Chapter 1.

"Have you seen Sam?" Freddie didn't even bother to mask the panic in his voice as he burst into the Shay's apartment.

"Um. No." Carly raised an eyebrow, setting her teen magazine down on the sofa next to her. "Why? What's wrong?"

"I don't have time!" He clenched his fists. "We were fighting and she stormed out, I thought she came hereā€¦" He sucked his breath in sharply when thunder boomed loud enough to shake Spencer's newest tin can sculpture. "I've got to find her."

Carly flinched at the curse that left Freddie's lips as he slammed the door behind him.

Since when did Freddie get angry? Probably about the same time he started cussing.

oo oo oo oo oo oo

Freddie didn't bother getting a coat, despite the freezing rain. He had one thing on his mind.

Finding Samantha Puckett.

His best friend.

The girl he loved.

The girl he'd destroyed because of his own ego.

He had to find her and make things right or the guilt would eat him alive.

Not that he didn't deserve it.

"SAM!" He screamed her name, rubbing his hand over his frozen face and gasped for breath. He was suddenly thankful for all of those hours he'd put in at the gym. His sneakers pounded the pavement and he blinked the icy rain away as he searched frantically for her. "Sam! Where are you?"

He didn't let up until he reached the home Sam shared with her irresponsible mother. He ran up the front porch stairs and began banging wildly on door.

He took a few more ragged breaths. He wasn't sure if his chest was constricted because of the frigid weather or because he knew it was his fault that she was in danger.

When no one answered he bounded down the steps and headed to the backyard. No sign of life inside the windows. He'd all but given up when heard a wheezing cough come from the dilapidated tree-house.

"Sam!" He rushed up the rickety latter and what he saw shattered his already broken heart.

She was huddled up in the corner, clutching her hooded sweatshirt around her tiny frame. Her hair was matted and her skin was pale. Even with only the moonlight cascading around them, her fragileness was apparent.

"I found her at her house." Freddie said into his cell as he inched closer to Sam. He winced as her teeth began chattering roughly. "I need you and Spencer to come pick us up, she's in bad shape." He didn't bother waiting for a response from Carly before he hung up.

Within seconds he had Sam enveloped in his arms, but she was unyielding. She shoved against his chest with the little strength she had left.

"Just let me go Fredward." Her voice was hoarse, barely audible.

"Never, Sam." He whispered against the top of her head, clutching her against his chest. His muscles flexed when something caught his eye.

Rumpled up blankets, empty candy bar wrappers, a flimsy pillow shoved in the corner.

Had she been living up here?

So what'd you guys think? Worth continuing?

This is my first icarly fanfic so I'd love some feedback:)