Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice.
A/U: Sorry for the late updates! Thank you so much for the reviews, guys! Uh, this chapter's a little bit longer than the others by the way so better have some snacks with you or something :)

A Change of Heart
Chapter Thirteen: The Fuss about Names

"Young man, names are powerful things. You don't just go around using them for no reason." –Mr. D (Dionysius) in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan


His phone buzzed.

Natsume Hyuuga groaned as he rolled onto his side and reached for his phone which was ringing like crazy atop his bedside table. He pressed the answer button and placed the phone against his ear which he realized was a very wrong move because the moment he put the phone to his ear, he'd almost gone deaf for someone screamed: "Where the hell are you, Hyuuga?! I'm already here! You're thirty minutes late! Or am I bothering your morning facial routines?! Because if I am, just let me know and I will gladly tell the others but if not, well, get your fat ass out of bed and let's get moving, you hear?!"

And Mikan Sakura's voice echoed throughout Natsume's almost empty apartment. Little did she know that she was talking to no one because Natsume, annoyed at the fact that he was being yelled at as early as eight in the morning and that Mikan Sakura was the person yelling at him, had long since left his phone on his bedside table and went straight to the bathroom.

Natsume splashed his face with water, hoping that its coldness would help rouse his still lethargic body. After all, Mikan Sakura said that she was waiting for him (although she also insulted him in the latter parts of her call as he had heard from his bedroom). But instead of waking up his spirits, he felt more sluggish than before and he was indeed in no mood for some stupid cleaning session now.

Why did he agree to help with the clean-up in the first place? Wait, he did not agree. The girl just went on and forced him out of bed with her loud, irritating voice. He thought back at the conversation he had with the brunette yesterday.

"You still met with her? Are you crazy?" Natsume asked in disbelief.

"No. Besides, everything's fine. You don't have to worry about anything."

"I'm not worrying. I'm just annoyed at how you could, without any hesitation, go back on your word."

"Okay, okay. I know I'm wrong and I'm sorry. So, can you at least wipe that grimace off your face now? It's making me jumpy." Mikan said as she looked away.

"What? So, you want me to smile for you? Is that it?" Natsume asked mockingly.

"You're still angry, aren't you?"

"Do you realize what could have happened when you went there alone and unprotected? You are so stupid."

"You being worried about me is scary."

"I'm not worried about you. I'm worried about myself. Goodness knows what your devil incarnate of a best friend would do to me once she finds out I let you go to that girl alone." Natsume rolled his eyes.

"Sumire's not as bad as you think. Yeah, maybe she is as bad as you think. But I know she won't really harm anyone. Yeah, maybe once in a while she'll hurt someone."

"Christ, just get to the point already."

"Point is, she didn't hurt me and I can take care of myself so you don't have to worry about getting your ass kicked by Hotaru."

"Oh, she could do a lot worse than kick my ass, Tangerine."

"Like what? Use your make-up kit without your permission?" Mikan snorted.

"Trying to be funny now, huh, polka-dots?" Natsume raised a challenging brow.

Mikan's laugh was cut short when Natsume grabbed her by the wrist and pinned her against the wall.

"Is this your attempt at being funny, huh, Hyuuga? Because it's sure as hell not at the very least funny."

Natsume seized both of her wrists, leaving her with no escape. His gaze lingered on Mikan's pink lips then he stared back at her brown eyes which were fixed into a furious glare.

"Let go, Hyuuga. What do you want now?" She asked as she tried to free herself from his tight grasps but it was no use; he was a man after all.

"Is it really hard for you to call me by my given name?"

"Not like you're calling me by my given name either, Mr. Smarty-pants."

"I did. I called you by your name but you weren't paying attention." Natsume muttered.


"Doesn't matter. I'm going to call you whatever I want to. No arguments."

"Fine. But I'm going to call you whatever I want to also. No arguments."

"That isn't fair. Besides, you owe me. You didn't keep your promise remember?"

"Life isn't fair, Hyuuga. The earlier you learn that, the better."



"Call me 'Natsume'."



"Because I don't want to."

"That's a lame reason. If I know, you're just afraid you'd blush when you call me by my first name. That's just how girls are, aren't they?"

"I will not! And how many times am I going to repeat this, Hyuuga? Stop generalizing women; it won't do you any good."

"Then tell me why."

Mikan didn't say anything. She just chewed on her bottom lip and refused to meet Natsume's penetrating gaze.

"How about this? You'd help with the clean-up at the café tomorrow and I'll give you what you're asking for?" Mikan asked nervously as she rocked on the balls of her feet.

"Huh?" Natsume said dubiously that he didn't notice Mikan slowly slipping away from his hold.

"Sounds great. See you at eight! Have a great day!" Then she was gone.

And she spent the whole day avoiding Natsume in any way possible.

He sighed resignedly as he looked back at his reflection. He looked the same as before; prominent cheekbones, straight nose, full lips, crimson eyes: the perfect face he'd normally see on a normal day. But he was certain that something was different or at least he felt different. He scrutinized his face and found some dark circles under his eyes. He remembered how he wasn't able to sleep the night before due to his confrontations with the blackmail queen and his mother herself. The thought of leaving was enough to keep him awake for three nights straight.

Ever since the letter came, his anxiety level never dwindled but grew more and more every single day. He knew he had no other choice; he had to come back sooner or later but he was not expecting it to be this soon.

He thought back at his conversation with his mother.

"Your father's dying."


"He's been diagnosed with leukemia. He's been confined for nearly three months now…

"Natsume, I know it's hard for you; for both of you but I want you to know that I'm doing my best to save your father but his body isn't very…cooperative."

"I want to see him."

"I'll arrange a flight for you as soon as possible…on one condition."

"What is it?"

"You are never to go back to Hogsville again."


"You will be managing the family's company in place of your bedridden father. It is your father's wish, Natsume. You know it, right? That your brother is not qualified for this task and prefers the useless path of being a dancer. You are the only one left to carry the Hyuugas' well-known and respected name in the business. Would you deny your father's last wish, hm, Natsume?"

It took a while before Natsume could reply in a voice as faint as a whisper, "No."

"Very good," Natsume heard a dark chuckle, "your brother delivered you the envelope, did he not?"

"Yes, he did." Natsume replied.

"And I assume that you have read the contents?" his mother asked.

"Yes." Natsume answered in a dull voice.

"Good. Have you signed the contract then? Please fax it immediately back to my office. I need it for my next meeting with the board members."

"No. I—I still need to think about it."

"What is there to think about, Natsume?"

"Mother, once I sign this contract, my whole life will be tied to the company," Natsume reasoned.

"Natsume," his mother paused, "you're already chosen for this. You cannot say no."

"But mother—"

"Enough! You will not embarrass me!"

Natsume immediately fell silent.

"I have granted your selfish wish of studying in a Japanese school in Hogsville with your cousin and childhood friend! And yet you are still as selfish as before, asking for more wishes when you cannot even grant mine! You will not continue living in that disgusting place again! I forbid it! You shall come back here and finish your studies as you simultaneously help with the family business. Should you refuse, I will forcefully drag you back here. Do you understand me, Natsume?"

"I understand." Natsume replied, clenching and unclenching his fist at his side.

"You will not follow after your brother's shameful footsteps. I will not have both of my sons bring dishonor to the prestigious name of the Hyuugas. You are the only heir of the Hyuuga Empire; everyone is expecting great things from you. Do not let me down, Natsume."

"I won't, mother. But, please, just give me more time."

"For what? Your fate has already been decided. You are not allowed to have any opinions on anything."

"The school year is about to end. Just let me finish it. Then I'll go back and do whatever I have to do. Please, this is my last request."

There was a moment of silence before his mother answered:

"Very well. But after that, you won't set foot in that city again. I'm sure you're aware of it, Natsume, that you don't belong in that world. I know you miss the special treatment here. The people there cannot even compare to our housekeepers," Natsume's jaw tensed and he clenched his fist tightly that his knuckles turned white, "they are all just disgusting, dirty rags."

"Thank you for granting my request." Natsume tried hard to keep his composure.

"If after you finish your studies, you still don't return, I'll be the one to drag you to the airport. Keep the contract for now. That is all. Make the most out of your freedom, Natsume, while you still have it. Goodbye."

And the call ended.

The scene changed to another confrontation. This time, it was not a call but a personal talk inside Natsume's apartment that happened just yesterday. The blackmail queen, Hotaru Imai, came striding in without notice which took Natsume off guard. He was busily sorting out some papers when the doors burst open and he caught sight of the ice queen in all her glory.

"What do you want, Imai?"

"The other Hyuuga told me about the letter."

"More like you blackmailed him into telling you."

"You know me too well, Hyuuga," she smirked.

"Anyway, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"You. Are you really planning to leave?"

"Well, a short vacation isn't a bad idea—"

"Don't make a fool out of me, Hyuuga," she said, low and ominous, "Auntie," she paused meaningfully before continuing, "she's trying to get you back, isn't she?"

Natsume didn't reply but Hotaru understood. She had always known this day would come.

"My father," Natsume started, refusing to look into Hotaru's piercing stare, "he's been diagnosed with leukemia."

Hotaru's eyes widened, "Uncle has leukemia?" she exclaimed incredulously, "why is this so sudden…"

"I don't know," Natsume sighed hopelessly.

"You want to see him, don't you?" Hotaru asked. Natsume didn't bother to reply so Hotaru continued, "You know what would happen if you go back, don't you, Hyuuga?"

Natsume lowered his head. "You can't leave now. If you do, then—"

"I won't be able to come back. I may not even be allowed to see you and Ruka anymore." Natsume lifted up his head as he spoke, meeting Hotaru's gaze at last, "I know."

"Then," Hotaru stepped closer, eyeing the paperwork in Natsume's hands, "what are you planning to do?"

"I'll leave after this school year ends," Natsume answered. He knew lying to Hotaru Imai won't do him any good and she'll eventually find out anyway. Hotaru kept her calm while she asked, "this soon?"

"We both know that this day would come. My mother…she isn't someone who you could fool so easily. It's already a miracle that I survived for two years out of her reins. Then again, we aren't completely sure that she wasn't watching me all along." Natsume sighed. He was frustrated; he was frustrated at his controlling mother, at his nonchalant cousin, at the unfairness of life—at everything.

"Hyuuga, about your father's disease," Hotaru changed the topic, "your mother told you about that?"

"Who else? She told me that she's doing her best but his body isn't cooperating. But I'm in this situation so I can't just go on and visit him. We just have to pray that he'll last long enough to wait for me there."

"Are you sure that this isn't some tactic to get you to come to them?" Hotaru suggested.

Natsume went silent. What if it was? What if his father really wasn't sick? That his mother was just pretending all along? But what if it was true and his father was barely holding on?

"Do you think Natsuko knows something?" Natsume asked.

"I'll talk to him later," Hotaru answered, "besides, I'm the only one who could make him spill the beans."

"Excuse me for not being as scary as you," Natsume replied. Hotaru rolled her eyes and was about to leave when Natsume stopped her.

"Imai…let's call off the bet."

Hotaru turned half-way but her expression never changed. She asked, "Why?"

"Why? I should be asking you that. Why did you start the bet anyway? What are you planning?" Natsume asked, sounding suspicious.

"Nothing," Hotaru answered bluntly.


"We won't call off the bet. Instead, I will be giving you a deadline." Hotaru continued.

"A deadline?" Natsume repeated.

"Yes, a deadline, Hyuuga. If in a month, you still haven't owned her heart, then you lose the bet. You will hand me over your pictures in women's clothing and the amount we agreed on. However, if you by chance manage to win her over, I'll obey one order from you."

"In one month?" Natsume muttered like it was impossible.

"Can you not do it?"

"Do you even know who you're talking to? I can do it. After all, what's one girl compared to the other girls I've made mine in just a split of a second?"

"You're comparing her again. I've told you before, right? She isn't like the rest. Unless you get it through that thick head of yours, you would never see the person who really is Mikan Sakura."

And the conversation ended with Hotaru exiting the apartment and slamming the door shut, much to Natsume's neighbors' annoyance. But before she left, Natsume asked her:

"Aren't you worried?"

"About what?"

"About her. She's your best friend, isn't she? Starting a bet like this, it's like playing with her heart. Wouldn't she get mad if she finds out? Besides, you know me, Imai. I don't do relationships. And don't think that I'll consider her special just because she's your best friend. I won't change myself for her."

Hotaru smiled. "The results—whether her heart gets broken or not—it all depends on you now."

"What? You'll start something like this then just dump everything on me?" Natsume complained.

"I'll be counting on you then. Goodbye."

"That airhead, really, so troublesome…" Natsume muttered.

But he had a feeling that there's more than just that.

"See the person who really is Mikan Sakura, huh," he repeated seemingly to his self as he stared back at his reflection. "Hn," he smirked, as if he found everything quite amusing.


"There you are!" Mikan greeted heatedly as she caught sight of the familiar raven-haired pervert.

"It's amazing how much you miss me, polka-dots. It's as if we haven't seen each other in ages when really, we just saw each other yesterday," Natsume teased as Mikan approached him. She rolled her eyes at him and handed him a mop.

"Just so you know, Hyuuga, I don't—and will never—miss your ugly, perverted face in my life. I'm just…satisfied to see someone else help with the clean-up," Mikan retorted as she turned away from Natsume's mocking face.

"You're still in that in-denial stage, huh?" Natsume continued to tease as Mikan grinded her teeth and glared at him although; she was only as scary as a baby penguin next to Natsume's tall and intimidating frame.

"I'm not denying anything!" Mikan replied hotly then grabbed a broom as she stormed off. Natsume smiled a little at her petite figure, sweeping furiously at the corner of the small café.

"Still as stubborn as ever," Natsume muttered under his breath.

Unfortunately, what was meant to be unheard was heard and Natsume found himself in an ambush interview by Anna and Nonoko.

"Who are you talking about, Natsume-kun?" Anna asked, intrigued. Natsume looked away from Mikan's back to talk to them.

"Who am I talking about what?" He asked blandly as he started to mop the floor half-heartedly.

"Oh, you can't fool us, Natsume-kun," Nonoko raised a finger in the air and wriggled it, "I know I've heard you muttering about someone who is "still as stubborn as ever", so who is it?" she inquired excitedly, her smile was from ear to ear.

"Oh, isn't it obvious already, Nonoko?" Anna replied, equally as excited as Nonoko, "he's talking about Mikan, isn't he?"

"Oh, right! Right! Who else could it be?" Nonoko faced her best friend, her eyes shining.

"Could it be that the great playboy, Natsume Hyuuga, has learned to love one girl? Kyaa! This is just so exciting!" Anna squealed with delight as she clasped hands with Nonoko.

"Kyaa! It's just like in those romantic movies! I'm so thrilled!" Nonoko replied, sharing the dreamy look on Anna's face. But instantly went back to normal when she remembered something, "oh, but does Mikan know already?"

"Know what?" Anna replied, still having that far-away look on her face which Nonoko didn't seem to notice.

"Natsume-kun's feelings," Nonoko replied, "did he already tell her how he truly feels?"

"I don't think Hyuuga knows his true feelings yet nor will he admit it when he realized them. He considers his pride as his topmost priority and he wouldn't do cheesy things such as a love confession. Unless the oversized balloon of his pride is deflated, he would never do anything that could damage his image, even if he has to keep his feelings to himself. That's the way his stupid mind works," Hotaru Imai appeared out of the blue beside them, holding up a feather duster as she interrupted. The other two girls gawked at her with mouths wide open.

It was Nonoko who recovered first, "Ho-Hotaru-chan, we didn't see you there."

"I just came in to help since Mikan informed me of the free food you're offering to the people who volunteered for the café clean-up then I saw you two talking with Hyuuga. You were too busy looking at each other's eyes that you hardly noticed him slipping away so I thought of telling you that," Hotaru replied in her usual calm tone.

Anna and Nonoko looked back at the spot they had last seen Natsume and sure enough, the crimson-eyed lad wasn't standing there. Slightly annoyed at being ignored, they pouted and Anna muttered, "He's still the same as ever though, so cold and distant."

"I wonder if Mikan would fall for him too," Nonoko muttered, still pouting.

"Maybe she already did," Hotaru smirked mischievously and both Anna and Nonoko looked at her with dubious faces with a loud, "huh?"

"Anna-chan, isn't it time for you to prepare the food? The clean-up will end in an hour at least," Hotaru inquired frankly as she dusted random furniture that was nearest to her.

"Y-yes, I'll go prepare the food now," Anna replied, alarmed at the quick pace of time. "Oh, Hotaru-chan, do you have any preferences for the food?" She said before turning away towards the kitchen.

"The Red Velvet Cupcake," Hotaru answered, still emotionless.

Anna smiled sweetly and nodded. She dragged Nonoko with her as she headed off towards the kitchen.


Natsume sighed as he clutched the mop in his hands and started moping the floor on one corner of the café, opposite the one Mikan's sweeping. Anna's squeal echoed in his mind, "Could it be that the great playboy, Natsume Hyuuga, has learned to love one girl?"

"Love one girl, huh?" he muttered to himself, "you've got to be kidding me."

"Hey, kid! Don't slack off the job," a tall girl with dark pink hair approached him with a dirty rag in her hands. Natsume remembered the day when that rag met his handsome face.

"I wasn't slacking off," Natsume denied, still half-heartedly moping random spots on the floor.

"Yes, you were. I saw you. You were just standing there, muttering things," Misaki pressed on.

"I don't see you working. Instead of arguing with me, why don't you use your excessive energy to help out with the food prep? That way, one of us might be a little more useful."

Misaki didn't have any comeback so she just stomped her feet and left with a hmph!

Natsume rolled his eyes and turned his head towards the entrance. There were three men, all wearing spiky hairstyles and tattoos all over their bodies. They had earrings pierced on their ears, noses, maybe even their tongues and they wore only black clothing—black leather jackets, black boots, black pants, black shirts. They were all scowling at the sign posted outside that said the café was closed for the day.

The one in the middle tried to push open the glass door and beamed when it wasn't locked. All three of them came striding in. Natsume caught a glimpse of Mikan, who seemed like she just noticed what was happening, trying to alert the others, especially Anna who was busy preparing the food in the kitchen.

Another employee was already on her feet and went straight to the kitchen to inform her boss after getting the signal from Mikan. The other people watched as the three men made their way towards the counter. But before they could even reach the middle, Mikan stood in their way with her arms spread out. She had a defiant look on her face as she said the words in a polite but threatening manner:

"I'm very sorry, sirs. But our café is closed today. Would you please leave immediately?"

The middle one, most probably the leader, smirked and was about to reach out to touch Mikan's face when suddenly, someone stopped him. Natsume grabbed his arm firmly just before his fingertips could even reach Mikan's soft cheeks.

"What are you—" the man started in his gruff voice.

"I'm sorry but," Natsume raised his head and smirked dangerously, "the only guy allowed to touch her," he moved swiftly, twisting the man's arm behind his back as he shrieked in pain, "is me," he finished.

"Alright, alright! Just let me go—ah! Ow, shit, that hurts!" the man yelled angrily, desperately trying to free his arm from Natsume.

"I'll let you go if you leave at once," Natsume said, twisting the man's arm more, making him shriek even louder, along with some other colorful words.

"Fine, fine! Just—for Christ's sake—let go of my arm!" the man pleaded and the moment Natsume released him, he ran off with his gang and rode their noisy motorcycles away but not without yelling, "You people are completely mental!" before disappearing.

"That was—" Mikan started as she stared outside.

"Incredible!" Anna and Nonoko praised in unison. "Natsume-kun was so cool! I didn't need to call the cops after all!" Anna continued.

"I was going to say weird but okay," Mikan continued as she grabbed the broom from the edge of a table and started sweeping again.

"I just saved your life and I don't receive even a 'thank-you'? Where are your manners, polka-dots?" Natsume complained as he edged closer towards where Mikan was sweeping.

"Hey, for all we know, those guys couldn't have been planning to do something bad to me. Maybe they were just hungry or something. Whatever, I don't owe my life to you, Hyuuga. I didn't ask for your help, you just went on and handled the guy." Mikan turned away.

"Couldn't have been planning something bad? You saw them, polka-dots. I practically smelled danger in the air around them, or maybe that was their body odor," Natsume retorted, neglecting the mop left on the tiled floor.

Mikan giggled then sighed resignedly, "pick up your mop, Hyuuga and stop whining. We'll be done in thirty minutes."

"But I'm bored," Natsume said, leaning closer and placing his chin on Mikan's shoulder as he breathed in her ear, "I need entertainment."

Mikan closed her eyes in annoyance. You could actually see the vein popping out of her forehead. She fixed her eyes in a glare as she said, "Do I look like a circus clown to you?" then she kneed him and walked away with her broom while muttering, "That's what you call entertainment."


Thirty minutes later, the whole gang gathered together on one table as they waited for the food prepared by Anna, Nonoko, and Misaki.

"Here you guys go!" Anna smiled warmly as she brought out a tray full of delicious pastries and cupcakes. Hotaru grabbed her red velvet before anyone could even think about touching it.

Next one was Nonoko who brought out the drinks. On her tray was differently sized cups filled with multicolored juices and teas.

Last one was Misaki. She brought out a tray full of candies: Lollipops, sweet and soft candy, marshmallows, mints—you name it, she's got it.

Everyone cheered and started stuffing their mouths with goodies. Mikan, on the other hand, smiled weakly but quickly excused herself from the group. Anna nodded, thinking Mikan wanted to use the washroom at the back.

Natsume's eyes followed Mikan and when she was out of his sight, he stood up and followed her.

Mikan sensed someone following her and sighed. She didn't need to turn around to know who was tailing her. She asked, "until where are you going to follow me, Hyuuga?"

"Where are you going?" Natsume asked instead.

"The washroom, why?" Mikan replied faintly.

"You sound weak," Natsume stated, moving closer.

"I don't. I'm just tired," Mikan said, "go back and enjoy the party, Hyuuga. They might get worried if they notice the two of us are missing."

"I don't mind," Natsume replied as he walked around to face Mikan but her head was lowered and her hand was massaging her forehead. "Do you have a headache?" he asked, trying to catch a glimpse of her face.

"Just a mild one," Mikan replied then she sighed feebly.

"I'll take you home," Natsume offered, holding onto Mikan's frail arms. His eyes widened when his hand made contact with her burning skin. "You…You're burning with a fever."

"Don't…" Mikan muttered. She attempted to pull away from his grasp but instead, her foot slipped and she ended up against Natsume's firm chest.

"Polka-dots," Natsume called but there was no response. He put his palm against Mikan's forehead. She was really burning with fever. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was ragged and she kept muttering, "need…you…stupid…go away…"

Natsume had a strong premonition that she was trying to tell him to back off and that she could handle herself. He rolled his eyes. Even when she's sick, she's still as stubborn as hell.

Ignoring her constant grumbles, Natsume picked her up—bridal style—and carried her towards his car. He said his goodbyes to the group and put Mikan into his sports car.

She was still muttering, "you…always…making me confused…I hate you…"

Natsume chuckled. She was thinking of him even in this state; he's one step closer to stealing her heart.

Even if she's always denying it, it's enough to know that she's thinking of him.

His thoughts were interrupted when, out of the blue, Mikan muttered weakly, "Nat…su…me."

His name.

She said his name.

"Mikan." He said back unknowingly.

And in her sleep, Mikan smiled.