Author's Note: Okay, so I had this idea after seeing a certain picture. Blame dA or whatever, but this made me want to write this. I won't spoil anything but it will be good.

Island Science: Meeting the Voice

Working for an elite medicinal development company, Logan Mitchell, a distinguished chemist tended to walk around the beach while he thought about anything. He was the youngest member of the team assigned to develop a new pharmaceutical to promote skin health. Even though he was the youngest, he had earned the respect of the rest of the team within a few minutes.

As he continued to explore the beach, he noticed a small grotto-like body of water from the main ocean. Surrounding the water were tall palm trees and grass that met the sand. Logan thought that if he looked up the definition of paradise, he would find a picture of this grotto. Soon after he found the grotto he began to visit it every day after work and spend a few hours just relaxing underneath the sun's warm rays.

Nobody knew of Logan's secret retreat and he didn't want anybody to find where he spent his off hours, he liked his privacy just fine. So one day, when Logan decided to go relax at his grotto, he heard someone singing. Now it wasn't like Logan was mad that somebody had found this location, but there was something about that voice that didn't sound human.

He crept up closer to the source of the sound, making sure not to make any unnecessary noise. When he noticed the person the voice belonged to, he couldn't believe his eyes. The beautiful voice belonged to a mermaid; or rather a merman seeing as the mermaid was male. And at that moment, the mysterious merman noticed Logan and quickly made its exit.

A/N: Sorry it's so short, but I had to get the beginning done otherwise I would be killed by my own brain.

Have a great day, don't be disrupting singing mermen, and I will see you next time.
