Hi!. My first Death Note Fan fic, please reveiw, and enjoy!.

Mello's POV

Near really bugged me. I mean, really, really bugged me. And I really hated him.

But when I found him crying, I felt a little guilty. I didn't know what the hell to do. I obviously couldn't just leave him there.

So, I looked down at him. He was crying really hard, he really sounded heart broken.

"Hey, you alright?." I asked. Man, this was awkward.

Near shook his fluffy white head. He really does look like he has a pile of sheep wool on his head sometimes.

I sighed and knelt down beside him. As we were ouside Rodger's office, I'm guessing that Near had been called for something and been giving bad news. I'm not a genuis for nothing.

"Near, you can tell me. Rodger won't help." Near only cried harder, and as much as people think it, I don't take pleasure in seeing folk like this. Even if it is Near. But I've never seen anyone cry so hard. And I do have a heart. Even if it's leather-clad and georgeous like me.

"T-tod-day, today i-is the d-d-day my p-p-parents d-d-died." he whimpered. My heart turned over. So, yeah, Near's an albino prick. But he's a little kid, and I know what it's like to deal with deaths in the family.

So, I put my arm around him. He buried his face in my chest and sobbed more. His shoulders were shaking and he was freezing cold. I wrapped my other arm around him and rocked him.

After a while, his sobs died down and he fell asleep.

I bit my lip, unsure of what to do. But, right on cue, L came out of Rodgers office.

He looked down at us on the floor. He sighed softly.

"He always cries, every year, and as much as he tries, he can't stop remembering and it shows." he said. I nodded and stood up, Near curled up in my arms. He was very light.

I shifted his weight slightly, and he murmurmed in his sleep and snuggled closer to me. I looked down, almost...fondly.

"I'll take him to his room." I whispered. L nodded.

"Thank you, Mello"

I turned and slowly made my way up.

Maybe Near only acted so cold because of this.

Maybe I could start getting along with him...

There!. Please review, if you have any ideas or requests, please say!.
