A/N: *Important Announcement!*

'Shinigami Onehalf' was in popular demand with over 200 reviews, and over 60 and still counting people flooding my PM inbox with messages about continuing 'Shinigami Onehalf' and literally over half of them suggested to pass the story to them personally. As of right now, the story is discontinued, but if you have the spirit and determination, I will let you continue it. If you are interested in continuing 'Shinigami Onehalf' on your own, or simply turn it into a different story representing elements that I used in the story, like the characters, pairings, abilities, and cannon events that were supposed to happen in chronological order, you may freely do so by PMing me or by email, which is faster, you may contact me at my email address . Simply state that you wish to keep this story going and why and I'll send the original documents containing each of the chapters I have so far in an email, from there it is your responsibility. Just give me your name (or pen name) and email address, and you can take them on yourself. Feel free to add or change what you think is right. If you are asking me why I want to give away this story, it is because my email and PM inbox is FLOODED with your interest in this particular story. Ok, thanks again! Please let me know what you think and we can work together on this!

-Chiba Hiro :)あ (Arigatou gozaimasu, minna-san!)りがとうございますありがとうございますありがとうございま