Well, I decided to go ahead and finish this up. I need to get to work on one of my Legend of Zelda fanfictions. Peace!

Zexion stood for a moment, about to leave. Light yelled out, "I can't take the randomness anymore! I'm Kira, so just send everyone back to where they came from so I can escape from the randomness!" Light continued to yell stuff that was completealy random, such as, "I like pie!" Zexion looked at L. "Your plan worked." he said. "It looks like Operation: Drive Light Insane is complete!" L yelled, before laughing maniacly. "You know that he was insane before, right? That's why his parents hired you. Your job was to make HIM ralize he's insane." Zexion responded. "And it's also good that he knows that Artemis, Butler and the person I'm cosplayed as, Zexion, aren't real." Zexion said, before taking off his wig to reveal short brown hair, taking out contacts to show brown eyes, and wiping his face to show darker skin than Zexions. "Artemis" was doing the same, showing a man with darker brown hair and similar features to the first one. The one dressed as Butler took his feet out of the stilts, also taking off a fake bald cap. His muscles were all real, though. "Let's go get some coffee." The one who had dressed as Butler said. "Alright Bruce." The one who had dressed as Artemis said, clapping his older brother on the back. "Let's go, Steve." he said, clapping the one who was dressed as Zexion on the back. "Oh, be quiet, Joe." he told the Artemis one. They walked off into the sunset, leaving L and a softly giggling Light behind. "Honestly, who believes the news about a man who can kill people with a Notebook. It's all just the goverment." Steve told his older brothers.

Yeah, I know. Short as hell. but I was getting NOWHERE on this. Imma gonna go start on the first chapter of The Hero, the Princess, and the Author whose storytitle was Stolen.

Peace, people.
