A/N: 'I'm sorry' –duck- 'forgot' –a random lamp crashes- 'my password!' Webcam nails me right in the forehead. Passes out.

Random Reader: I mean who in the right mind is cruel enough to leave us hanging for months? Wake her up after we finished reading the chapter.


Confusion & Time

Chapter 3

'Ugh, it's so hot!' Naruto muttered mentally as he tried to get rid of the blankets that were suffocating him. Angrily, he threw it off and felt contented when he felt the breeze sweep through his manhood, 'Hmm, that's better.'


His blue eyes immediately snapped open. Why in the hell can he feel the cold air sweep threw his dick? He stood up but quickly regretted it when his mouth opened in a silent scream. His body slumped back to its original position in an attempt to make the pain crawling up his spine ease. What was happening? He was naked and hurt, did he get attacked or something?

A groan to his right was the reply that answered all his questions. His best friend was beside him, equally naked. The memories from last night came flooding back and he covered his mouth in horror. 'Oh my God! Did we just fuck each other last night? Oh this is bad, this is bad, this is bad!'

He didn't hate it but he knew that they weren't really in a sane state of mind that time. They were both depressed and confused that maybe this was just a spur of a moment thing. Naruto looked beside him to see the Uchiha peacefully sleeping and looking very sexy. Those long eyelashes, his defined and angular face, that perfect nose, those glossy, pink lips, that beautiful silky hair, soft skin that almost glowed. He bit his lips. Maybe it wasn't so bad if they did it again.

No, bad perverted Naruto.

Silently, he got up, ignoring the amount pain he had to endure. Washing himself, he tried to think while warm water flowed down his body. What happened had happened and there was nothing they can do to change that but what he really wanted to know was if this was just a onetime thing and if the raven really had wanted this. He wasn't even sure if he thought this was right because to most people it wasn't. He smirked. He knew very well that he and Sasuke weren't 'most people'.

He needed time to clear his head and maybe when he met the Uchiha later they can sort everything out. The last thing he wanted was for misunderstandings to occur. He calmy finished showering and dried himself. Without making any sound, he went towards the closet to find some suitable clothes. He found his ANBU uniform and dressed himself quickly before slipping out.

He let out a sigh of relief as soon as he closed the door to his apartment. A woman went towards him with a look of worry. He recognized her as her neighbor and wondered why she looked concerned.

"Are you okay Naruto? I heard you yelling and screaming last night. I was scared to death but figured you took care of it because everything went silent after a while."

Naruto blushed bright red when he remembered how vocal he was last night. It wasn't his fault Sasuke was an animal in bed. How could he have known?

"It's okay ma'am, I just resolved some issues with a friend. Everything perfectly fine," he answered and even added his trademark grin which made the woman blush. She nodded and bid farewell as she disappeared inside her own apartment. He had to remind himself not to be so loud next time. If there was going to be a next time.

He wished there would be.

He went off to the woods and felt himself relax as he felt the wind go through his face and hair. Maybe he'll even train a little to keep himself occupied while he waited for the Teme to wake up. Just as he was about to think about what he was going to say to him, he heard a commotion to his right. Curious as to what it might be he approached.

"You're a weakling! How could you attack someone who's back is turned!"

He saw two children about the age of eight in front of an ANBU. What's going on?

"Why you little-" the man in a raccoon mask drew up his hand to hit the raven-haired girl. The blonde held a kunai on the man's throat in an instant. How dare he try to hurt defenseless children!

"Naruto-sama!" the man shouted in surprise. It was then that Naruto noticed the passed out young man in the corner who's leg was bleeding. There was also another ANBU shinobi lying unconscious under a tree. This was a mess.

"Kaa-san!" one of the girls in front of them shouted. Naruto was to preoccupied with the man he was holding that he didn't notice. She tried to run to him but the other girl stopped her.

"He isn't mother, look how different they look," the brunette whispered to the blonde.

"Your sisters?" Naruto asked and they looked up to him and nodded after a few seconds. The blonde man let go of the raccoon-faced ANBU and ordered him to take the two injured men to the hospital while he took care of the children. The man complied without hesitation and was off in a matter of seconds. Now that the three were alone. Naruto thought it would be best to approach these children nicely.

"Where did you take aniki?" the black-haired girl demanded before he can let out a word of comfort. She seemed to be the protective one from the two though they were both cowering. The blonde little girl was still looking at him with a confused look on her face.

Smiling brightly which made the two gasp due to an unknown reason, he said, "You're brother needs to be treated immediately so I told the bad man to get him some help. Now, what's your name?"

The girls looked at each other, debating whether or not they should trust this man who had an uncanny resemblance with their mother. With a generous amount of hesitation the pale one said, "My name is Michiko and her name is Kohana."

"You've got pretty nice names there. My name's Naruto," as soon as he said his name the girl named Kohana started bawling her eyes out again while Michiko comforted her. The jinchuuriki could only stare in confusion, he didn't know what he was going to do. He didn't even know what he did to upset the kid.

His face contorted into a look of worry, the blonde girl reminded him of his eight year old self crying because of loneliness. It broke his heart thinking that maybe it was because of him. Cautiously, Naruto started approaching them. Not to fast because he really didn't want to scare them away.

It seemed that Michiko was also very close to tears even if she was the calm collective type. Slowly, the older blonde comfortingly wiped the tears from the girl's face and that simple gesture made them both freeze and stare at him. Naruto just smiled at them warmly as if to say 'Everything's alright now'.

The girls immediately hugged their mother.

"What were you thinking! I mean I should execute you right now! They're only kids you moron and to think you'd raise a hand against them! You piece of sh-"

"Naruto that's enough!" Tsunade shouted, anymore of this and the ANBU would piss his pants by the looks of it and she didn't want an ungodly stain on her carpet, "You may go."

The man didn't protest and bolted out of the room before his captain could mentally scar him any further. Naruto was really riled up by now. Tsunade knew he was thinking about the time wherein he was the one who was defenseless and always got beat up.

"You should know that being a Hokage requires keeping your temper in check," she commented as she reviewed the shinobi's paperwork on these unknown children, her eyes widened when she saw a rare detail he found in the eldest, "It seems one of them has the sharingan which automatically says he's an Uchiha."

Naruto's head snapped up, he tried to beat down the blush that spread throughout his face. This was serious and he didn't want his personal affairs cross with his work. His inner self snorted and he tried to pummel it mentally.

"An Uchiha? How could there be any more except Itachi and Sasuke?" he asked and Tsunade shook his head. The Sannin didn't know either, it wasn't possible that the rogue nin had a son. Unless, it was Sasuke's kids.

The look of disblief spread out on Naruto's features told her that he had the same illusion in his head. The male opened his mouth and closed it again. This is bad. His face started to contort to a look of rage.

"Naruto, don't jump to conclusions. Don't let your emotions get in the way of your actions. Think rationally and calm down."

Taking deep breaths, Naruto calmed down but he was still visibly shaking. What if it were true and Sasuke had a family without the blonde knowing. He better have a good explanation because he might 'accidentally' kill him if that were the case. Screw anger management!

"I left them in the same room where their brother was confined. They were really scared and confused and I don't want to solicite anything from them when their afraid. I don't know why but they keep staring at me as if I grew two heads or something."

Tsunade smirked and teased, "Maybe they were just dazzled by your charm?"

Naruto rolled his eyes and stood up to take his leave. He needed to know the truth and maybe he can ask nicely so they won't suspect that their being interrogated, "I need to go Baa-chan, I have a feeling they need me."

"Scram," she said as they both gave their last smiles before he left.

"Aw c'mon!" the raven growled in annoyance when he didn't find the warm body that was there just an hour ago. They were suppose to talk and the dobe just walked out. He better not have regretted what happened because he'd pummel him to death if he did.

He needed to find him.

Groaning as he sat up, he went to the bathroom to shower. He smiled when the smell of the dobe's shampoo was still evident in the air. It smelled of oranges and lemons. But he still thought that Naruto's unique smell was better. After showering, he dressed in his ANBU outfit and left. Silently activating his sharingan, he sensed the blonde's chakra residing in the nearby hospital.

He paled, did something happen?

He quickly shot out towards the direction of the hospital.

'I. Feel. Like. Shit.' the blonde mentally cursed when he felt his body throb in pain, especially his leg. Maybe he trained too hard yesterday. Maybe his Kaa-san would be kind enough to cook him his home-made ramen just to soothe his aching limbs. 'Hmm, ramen.'

He felt something poke his cheek and guessed it was one if his sisters. Can they see that he was trying to sleep?

"Don't bother me brats!" he said as he flipped over to try to find a better position. Another poke and he angrily sat up to find his sisters staring up at him with teary eyes as they glomped him immediately.

"What the-?" memories went flooding back and he remembered that they weren't home anymore. Well, technically they were but not in the same time period. He looked around to see white walls and a Dextrose hooked to his wrist. Good thing his sisters' hugs didn't detach it.

"Nii-san I'm scared!" Kohana cried as she clung desperately to her brother.

"What are we suppose to do! I mean we just saw Kaa-san and-"

"What? You saw mom? Where?"

As if on cue Naruto poked his head into the room. They all looked at him, Kana was dumbfounded. They had found the younger version of their mom only minutes after they woke up in this new world. Kana panicked, what was he supposed to say. He couldn't plan anything beforehand since they were attacked.

"Oh, your awake! Glad to see you and your sisters are okay," Naruto greeted and walked into the room. They were still frozen, he approached them and smiled. They were new here and judging by the uniform the older one was wearing, he was a ninja, "I'm Naruto Uzumaki by the way."

The older blonde thrust his hand towards the paralyzed boy and waited for him to shake it. Kana snapped out of his stupor and shook it. Naruto noticed that they were all tense. He couldn't blame them when they were just attacked by high-level shinobi at such a young age. But then again, Sasuke almost died when he was thirteen. He remembered Zabuza and Haku.

"Um, I-I'm K-Kana by the w-way," the boy stuttered, he mentally hit himself for looking like such an idiot in front of his mom.

Naruto chuckled, they looked really cute.

"Don't be so stiff, I don't bite. Well, most of the time," he teased and scratched the back of his head nervously. Normally he didn't have any problem comminicating but the two girls' stares just wouldn't let him relax.

Suddenly the door slammed open and a raven cam charging in, "Naruto are you alright?"

The younger three's hearts began to race and before anyone can stop her Kohana shouted, "Tou-san!"

"Kohana wait!" Michiko warned but she couldn't do anything when the blonde girl wrapped her arms around the confused Uchiha's legs, "We thought you'd never come back! Mommy's been so sad."

'What?' Sasuke thought, he didn't have a daughter. Who were these people and why were they calling him 'tou-san'? It was then that he felt the dark aura coming from non-other than the blonde across the room. It seems even the boy on the bed sensed it because he paled in fright.

Naruto on the other hand was smiling happilly but at the moment his blood was boiling in anger. So it was true that Sasuke had another family and he didn't know anything about it. That asshole.

"Oh, so you are an Uchiha," Naruto said in a sugar-coated tone. He looked at Kana who looked as if he was ready to run at any moment, "They say you have the sharingan am I right?"

Kana only nodded, he knew when his mother was mad and his temper was in it's all time high right now. He'd rather have him shout and blow up than wait for the bomb to explode because it really wasn't going to be pretty.

"You have the sharingan?" Sasuke asked in bewilderment, "But, how?"

"I don't know Sasuke, why don't you enlighten me on how the hell you have children and by what I can tell you left the mom. Is that right little girl?" Naruto said, they were amazed how he was smiling but looked very intimidating at the same time.

Kohana nodded enthusiastically, not really understanding what he had asked. Sasuke wasn't moving. Naruto then snapped out of his rage and tried to think like a Hokage. He needed to calm down if he wanted to ask these children some questions. And judging by the look on the eldest, he was ready to piss his pants.

'Okay calm down Naruto, it wouldn't be good if you kill Sasuke now. Maybe later.'

He rounded on the blonde who was still trying to cover his fright under the covers, "Kana, sorry I scared you there a bit. It's just that I don't take kindly to liars okay."

'Sure as hell you don't. Do you think I was born yesterday to not notice? Well, actually I wasn't born yet but that's besides the point!' Kana thought frantically, they knew he had the sharingan and it would freak them out if they told them the truth, 'But should I tell them the truth? I don't want mom to freak out knowing that he doesn't know he can be pregnant yet even if he's a man.'

"But where did you come from? It's not everyday we find children just outside Konoha," Naruto said, when he finally cleared his head.

"My mom died so we came here looking for our dad," Michiko went to Kohana's side and covered her mouth. Sasuke was too busy trying to remember someone he fucked when he didn't have a condom on.

Kana had to keep the fact that the man standing next to him was their real mom. Maybe he can tell them about his dad but he thought it wasn't the time to tell his mom, "I'm just a chunin and I hit my head so I forgot most of the things that happened before this."

'I am such a weak liar. Atleast they won't question me about anything that happened before I 'hit my head'.'

"Do you remember your mom? What she looked like?" Naruto asked with genuine concern. He pitied them, they didn't have anywhere else to go from here.

"I remember her personality. She was really happy most of the time and we really love her. She's kind and sweet and would give up everything to keep us safe."

Kana wasn't even thinking about what he was saying since his mind was filled with memories with his mom. He needed to stop his father from killing his uncle. If he didn't then everything'll be rewinded and replayed again and that's the last thing he wanted.

"We don't know where we should stay in since we just came here by foot," he said in a voice that pleaded. It looked as if it worked since Naruto's eyes were starting to water, "We don't even know if our father wants us."

"Sasuke! You better welcome your children to your home bastard or there'll be hell!"


"Naruto, I-"

"Shut up."

"I don't know what-"

"Shut up Sasuke."

"Can you just listen to me for one sec-"

"You know what! I'll give you five seconds to explain everything right now," he finally bellowed, ignoring the people staring at them. Let them stare at the man that won 'Liar of the Year'!

They left the three children and walked out the corridor to prepare for their stay in the Uchiha Compound. Sasuke was trying to explain that he didn't know what had happened.

"Look, don't you think it seems suspicious since I'm eighteen and the eldest looks about sixteen, How can I have lost my virginity at the age of two idiot?"

The blonde paused, he had a point.

"But how can they bear the sharingan unless he's an Uchiha?" Naruto asked, well there was Kakashi who got it from his best friend Obito but Danzo had collected all of the remaining sharingans and they were long gone. Itachi was about twenty-five by now and he couldn't have had these children.

Everything was getting messed up but at least he was relieved that Sasuke wasn't the father, "But they're still children who need help so I'll support them. Uchiha or not."

"Hn, it's fine if they stay with me but we need to investigate. They can be dangerous for all we know."

"Ha, figures only you can think eight-year-old girls can be dangerous."

The raven growled as the blonde roared in laughter. He noticed that there weren't and medics and nurses around. Slowly, he approached the blonde and started wrapping his arms around him. That made Naruto come to an abrupt halt as he moaned when he felt Sasuke's wet tongue lick his neck.

"S-Sasuke, don't do this in public. We aren't even sure what this is!" Naruto managed to whimper, trying to suppress the ecstacy he felt as pale hands started roaming inside the blonde's black tank top.

"This is called love-making and stop talking."

"Okay," was Naruto's only reply as they entered a nearby vacant room to do their 'business'.

"Well, this is a disaster!" Kana shouted in panic. Now, he had to deal with a confused Uchiha who didn't know what they were saying and he was almost sure that they'd get found out in three days tops.

Kohana was silently playing with the tubes connected to her brother and Michiko was pacing back and forth trying to think of something her brother was too much of an idiot to think of. Sometimes Michiko can be labeled as the maturest amongst them all. Kana was ready to rip his blonde hair off but the raven-haired girl remained calm.

So far, they had met their parents, had lied to the young version of their mother and will be staying at their father's house. It was a little messy but it's better than having no progress. (A/N: In case your wondering why they didn't think about the age thingy that Sasuke explained before he dragged Naruto to do something naughty. They're too preoccupied on planning their next move. c:)

"Hey Baka-na!" Michiko called, 'Baka-na' was the nickname she came up with for her idiot brother. Baka meaning idiot which she mixed with his name Kana. Creative isn't she?

"What?" he replied, he was too digruntled to be insulted right now. He glanced at his sister who came to his side with a calculating look on her face. At that moment, Kana stopped to marvel at how she really resembled his father. He and Kohana mostly had their mothers features except that Kana had his father's eyes but Michiko had inherited almost everything from their father. Not that he was complaining. His mother was also a very handsome man if he'd say so himself.


That sentence seemed really wrong in so many ways.

"I suggest we just go with the flow and let things fall into place. I mean we can't go back now that you decided to lie. Let's just tell dad that we came from this imaginary mother of yours and when the time comes that we hear anything even vaguely related to Uncle Itachi then that's the time we, mostly you, will take action. Are we clear?"

Kana didn't know what hurt the most, that she was absolutely right or the fact that most of the things that should be done would be of his doing. His jaw was still on the ground. Michiko only shrugged, this wasn't the first time she proved that she was the also the brightest of the three.

Kohana was still too dense enough to comprehend to what they're saying even if Michiko was only a few minutes older than her. Fraternal twins can really be different. Kohana looked expectantly at her brother and asked innocently, "When can we go home?"

Michiko and Kana exchanged solemn and worried looks. Kana just smiled that fake smile he got from his mom and Michiko tried to hide the tears that were forming by acting interested by a pile of magazines lying on a nearby table. Kohana seemed to take this as a positive reply as she continued to poke the tubes next to her. Surely her brother and sister weren't going to keep her hanging for long.

Unfortunately for her, they both didn't know how to answer.


". . ."


". . ."

"Hey! Damn it Itachi stop being such an emo bitch!" Kisame cried in irritation due to his partner's lack of replies. They were disguised as two ANBU ninjas they killed at the gate. If they didn't leave now, ninjas would be hot on their trail. He was already surprised that nobody's seen through their cover, "If your done watching your precious little brother than shouldn't we get going?"

Itachi didn't want to leave, he still didn't know who these unknown children are and for what he'd heard, they were of Uchiha lineage and that was bad news. He didn't want his brother to know the true story behind his well thought out plan.

*Spoiler Alert*

Yes, he had a secret that nobody but he and Kisame knew about. He wasn't the cold-blooded killer everyone thought he was. He was ordered by Konoha to kill his own clan, he didn't do it to test his power or anything even mildly as ridiculous to that lie. He didn't want his family to plan a coup de'tat which would start another war so he did what he knew was best for the people in the village.

He was supposed to be the hero but due to circumstances, he was titled as the 'Killer of the Uchiha Clan'. Actually, he didn't care about what other people thought of him. All he cared about was his brother. He made a horrid image of himself in his brother's mind to keep him living on and not to dwell on the pass. Not only that but he wanted to die by his hands.

It was messed up. Yes. But for him it was all worth it just to see him smiling. Even if that smile was the last thing he'd see before Sasuke killed him.

But here comes another problem, three children coming from nowhere threatening to foil his plan. It was getting rather annoying having to keep things running smoothly. He felt the chakra signature of five ANBU shinobi coming from all directions and judging by Kisame's glare he was getting really impatient.

He guessed it would be best if they escaped now. He'll be back after about a week to check on them again and rest assured if those children had done any harm to his Otouto then he'd murder them. He didn't care if they were one year olds, no one harms his brother.

Itachi nodded at Kisame and they both disappeared. Ninjas swarmed at that same place a few seconds later only to look at each other in confusion.

A/N: *cough* *cough* "That was really cold water damn it! Couldn't you just wake me up like normal people do? Like poking me like Michiko did?"

Readers: "Just write before we decide to use hot water."

( O.o)

P.S. Please review, I have a week off so I'll be updating as soon as possible. Sorry for the really long delay! ( T-T)