Well hello there! This my first chapter written on my phone. I am currently complaining to myself on how sucky this is. Also, welcome to the first chapter of my first fanfiction not in the Nobody's Heartless universe. I've had this idea for awhile, and decided to get a heads up on this. This happens BEFORE book six in the manga. Or, for those that watch the anime, before L is killed. Welcome, to Darkened Fates. (title in progress)


Light was bored. It had been about 6 months since he had begun his quest as Kira to rid the world of criminals. After awhile, however, his genius had grown bored with the repeditave task of watching the news and killing criminals on television. He had gone to reading the newest book of his favorite series, Artemis Fowl, the Atlantis Compex.

As he read it, he laughed at Orion, Artemis' alternate personality, which acted similar to Misa, only more of an idiot. Ryuk came into Light's room via the wall, and looked at the title of the book. "ANOTHER Artemis Fowl book? I really don't get why you like that series, Light." he complaned to the young adult, who still enjoyed fantasy books.

"You know? I'm bored as hell, and know that this will probably have no effect, but I'll do it anyway." Light said, pulling out the Death Note. He opened it to the latest page, and wrote in the name of his least favorite character: Mervill Brill, one of Opal Koboi's henchman. He then followed it with the name of his twin brother. "You know that you just killed two fantasy characters, right?" Ryuk asked him, as he had read the names over Lights shoulders. "Yes. Yes I do."

Meanwhile, underground...

Foaly was in the ops. Booth when a call came in from Atlantis. He listened to a distressed sprite yelling that two pixies had suffered heart attacks. This was an interesting occurance, as it was rare for any of the People to have health problems related to the heart, not to mention that the two were less than 100 years old. He turned back to the television that he had on the news channel, and heard the word "Kira" several times. His Gift of Tongues immediately translated it into "Death" in Japanise. Apparently, this man was killing criminals with heart attacks, and his identity was unknown. He reached for his communicator and made a call.

The next day...

Light walked into the room that was being used as the official headquarters of the Taskforce. L was there, talking to Watari via computor. Seeing that the entire taskforce was there, L ended the conversation. He then said, "Well, since we're getting virtually nowhere in the Kira case, I have contacted an outside ally, the only person besides Light-" Light gave a slight nod at L's praise, "-who I consider an intellectual equal. He is little known, yet at the same time famous, as he has appeared in seven books written by a man named Eoin Colfer. I'd like you to meet an old friend of mine, Artemis Fowl."


Well, first chapter finished! So far, I'm enuoying writing this. Oh, and confession time: Kirox, while he most likely will not be mentioned in this, was inspired by Deathnote, namewise. Namely, take Kira, replace the A with an O, then add an X. See? You get Kirox. Also, this is after my ALTERED Atlantis Complex, with Kirox. (See Nobody's Heartless Artemis Fowl mix). I also have NO idea when this will be updated, as I will more than likely be occupied with Organization Days.

Farewell for now, friends.
