This was supposed to be really short, but ended up being normal chapter length. Sorry guys!

Happy Reading! :)

Epilogue: College Graduation Day.

"And THAT ladies and gentlemen, is how it's done." Gibby announced, making a grand entrance into the Shay apartment. His arms spread wide and a grin plastered on his face.

The rest of the gang wasn't far behind. Carly smirked as Gibby downed the rest of the sparkling cider he'd brought with him from the graduation party Mrs. Benson had hosted for them. Despite the fact that they were now 22 years old, she'd mandated that there would be no alcohol anywhere near her party. He slammed the glass down on the kitchen counter for effect and his grin matched Carly's as she slinked up beside him, allowing him to tuck her under his ample arm.

"You do know you're supposed to return that after you walk off the stage, right?" Freddie asked, referring to the fact that Gibby still wore his cap and gown.

"Yeah well, I wasn't supposed to blow up the chemistry lab, skip class every other Thursday or bribe my statistics professor with pictures of Sam and Carly either, but that didn't stop me, now did it?" Gibby grinned and was promptly slapped on the chest by Carly.

Freddie held Sam tight, her back snuggly rested against his chest as she struggled to break free.

"You what?" She growled.

"He's a lonely old man and I needed an A, what do you want from me?" In Gibby's mind, this explanation was perfectly plausible. "You guys were mostly clothed anyway; bikinis and pajamas." He rolled his eyes.

"I will claw your eyes out!" She kicked her feet as she dangled in Freddie's strong arms. He grinned against the back of her hair and took a deep breath of her rich strawberry scent. God, he loved her even when she was angry. Especially when she was angry.

"Oh Calm down Sam, it wasn't like they were naked pictures." Carly defended, allowing Gibby to stand behind her, his thick arms enveloping her small frame. She often acted as a buffer between her best friend and her boyfriend.

"I will not calm down!" She wriggled again, unaware that her backside was pressing against a very important part of Freddie's anatomy every time she lunged for Gibby's throat.

Freddie leaned in and breathed in her ear. "Calm down baby and I will so make it worth your while." His voice was low so only she could hear, but Gibby and Carly knew something was going by the way Sam immediately stilled in his tight grasp.

Before anyone could question what he'd whispered in her ear, Freddie switched his train of thought and pointed at Gibby. "You take anymore pictures of my girlfriend for any reason other than to show me how gorgeous she is, I will snap your appendages off. Got it?"

"Freddie!" Carly scolded, rubbing her hand over Gibby's stomach in a loving gesture. "You be nice to him."

"Tell him to stop being such a perv!" Sam added, defending Freddie even as he carried her away toward the balcony.

Gibby grinned, playing with the tassel on his cap, knowing he wasn't really in trouble.

Carly wrapped her arms around him and sighed in satisfaction. She'd never cared for anyone the way she did Gibby. He was her exact opposite and she loved the excitement he brought to her life.

"Put me down, you nub!" Sam cried out as Freddie carried her out on the fire escape and finally set her down. He couldn't help staring at her. Her blond hair was curled perfectly and blew softly as the wind swirled gently around them. She was absolutely breathtaking and he still found it hard to believe, even after four years, that she was his. He wanted to make sure that she'd always be his.

"What am I? In time out?" Sam crossed her arms and looked at him expectantly. She had to keep her distance so she didn't jump him right there. She allowed her eyes to rove over his flawless face and come to rest on his full lips. His hair was tousled from when they'd snuck away during the party for some alone time. She'd never tire of the rush she felt when he held her close and told her she was his everything.

"Kind of." He smirked, watching as she sat down on the ledge. How was he going to do this? Where should he begin? "I was thinking maybe we should talk, you know, about us." He gave her a shy smile, the assertiveness he'd grown when they'd began dating slightly wavered as her eyes snapped up to meet his.

"What about us?" She tried to hide the slight insecurity in her voice. It was graduation after all. Maybe he wanted time to explore things on his own without the hassle of refereeing the quarrels she got in on a daily basis.

"You know…" His eyes shifted to the floor, suddenly feeling nervous. His hands went into his pockets and he took a deep breath. "about our future." He gave a nervous chuckle.

"Our future isn't certain…" It wasn't really a question. She nodded glumly, looking down at the floor.

Freddie groaned inwardly, he'd fudged this up good. Now she thought he was breaking up with her.

"I'm hoping to solidify our future right now." He drew a shaky breath, pulling his hands from his pockets and swiftly moving down on one knee in front of Sam. "Baby, look at me." He tipped her chin up to look at him and scooted a little closer, rubbing his hand along her side. He couldn't screw this up.

"Freddie, what're you do-" She began, but he pressed a finger to her lips.

"The past four years have been the best of my life." He smiled as he saw the realization of what he was about to do slowly appear on her beautiful face. "I love you Sam, so much and I know that I could never survive without you." He grinned as she playfully rolled her eyes at his sappiness. What he didn't know was that she only rolled her eyes to hide the happy tears that were threatening to fall. "Let me be romantic, I only get to do this once in a lifetime." He nearly whispered, wanting so badly to pull her down for a kiss.

His nervousness slowly depleted with Sam's encouraging smile. "Samantha Puckett will you do me the honor of spending the rest of your days beating the nubbiness out of me, eating all off my bacon and ham and making me the happiest man who ever lived?" As he finished, he popped open the small velvet box that he'd pulled out of his pocket when he knelt.

The diamond sparkled beautifully and she was suddenly ecstatic. "Well, it's a tough job, but I guess somebody's got to do it." Sam tried her best to keep up her playful façade, but tears prickled her eyes and she couldn't suppress the smile from twisting her lips. "Oh Fredweird, of course!" she threw her arms around him and her lips sought his in a feverish kiss that had him wishing they weren't out in the open.

He pulled back, gasping for breath as he slipped the ring on her left hand. "It's beautiful. Just like you." He leaned in again, nuzzling the side of his face against her cheek and breathing in her hypnotic scent once again.

"I love you, nub." She giggled; something that Sam Puckett never did.

"I love you more." His voice was sincere as he pulled back to look at her.

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD" They heard Carly squealing from inside and they both stood up.

"Ten bucks Spencer was trying to demonstrate how a fire extinguisher works with a blow torch again." Sam rolled her eyes as she followed her fiancé back inside.

"OHHHHH MY GOD!" Carly squealed again and they saw her jumping up and down like a rabid hyena, waving her hand around.

"What is wrong, you dipstick?" Sam quirked her brow, but smiled when she felt Freddie wrap her arms around her from behind. "Practicing for random dancing?"

"I'm getting married! I'm getting married!" She didn't stop jumping until Gibby scooped her up in his arms.

"Figured I should make an honest woman out of her." He shrugged as if he'd just committed to ordering a pizza rather than pledging his heart to his girlfriend of three years.

"Well, that makes our news slightly less surprising." Sam smirked, holding her left hand up to show her friends.

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" Carly began squealing again, unable to jump because she was securely held in Gibby's embrace. "We can have a double wedding!"

"I don't foresee that happening." Sam cringed. "I don't like lace, fringe, chiffon , anything pink, sparkles, ruffles or tiny heart candies that say Mr. and Mrs." Sam rattled off and watched Carly's face fall in disappointment.

"Please, Sam" Carly pouted as she sometimes did when she didn't get her way. "For me?"

"Argh. Chiz." Sam groaned. "Fine, but no matching wedding gowns!"

"I can't wait to be Mrs. Carly Shay Gibson." She sighed, relaxing in Gibby's arms as he placed a kiss atop her head.

"I'm keeping my last name." Sam said with a straight face, feeling Freddie tense behind her. Oh, how she loved messing with her Fredbag.

"What?" He whined, spinning her around to face him. "You are not!" She loved when he got all worked up.

"Hmm, yes…I think I definitely am." She crossed her arms and smirked, challenging him.

"You are going to be Mrs. Samantha Benson and you're going to like it!" He was fuming and oh-so-sexy.

"Mrs. Samantha Benson…hmm…" She acted as if she were pondering the idea and then shook her head in the negative. "Nah, sounds nubbish." She couldn't help the short giggle that passed her lips.

Freddie hid his smirk. She liked when he was assertive and he knew it. He also knew how their little spats ended. He knew they would end up tangled beneath his sheets before the fight was properly ended.

"I'll show you nubbish" He easily picked her up in a fireman's carry, hauling her over his shoulder.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow. Lunch?" He looked expectantly back and forth between Gibby and Carly, calmly acting as if Sam wasn't throwing a temper tantrum.

"Sounds good to us." Gibby answered, ushering Carly over to the sofa for some heavy duty cuddling.

Freddie pulled the door shut and set Sam down in the hallway.

"You jerk…" She began, but he cut her off by pressing her against the wall, much like he had the night he'd pleaded with her to stay. The night everything had changed for them.

"Say you want to be my wife and that you want my last name." He growled in her ear, pulling her thigh up around his hip.

"But it's so icky." She breathlessly teased him and followed with a soft moan as he pressed his hips against hers.

"Say it."

"Make me, Benson."

His hands snaked up her sides and his hot breath pulsed against her ear. "Last chance…"

"Fine." She huffed and he pulled back slightly, confused as to why she was seemingly giving in. "I so want to be Mrs. Samantha Nubson." She said sarcastically and then grinned as he picked her up all the way this time, her legs wrapping around his hips.

"By the time I'm done you'll be begging me to give you my last name." He smirked, opening the door to his apartment, knowing his mother was still at the party entertaining relatives.

"Try me." She challenged as he moved swiftly toward his old bedroom.

"Oh, you can count on it Mrs. Benson. You can count on it." His lips took possession of hers and she returned the kiss with all the love she felt for him as he kicked the door shut and locked it.

He wouldn't be interrupted. He was going to win this argument if it killed him.

And knowing his blonde haired demon, it just might.

Ah, the end is here:)

SeddierealLuvJathan- I would definitely be up for writing a Seddie one-shot. I'm not sure when it'll be posted, but keep an eye out for it:)

I know I won't be able to stay away from writing Seddie for too long. So if I write another fic, would you guys be more interested in a fluff fic, angsty, AU or an expansion of an episode?

Anyway, what'd you guys think? :)
