Full Summary;; Natsu, "the prince of Fiore", has his father rule as a dictator. Samazu, Natsu's twin, is hated by Natsu for doing something that destroyed their father. What exactly did Samazu do? To become more superior, his father killed all mages. All mages that are still alive were hunted and killed. Lucy and Mirajane are one of the only mages left that aren't Dragneels. One day, stuck up Natsu gets bored and decides to go on a 'vacation'. On his vacation, he meets Lucy and her close friends, Lisanna and Gray. As arrogant as he is, he tries to swoon Lucy. Now, Lucy isn't that able to convince. Natsu is determined to make her fall in love with him... but is it really Natsu? Lucy's friend Gray definitely won't allow it. A Triangle…or Square…Or Hexagon? of Love forms, everything secretive and forbidden. What is the fate of them? BEWARE. Story changes by itself, may not exactly go with the summary. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Hey, this is my first published FanFiction! LoL, finished the first chapter, Yeayahh.! (((: Dedicated to: Savvy ;] If you're reading this, enjoi! Took me a while cuz I was on writers block.. :I LoL (:

The Land of Fiore; a beautiful and magical place. All was peaceful until one day the Dragneels' of the West attacked. Everything was in havoc, many dead or injured. Villages were raided and set on fire. The democracy crumbled and was overtaken by dictatorship. The only mages in Fiore were to be the 'royals', known as the Dragneels. All other mages were targeted, and sentenced to death.


In the main city of Fiore, Magnolia, a noble mage is packing, knowing what has been coming. She finishes putting necessities into a small bag, and walks towards a little crib of gold silk. Under a bundle of blankets is a small child, softly sleeping. The woman looks at the little fragile being, her face full of love for the little girl. She smiles, tears falling from her hazel brown eyes. "I'm sorry Lucy," The young mother says, caressing the young girl's face. She carefully picks up Lucy, knowing that it would be the last time that she would be able to see her beautiful girl. She would never get to see her grow, to see her become a mage. The mage cradles the small fragile child and takes out a small, velvet box from a locked drawer. She opens it, revealing an intricate necklace. The necklace had a piercing blue stone, rapped in silver vines with glints of diamond that connected to the chain. She slowly took the necklace out of its encasement and slipped it onto the small neck of her child, tucking the pendant under the blankets which hid it from sight. She checks the time, seeing that she had taken too much time to prepare. The woman grabs the bag she had packed, still holding onto Lucy.

As the sun sets, she hurries down an alleyway, where a shadowed figure stands. "Mirajane, that is you?" The woman asks the hooded figure. The figure steps out of the dark and into the moonlight, pulling off its hood. Under the cloak was a young, teenage girl with pure, white hair and sea blue eyes.

"Yes, it is I," The girl named to be Mirajane responds, "Are you sure you do not want to come, Layla? If you stay here, you will surely be executed for being a mage." Mirajane adds, "I am certain that your daughter Lucy would rather have her mother escort her until she is of age."

Layla, the mother of Lucy, sighs. "I am afraid that won't be able to happen. Knowing that the Dragneels will strike, there is nothing to do but wait. They have to much power, and will overtake. Being of noble blood, and wife of the Head Master in the Council, I am of certain that my husband and I will be the first to be targeted. By the time Lucy is an adult, she will have to fight the Dragneels for the freedom of Fiore. But then again, it is all her choice if she wants to take on her destiny. I will leave her in your hands, as you will both need to keep the secret of being mages to yourselves. You never know who to trust, nowadays. So please, protect her as much as you can. Here are her spirit keys," Layla opens her small bag and takes out a small ring of keys; some gold, some silver. Each key had a different design and shape. She places the keys into Mirajane's open hand, the keys lightly jingling. Mirajane puts the keys in her boots, keeping it in a small pocket that hid possessions that weren't meant to be found. "Now, tell her all when she reaches the age of 15 and give her the keys," Layla says, her face showing no emotions. "It is time that you should flee. Curfew is almost being held," Layla looks at her child, kissing the still sleeping child on the forehead. She hands Lucy over to Mirajane, and thanks her for everything. Mirajane nods, covering the baby under her cloak. Layla turns around, disappearing in the haunting mist of night. Mirajane also turns around, heading for the gates of Magnolia.