Family Bond

At eight o'clock Abby, Tony, and Jack crept quietly back into the hospital room. Ducky smiled when he saw them, but waited for them to get settled before he spoke.

"Somebody here wants to say something to you."

All three rushed to the bed, and Jethro slowly opened his eyes and grinned, "Hey there-"

The reactions were instantaneous, joyful, and wonderful, and finally Ducky ordered, "That's it, now- all of you sit down. Jethro has been through a serious medical trial, and he doesn't need to be overwhelmed."

The visitors quickly obeyed, and took seats and positioned them so that they could keep Jethro in their view.

Gibbs grinned, and turned to his dad, "Hey, Dad, thank you for coming." Jack nodded but didn't speak, afraid he would break down emotionally.

He looked at Abby, then at Tony. Seeing the uncertain, frightened looks on both faces, he reassured, "The doctor and Ducky have given me a good check. I'm fine. They even say that there shouldn't be any leftover problems."

Ducky spoke up then. "That is true, but you are going to have to spend the next few days recovering and gaining strength, and absolutely not working."

Tony and Abby nodded their agreement, but still looked unsure at their mentor's recovery.

Understanding their fragility, Jethro repeated, "I'm all right now, just tired. Come here to me, you two."

They obeyed immediately, placing themselves one on one side of him and one on the other. Jethro licked his lips and spoke softly. "I was actually dreaming some really vivid dreams during the coma, but I guess I must have known you were nearby."

"Why's that, Boss?" Tony questioned.

"I dreamed that I was a father, your father and Abby's father. You were twins."

Jack and Ducky both laughed out loud.

"Twins, wow, that would be neat to be a twin, especially with Tony. Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs, what were the dreams, though?" Abby leaned down excitedly for more detail.

"Maybe one day I'll tell you, but let me just say this. You act the same way now that you did when you were toddlers."

The two exchanged guilty glances.

Jethro elaborated and propped himself up on his elbows. "Also, I really don't care if you think I am overprotective, or too strict with you. If I ever find out you have done something stupid or not well thought out and have put someone else or yourselves at risk, you will regret it. Do you understand?"

They nodded quickly, not sure what they had done to elicit such a threat of future dire consequences.

He continued, his voice growing stronger. "Last of all, when I tell you to follow someone's orders, I expect that to happen. Do the two of you understand me? Am I perfectly clear?"

Glancing at him, then at each other, they answered emphatically together, "Yes sir!"

He motioned them closer to him. Abby bent down and he put his hand on the back of her head and then kissed her on the cheek. "I'm o.k., Baby Girl." She nodded and smiled, wiping at tears.

He turned to Tony, who leaned down and whispered quietly against his cheek, "It's all under control, Boss, I closed the investigation."

Jetho reached over and brushed back Tony's bangs, then pulled him down and kissed him on the cheek, as he had done with Abby. "I knew you'd take care of it, Son."

Finally, all was well and back to normal in the Universe of Gibbs.