I own nothing, the characters and settings of this story belong to the writers and producers of the Fast and the Furious, just borrowing for fun.

It was another baking hot day in California, everyone with any sense was at the beach or in the park was anywhere apart from in work. But Letty didn't think of working on her car as work. Despite the baking heat that was causing sweat to run down her neck she had a secret smile on her face as she sang along to the radio from under the hood.

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Suddenly a pair of arms were working their way around her waist and a body even hotter than the temperature outside was pressed against her, causing her to drop the cam belt she was replacing.

"What ya doing?" a low voice purred into her ear.

Letty smiled a not so secret smile before leaning back slightly into his embrace and replying in an equally sultry voice. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Working on your ride" Dom replied kissing her exposed neck, her hair was up in a messy bun on top of her head and he had unfettered access to his favourite part of her body.

Letty's smile widened and she bit on her lip as she enjoyed the sensation for a minute more before using her butt to shove Dom away from her and turning around and repeating his words from so long ago back at him. "So shut the f*ck up and let me concentrate." she sassed to her dumbstruck boyfriend before tucking her head back under the hood and continuing to sing along to the radio.

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