A/N: Last chapter!

The Science of Popularity

Chapter 11

Sam and I sit, giddy with excitement, on the floor of her living room.

The doorbell rings. I freeze.

This is it.

The night of the dance.

The first school dance I can actually enjoy.

Sam goes to answer it.

As the door swings open, smoothly, my jaw drops.

There stands Danny and Tucker, looking, well, hot.

As I look at Tucker in his suit, a giggle escapes my mouth.

He's so ridiculous.

He's wearing a traditional suit, with nice shoes, and an awesome tie.

That's not what's ridiculous.

What's ridiculous is the backwards cap placed firmly on his head.

As I tease Tucker about it, I glance over at Danny and Sam.

They're having the most casual of conversations, nothing out of the ordinary.

But, they're looking at each other like, both completely awestruck.

Pssh! And they say they're not dating.

Honestly, you'd have to be the dumbest person ever not to see how in love they are.

We leave the confines of Sam's porch and start the walk to the school.

For once, I actually have fun.

Sam and I laugh at her dark jokes. I make fun of all the matching dresses I see.

Tucker makes computer programming jokes. Everyone pretends to understand them.

Danny makes a weird comment about a ghost. I look confused.

Sam and Tucker look nervous.

All in all, everything is perfect.

I have friends now.

I'm happy.

And, really, in the grand scheme of things isn't that all that matters?

I, Star Tesla, scientist, nerd, and former popular, couldn't care less about my future.

Right here, right now, is so perfect.

Why would I ever want that to change.

I once had my life planned out.

But, now I find myself changing the plans to include three special people.

This is the start of the rest of my life.

I plan on loving every minute of it.

A/N: I was considering doing a sequel. What do you guys think? Write a review letting me know if you want the sequel or not. Or answer in the poll that I have posted on my profile. If I wrote a sequel it would pretty much just be a revealing fic with Star.