Caroline and Tyler were on the run. Everyone thought it was impossible. But here they were, running from vampires and werewolves; trying to protect the one threat to Klaus' existence...they're unborn baby. But with Klaus on their tracks and everyone trying to kill their baby, how will they survive?

They were running again.

Tyler swiftly swerved around the trees and foliage in a blur of color with Caroline tucked safely in his arms, barely hanging on to her consciousness.

They shouldn't have exposed themselves like that. What were they thinking? They knew the risks, yet they gave in to the hunger. For five minutes, they were careless, and now they were paying the price.

Damn it!

Tyler swore under his breath and made an abrupt turn to the right, following the sound of rushing water nearby. He couldn't hear them following, but maybe that was because his own heart was pounding like a drum inside his head. Tyler was certain they were there, he could practically taste them.

After a few minutes he finally saw the stream and paused momentarily in front of it, adjusting his bearings as he surveyed the thick forest. He needed to hide Caroline.

Making a decision, he crossed the shallow rushing water, ignoring the soothing feeling of its coolness as it wisped around his burning skin. His torn khakis clung to his legs like seaweed, and the weight of the water dragged him down like an anchor. Tyler lifted Caroline higher on his chest as the woman stirred at the sound of the water churning beneath her. Rushing water made Caroline nervous.

"I'm right here Caroline, I got you."

He made a sharp right and headed upstream, against the pushing waves of the current. Thankfully for the young werewolf, a small obscure cave appeared a few metres away. He climbed out of the water and laid Caroline down gently on the moist grass, propping her back against the cold stone walls. "Care, open your eyes," he whispered urgently, brushing her hair away from her face.

Caroline's eyes slowly fluttered open, unfocused and lost. "Ty..." she said weakly.

Concern quickly took over Tyler. He cupped her cheeks with his hand and her body automatically responded to his touch. Her erratic breathing slowed down, her gaze steadied, color slowly returned to her face. "Tyler."

He gave her a small smile. "You still with me?"

Caroline licked her lips and nodded weakly. Her entire body felt drained, heavy, her throat bone dry, and her tired eyes itched like hell.

"Caroline, I'll be back in ten minutes okay? If I'm not back in ten minutes, I want you to-

Her eyes immediately widened in alarm and she violently shook her head. "No! Tyler, no. We're in this together. I can still run-

"We can't lose these guys by running," Tyler argued, holding the vampire down as she attempted to get to her feet. "I'll take care of them, you need to stay here."

"There's two of them Tyler, maybe three! You can't take them alone." She made to get up again but he wouldn't have any of it. She mustered the deadliest glare she could. "Tyler this is not up for discussion. I'm coming with you."

He held her down and lifted her chin, his now amber eyes glaring brightly down at the resistant, stubborn blonde.

"No," he growled. "You're staying here."

Caroline swallowed, all resistance dissipating from her body. She had spent enough time with Tyler to know that when he used that tone, the werewolf couldn't be challenged no matter what you did. Sure she was stubborn as hell, and no one dared to challenge her when she wanted something, but even she knew when not to push her luck with a Lockwood, especially Tyler.

They stared at each other for a moment longer, before Caroline finally lowered her gaze. He tipped her chin again to look at him, but this time his eyes had returned to their normal color. "Give me ten minutes, I promise I'll be back."

Caroline bit her lip hesitantly. "Five."

He smiled. "Okay. Five minutes."

Tyler turned to stand but Caroline had grabbed his hand. He looked down at her questioningly, worry lining his handsome face.

"You better come back, Lockwood."

Tyler gave her a playful smirk in return. "I always come back, don't I?"

Caroline was too worried to smile.

"Alright tough guys, let's see what you got," Tyler whispered, crouching down in front of the stream.

There were at least two vampires chasing after them awhile back, before Tyler managed to give them the slip. The problem with getting your enemies off your tail is that you also lose track of your enemies. He'd have to draw them out.

He looked up at the clear night sky with amber eyes; the light of the moon bathed his skin with a faint white glow. It was an odd feeling, one that Tyler was only starting to get used to. Jules had explained to him that the moon, even if it wasn't full, affected werewolves both physically and emotionally. During the day Tyler was able to remain level headed and in control, but once the night rolled in, Tyler's heart would beat much faster, his skin would feel much warmer, his senses sharpened tremendously and most importantly, his personality would shift as well. With the moon in the sky, Tyler became more aggressive. He felt empowered, cockier, and sexually dominating. His nerves would become raw and easily excited, and a seemingly insatiable hunger would crawl up his throat. If Tyler was a controlled man during the day, he would be nearly animalistic during the night, especially if a full moon was fast approaching.

Tonight was no different; the moon excited Tyler. The possibility of a bloody confrontation with two vampires made his blood race with anticipation. The fact that he was severely disadvantaged and outnumbered only served to make him more aroused for the challenge. He licked his lips as control slowly slipped from his grasp.

Stretching his senses as far as he could, he could hear the rolling water, the winds blowing against the trees and lifting the leaves off the ground, the faint steps of animals headed away from their direction as if sensing the trouble that was brewing, but he couldn't hear the movements of anything that was distinctly man made.

Tyler pushed away the sudden intense urge to howl and challenge the vampires to take him on right then and there. He needed to draw them out and away from Caroline.


Tyler grimaced. If anything happened to Caroline, he would rip the throat of every vampire in the world, original or not. Just the thought of Caroline crying was enough to make Tyler`s insides churn with anger. He promised her that he would never let anyone hurt her again; he wasn`t doing very well with that promise.

Tyler stood up and took his clothes off, including his shoes, until he was only in his boxer shorts. His burning skin rejoiced at the feeling of the cold air, causing the little hairs on the back of his neck to stand on end. It was three days ago when he last took a shower, he could only imagine the musk of his scent saturating the air like a colourful target.

Tyler quickly plunged into the water until he was fully soaked, then rolled off the other side of the stream, covering his body with the cold earthy mud as he went. Content that his scent was covered, he grabbed the two wooden stakes in his khakis and took a deep, steadying breath. He shifted his weight on his feet, noticing how much lighter and more agile he felt without his shoes on. With one last look in Caroline's direction, he darted into the thick forest, an animalistic glint of excitement in his eyes.

Five minutes, Forbes. Give me five minutes.

Caroline was trembling with worry. If her body wasn't completely dysfunctional at the moment, she would've bolted for the forest after Tyler. But as much as she wanted to, her limbs refused to move. The bullet wounds on her legs were slowly starting to heal, but the vervain was still in her system, dragging her down like a ton of bricks. All she could do was lay there, silently, and pray that her Tyler would be okay.

Yes. Her Tyler. He was all hers.

She pulled her knees closer to her body, already missing the warmth Tyler provided. How did everything get so messed up so fast? She didn't know. It was all a blur to her now, a big mesh of emotions and events all happening at the same time, most of which she couldn`t remember.

It all started when Tyler had come back, after his second transformation. Matt had broken up with her and Tyler was the shoulder she cried on for days after. He was there for her when she was most vulnerable and emotional, much like she was with him during his transformations. They were each other`s solace. From then on, everything grew.

Caroline`s hands rested on the small bump on her belly, and she couldn`t help but smile.

Then this happy little accident happened, and Tyler and Caroline`s lives were thrown upside down.

Vampires weren`t supposed to be able to have children. It wasn`t possible, Damon and Stefan had said numerous times. But there she was, pregnant, with Tyler`s baby.

The smile on her face disappeared as her eyelids drooped heavily over her eyes. An overwhelming desire to sleep suddenly washed over her, but Caroline fought it off. She would stay awake for five minutes, by then Tyler should be back, and he would hug her and tell her everything would be okay. And she would believe him.

"You can`t have Tyler`s baby, it`s impossible" Damon's voice echoed in her head. "What would that make your baby? A werepire?"

And that was the problem that sent the two on the run. Vampires were believed to be infertile because they couldn't have children with other vampires, or humans, or witches. Physically, it was just not compatible. But because of the feud between vampires and werewolves, no one ever considered the idea of them mixing blood. That was just not possible, period. In the entire history of the natural and supernatural world, only once did a vampire and a werewolf decide to procreate. And the seed of that procreation was Klaus, the most powerful supernatural known to both worlds. Klaus was practically immortal, and was afraid of nothing.

That was until the news of Caroline Forbes and Tyler Lockwood having a hybrid baby reached him. Just like that, Caroline and Tyler, who were once just dispensable pawns in Klaus' sacrifice ritual, became the number one threat to his survival. And just like that, Tyler and Caroline's lives were forever changed.

Caroline's eyes slid to a close as her mind raced. It raced to remember the events of her past, how the budding friendship and romance between two unlikely people gave rise to the most feared and sought after unborn child of the supernatural world, and how, if it were even possible, were they going to protect their child and each other from a world that doesn't want them to have a happy ending.


A/N: I guess this is kind of like the prologue. From here on, the story is going to be told from the flashback, the actual beginning of the story, until we catch up to what is presently happening in this scene. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it! I've always been wondering about this plot, so I decided to try it out. I didn't have time to proof read it so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. Let me know what you think!