Orochimaru silently watched the small form, obscured by the glass and liquid surrounding it, with a bemused smile. Soon, his plans would come to fruition. Soon, Sarutobi would know true fear. Soon, everything he'd ever wanted would be his. He chuckled at the sheer genious of his plan.

"Kabuto." he said, gaining the attention of the young medic nearby. The grey headed boy glanced up from his work. "How are his vitals?"

"They're steady, Orochimaru-sama. This particular subject shows remarkable improvement over the previous attempts."

Orochimaru's smile grew to a malicous grin as he approached the glass, touching it fondly. "Soon, young one... Soon, you will be my ultimate weapon."

"Soon, everyone shall fear the name..." Orochimaru said, pausing as he gazed at the abomination with a rare, loving expression.

"Tora the cat!"

Ehhh… No. Actually, this fic is on permanent hiatus. I just wanted to make it official. If in the future I decide to rewrite this fic, I'll let you know. I hope this fic did not permanently scar your capacity to function as a normal human being.

Anyways…. Bye!

-Koyan the Wanderer

Formerly known as Kuromaru-kun