they chained him up. Likewise his brother was in a similar state of pain he was sure. Once more he tried to take his wrists from their holds, but once more he was denied. Groaning he opted to just get blood flowing in his arms again.

"Kouichi….Kouichi brother wake up." The boy in question groaned and looked at Kouji with confused eyes. He then looked around them in equal confusion. Slowly he made it to his feet and tugged uselessly at his chains.

"Kouji…what? Where are we?" He asked in total confusion.

"I don't know. I woke up like this." The plane shook and both boys gasped as they fell to their knees in surprise.

"Ah yes…I did warn you about the turbulence, but…you were unconscious at the time." The twins looked up in shock at the man who had suddenly appeared before them.

"Who are you? Where are you taking us?" Kouji snapped angrily as he glared at the man. He recognized him easily enough as the one who had been there when Kouichi and him had been kidnapped. His head was killing him and he had a good idea as to how he'd been overcome the night previously.

"You have no reason to know my name. As to where I'm taking you, now why the hell would I tell you that?" The man laughed at them as he leaned against the wall in front of them. The boys took a better look around them quickly as to make sure no other surprises jumped out at them. They were in the cargo hold of what looked to be a regular plane. No one else was down there besides the man in front of them and of course them themselves. There were boxes and storage bins all around them and they were nestled in the back, far away from the rest of the stairwell to the passengers' cabins.

"Fuck that man, you fucking kidnapped-"

"Kouji…" Kouichi whispered softly, and instantly the younger boy fell silent. The man glanced at Kouichi and paused for a while before looking back at Kouji.

"When we get to Head Quarters you're going to have to be dealt with it seems."

"Head Quarters? What are you some kind of criminal organization?" At the man's silence Kouji cursed. He hadn't meant to hit the nail on the head. In fact, he'd hoped he'd been wrong. Kouichi too had been hoping that his insight had failed him. It looked like neither of them was that lucky. Closing his eyes Kouji counted to ten before letting out the breath he'd been holding.

Nobody spoke for the rest of the trip. The man stayed watch over them and every once and a while shifted positions, but other then that he stayed perfectly in place where he'd always been. The plane slowly began its landing process, and the man sat down to keep from falling over. He looked at the boys intently who were keeping eye contact with each other – some freaky twin thing he was certain. After watching the boys for nearly twenty minutes he could tell that the twins were well versed in reading each other's thoughts or emotions.

He sighed as the plane came to a complete stop. The boys would do well in the organization, that's for sure. Their father's debt would be paid, and due to their bond they'd be the perfect tools of destruction. Still, it was never fun to work with kids, it reminded him to much of a time when he himself worked for the organization at their age. It was not going to be a fun ride for them, that was for sure. Especially if they talked back the way they loved to do.

He moved towards Kouichi first, well aware that of the two of them Kouji was probably the more dangerous. He unlocked one of the boy's wrists and then moved to the other. The teen's arms fell to his side and he brought his hands to his forearms to try to rub feeling back into them. The man grabbed the boy by the scruff of his neck and pulled him to his feet. The teenager yelped in surprise and when the cool point of a gun pressed to his neck he stayed firmly still.

"Listen to me Minamoto. You're brother's life depends on your cooperation you understand?" The boy nodded slowly. "When I unchain you, you will bind your wrists together with the hand cuffs that are on that box there." There were two sets actually; one beside the other, resting on the box peacefully as though they'd been undisturbed the whole trip. "You will then cuff your brother's wrists. Got that?" The boy nodded again, his eyes very calculating. "One step in the wrong direction, one threat I see, one even inkling to a motion out of what I've told you to do, and you get to see what it looks like for your head to be shot off. God that?" Again the boy nodded. The man moved forward and removed the chains.

Kouji rubbed his wrists absentmindedly before he approached the box. His fingers reached out and they traced over the metal that was shimmering from the restraints. He bit his lip, wondering if they really would shoot them. What would be the point of kidnapping them if they were just going to be shot? It wasn't worth the risk though.

His fingers tightened around one of the links and it slipped open in his palm. His hands squeezed the bracelet around his thin wrists, and he awkwardly did the other one. Then he moved to grab the second pair, when their kidnapper's voice tightened from behind him. It was a barking order and it made him pause for just a moment. "Tighter." And, he listened without thought.

The teen then moved to his brother and put the second pair on his him. Still the twins maintained eye contact and it was clear they were talking about something again. The man nodded and with a clip of a smaller chain, linked the brother's together. He clipped another chain to the first and held onto this one. Finally he motioned with his gun.

"You're walking that way." And as he spoke the plane's cargo entrance opened and another man stood there. This one was obviously higher in stature. His clothes were sharp and finely tuned out. He looked better then the scruffy man that stood behind them that was for sure. He laughed at them and moved closer to the twins, taking each of the boy's faces in his hands.

"So these must be Kousei's sons." Again the boys were silent but their eyes made contact and their captor frowned. He wondered just how much they could communicate with each other. It was obvious that they were good at picking up various signals and the like that the other gave visually. They just seemed capable of reading one another, and it was slightly disconcerting. "It's been so long hmm, Kouji?" The younger twin frowned; Kouichi glanced at him in confusion.

"You know him?"

"We've never met." The man before them laughed heartily, his hands reaching out to touch them.

"Of course…well…you're pretty little mites aren't aren't?" Kouichi's head was shaken and a growl escaped Kouji before his older brother could glare at him to suppress it. "Haha! Protective of him are you lad? That's a good boy." His hair was stroked and Kouji bit back another growl. It was clear his distaste for this old man stemmed much deeper then it did for his kidnapper. "If you're good…maybe I'll give you a treat." The man's thumb pressed on Kouji's mouth and the boy gave him a dumbstruck look. This time it was Kouichi who made the first move.

"Sir, what is it you want from us?" He asked; his tone deadly. The man holding their chains held back the shiver, he wondered faintly why he thought Kouji was the more dangerous one of the two, for it far surpassed his brother's tone from yesterday. The man looked at the boy calculatingly. He then removed his hand from Kouji's face and stared at them both equally.

"You two are perfect." With that he turned on his heel and left the cargo bay shouting out one last thing. "I want them given to me after they've been…Re-Educated. I believe that level six is appropriate." The man stiffened at the apparent boss of the operation's words. He was right. The boys were in for a rough ride.

He walked them towards a large black van that was parked not to far away from the plane. They were walked inside of it and stared in wonder at the interior. From the outside it looked just like a regular work van. Something that you'd see a plumber or electrician use, but the interior made all thoughts of that disappear very quickly. The walls were lined with high tech equipment and there was a desk protruding out from one of the sides that held a computer. Most of the van's left over space had boxes of concealed items in it.

The boys were pushed to the floor, their chains tying them tightly to it to keep them from moving. The man stepped over them and sat at the chair in front of the computer and knocked once on the back of the wall that separated them and the drivers. The van instantly sprang to life and sped away.

"Kouichi." Kouji thought desperately. The man had purposely made the brothers face in opposite directions, and he was staring down at them with and amused look in his eye. Still, even if the brothers didn't have eye contact they could always read each other. Kouji leaned onto his brother's back – a simple way of showing that he was there and yet it looked as innocent as just shifting position. Kouichi leaned back into him.

"I'm here." Kouichi meant and silence filled their minds. It was only when the older twin thought heavily on what he'd seen at the airport did Kouji shift in acknowledgement. In his own mind he had seen the same. It was abandoned mostly, certainly a private air field. There was nothing really to see, and yet all the same it was quite clear that wherever they were it was certainly farther north. The terrain was completely different from how it was in Shibuya, it was far more isolated and far more quiet. That meant somewhere far away from Tokyo.

"Hokkaido." Kouji felt the word through their bond the same moment he'd thought it. They had to have been some where in Hokkaido. In front of them the man could not help but stare in surprise as the twin looks of acknowledgement flashed across both the boy's eyes. He wondered faintly if they had figured something out and then decided he truly did want to test the limits to their abilities as far as he could push them. If he pained one in another room…would the other feel it? It was a sick and twisted thought, but the curiosity filled him regardless.

The van stopped and the boys were pushed to their feet and once more were linked together before they were forced to walk out of the van. Again the man watched intently as the boy's took in their surroundings. The looks of understanding flashed across their faces and he knew instantly that he'd been right. Somehow the boys had figured out where they'd been taken, interesting.

They walked forwards into an ancient shrine before passing through some expensive looking rooms and eventually down a flight of stairs. The twins looked at each other for a moment and couldn't help but feel slightly out of place despite the severity of the situation. Everyone else in the Shrine was wearing traditional clothing and yet they were still in their pajamas from the night before. Then again, their captor didn't have on any traditional clothing and was in fact standing quite proudly in his jeans, white shirt, and black vest and finger-less gloves. They gave him a scathing look and once more he wondered just what they were thinking.

They finally opened a door that looked akin to a basement and they were kicked down the stairs with little thought. The underground was slightly different then the Shrine above. The hall ways were pristine and tiled and looked to have been made not two years ago. They walked through the halls in a state of awe, trying to comprehend what exactly they were looking at. Finally they came to a stop at a large door and the man tapped in some numbers in a key pad before opening it. Kouji let his eye slide to the key pad as the man typed it in and then glanced back to his brother without being caught snooping.

They walked inside and for the second time were startled at the change. A prison? It looked like a prison. There were bars…cages…along the walls that held countless children and adults in them. They were walked down to the last cell in the row and the door to the cell opened. Both were rather forcefully pushed in and then the cell door closed behind them. Glancing back they watched as the man waved goodbye and walked off without another word.

"We're somewhere in Hokkaido…my guess would be Wakkanai..."

"It makes the most sense."

Kouichi shifted slightly, his eyes trailing around their cell and then back towards the hall. His body froze where it sat, as his eyes were drawn to a rather pale faced female who was standing in the darkness – watching them. Her hair was black and braided. Her eyes were dark and sunken into her skull. The skin itself was pale and yet carried a sickly yellow hint to it that made her look all the more spooky as she all but hovered in the shadows.

Kouji looked up and followed his brother's gaze, frowning too as he saw the girl. She couldn't have been much older then them, but the self assured way she was carrying herself made it hard to guess her age. Annoyance flitted across his face, and he grit his teeth as he stared at her.

"What do you want?" He hissed towards her. She didn't react in the least, and she didn't say anything. She just hovered and watched as she stared at them. Movement behind her made her glance towards the entrance to the hall where the man from earlier was approaching.

"Haruka. You're in my way." The girl looked up at the man from before and glared at him intently.

"So it's you then." She said simply as started to retreat. "They sent you to watch them?" Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the man up and down. "Useless." Was all she said as she walked away. The boys stared after her in confusion.

"Haruka is not someone you should trifle with kid." The door opened and the man threw clothes at them. There were six pairs of clothes. The twins easily noticed the attire as well. Jeans, black vest, white shirt, black finger-less gloves seemed popular.

"What are these, uniforms?" Kouji asked, clearly annoyed.

"You gonna argue with me every time we're in the same room together you brat?" The man's tone was dangerous and he slammed the door closed behind him as Kouji's temper snapped.

"You fucking kidnapped us! I want to know what the hell is going on here."

"Kouji-" Kouichi's hand went to his brother's sleeve.

"Why did you break into my house? Why did you take us to Gods-knows-where?" Kouji moved closer to the bars and slammed his hands on them as he tried to shake them violently. "What the hell do you want from us?" The man stood there through it all and when the boy was finished with his rant he removed his gun from its holder and aimed it straight at Kouji's head. The boy froze where he stood and Kouichi screamed something from behind him. "You first brat." And with that the door opened again and while Kouji was frozen in front of the gun, he was pulled from the cell and shoved down the hall. The door locked with a clang behind him and Kouichi was left screaming for his brother as they walked away.