
The world was burning women, men and children are crying over the remains of their loved ones and it was all Dumbledore's fault. The fool, the manipulative old fool would probably say that it was all for the greater good. Whose greater good, probably his and his alone.

We may have won the war but we sure as hell lost everything else.

My name is Lady Didyme Susanna Potter-Black-Crowe and i am the heiress of the Nobel and Ancient houses of Potter, Black and Crowe.

I was born to Lord James Alexander Potter and Lady Lillith Marie Potter nee Evans on july 31 1980. My parents where murdered when i was fifteen months old by one of the most evil dark lord's in existence.

I don't agree with that it is obvious to me that Dumbledore hides his power and manipulations behind the facade of a senile and barny old headmaster. In my book that makes him the dangerous one. With Voldemort you at least know what you are getting into.

Lord Sirius Orion Black was made my "dogfather". He died protecting me. Even after twelve years of innocence in Azkaban he gave his life to protect me. Broken but still oh so loyal Sirius died protecting me when i was just fifteen years old. Because of my foolishness his own cousin managed to kill him. The bitch really lost it when she found out that a filthy half blood the bane of her masters existence got the title of Lady Black. Well i suppose i managed to become the bane of her existence too. I of course didn't hesitate disowning her.

Dumblefuck didn't agree with me but who cares. Well the order of the fried chickens apparently did, too bad i never was and never will become a faithful lapdog for the old coot.

The war took us eight years eight bloody years all because the fucking bastard likes to keep his secrets close to the chest. All for the Greater Good of course.

The ministry was infiltrated within a year please like that surprised me. What did surprise me was that it took them so long with all the corruption and morons working there. One word FUDGE. How the hell he managed to keep his position i will never know. No wait i take that back Malfoy's money happily took care of that.

When i turned seventeen i took a heritage test. Honestly i didn't expect anything out of it, of course i should have known that nothing is ever normal with me.

My mother was apparently the first Crowe in four hundred years that was magical again. Who would have taught. Oh who am i kidding stuff like this always happens to me. And if that wasn't enough oh no the Ancient and Noble house of Crowe is a branch of the Ravenclaw line that inherited everything when the line died out in the male line.

Thank Merlin no one knows about that since everyone taught that one Prudence Saywer was a muggleborn. My ancestors really where brilliant. If only they where smart enough to not keep marrying there cousins then they wouldn't have gone squib. But still thank Merlin that Dumblefuck or that bint Granger don't know about my Crowe inheritance Merlin knows those two would have been able to dig up something hell anything as long as they could use it against me.

You are probably wondering why they would do that especially when we are on the same side. Well for one the lapdog number one named Hermione Granger has hated my guts since the moment it was obvious that i was smarter then her. I would pity her if only she wasn't such a bitch that keeps getting in my way. She even thinks that she has the right to tell me what to do, only because Dumblefuck told her that i would be a Gryffindor, shy, friendless and her friend. Too bad that i am a Ravenclaw have friends and am a natural legilimens/occulumens take that you old coot.

And then we have got Dumbledore i have ruined so many plans of his i don't even know where to start.

I was born a girl for one if i had been a boy i can only shudder and think about what my dear horse faced auntie would have done with me when she found me on her doorstep. Her magic fobia could at least tolerate me since i am a girl and she always wanted one. Dumblefuck obviously wanted me abused and friendless hell it wouldn't even surprise me if he would have wanted me getting raped in that household. Too bad for the old fucker my virtue is still safe .I didn't exactly had the most ideal childhood but it was decent, except for all the comment's about my parents. I was never loved because of my friekiness but they tolerated me.

But lets go back to the last eight years that includes, horcruxes hunting, wiping out a couple of purebloodlines by killing the death eathers instead of giving them second chances.

Dumbledore was really pissed of about that, i single handily wiped out the Lestrange line, the Malfoy line, the Crabbe line, the Goyle line, the Burke line, the Selwyn line, the Parkinson line. I even killed a couple of Weasley death eaters. Shit i did one good job if i do say so myself. Add in to the fact that i become a hit witch for the ICW and got permission to take in the death eaters dead or alive. That i got the horcrux in my head out when i was in Egypt for what cursebreak training. Things just didn't go his way.

Now the war is finally over. But i lost everything my parents, my godfather, Luna, Neville, the twins, the Greengrass sisters.

Hell i even miss Zabini's flirting.

Everyone who meant something to me is dead. They don't deserve this especially since Dumbledore is still alive, even that bitch Granger survived. So that is why i am going te change everything. But first i have to find out who my soul mate is. Can you just imagine if i went back to the past and found out that my soul mate was a toddler or worse a married man.

With my twisted luck anything can happen.