Hello and welcome to my first ever FMA fanfic! So after watching all the Fullmetal Alchemist episodes and the Fullmetal Alchemist Movie, I wondered if Ed and Al will get home. I haven't figured out a way for them to return from the other side of the Gate, but I think about what would happen if they returned all of the sudden so this is what this story's about! So on with the story!

Disclaimer: the Fullmetal Alchemist characters and events in the anime show/movie do not belong to me, but I can still dream!

Chapter 1

Sun: the star that is the central body of the solar system, around which the planets revolve and from which they receive light and heat: its mean distance from the earth is about 93 million miles (150 million km), its diameter about 864,000 miles (1.4 million km), and its mass about 330,000 times that of the earth; its period of surface rotation is about 26 days at its equator but longer at higher latitudes.

It's just an oversized star really. Yet that star is important to the human race, without it we would seize to exist. For Edward and Alphonse Elric, it's a bane in their existence at the moment. Slowly, yet surely, they are trudging their way through the excruciatingly hot desert in the direction they hope to lead to Liore. Dehydration is overcoming them, slowing them down.

"Are we almost there yet?" asks a 21 year old Edward tiredly. Still in the clothes he had on before he went through the gate with his younger brother. It consisted of a white dress shirt, tan dress pants, a tan waist coat, a tan coat, though the coat was wrapped around his waist, and white gloves. His throat was unbearably dry.

"Like I said the last hundred times you asked, I don't know." A physically 15 but really is 20 year old Alphonse answered, obviously annoyed for being asked the same question over and over again. He is wearing clothing similar to his brothers but his pants are black and he doesn't have a waist coat or coat.

"Ok, jeez. No need to get snappy." Ed said without energy in his voice. "So…thirsty…need…water…" he said after a long silence.

"I…know…I am…too…Brother."

"I just wish…we had alchemy…"







"…WAIT! We DO have alchemy, Brother! We're back remember! I can't believe we forgot!"

With that in mind, Al clapped his hands and smashed them on the hot sand. A well appeared and water shot up. In despracy, the brothers ran to the well and drank to their hearts content.

"Great job Al! Why didn't I think of this before!" Ed said in between gulps of delicious, refreshing, much need water. "Now we need something to carry water with us for the road to Liore." Ed clapped his hands and put them on the sand and transmuted two bottles. They filled them to the brim, put the lid on, and continued on their journey.

Relief filled Edward when he first saw Liore. His arm and leg hurt from carrying a passed out Alphonse on his back ever since he fainted from dehydration. Their water ran out after a couple hours and they've been walking for a day since. With hope in his heart, we walked a little faster towards the sanctuary. One he stepped foot inside he collapsed, dropping Al at the same time. The last thing he saw was the shocked face of a woman who was familiar, but couldn't remember.

That's it for the first chapter! I know it's short but I didn't have much time. Anyways I will try to think of a way Ed and Al got home. Can you guess who the familiar woman is? You will probably guess right but still. Please do me a favor and REVIEW! DO IT FOR THE FUTURE ED AND AL!