Disclaimer: I absolutely in no way own InuYasha or any part of its creation. All credit goes to the extremely esteemed Takahashi-san.

The Mark of a Heroine

As the swirling mass of grey clouds continued to mark the sky with omens of ill fortune and bad luck, the eyes of a battered people waiting with bated breath cast their gaze upwards towards the unwelcoming heavens.

A wail of sheer agony split the still air crying out despair of something taken from a grasp that never got to close, a tender life that was never allowed to be cherished. The gut-wrenching cry reverberated to the farthest outreaches of the land to bounce back, resounding within the hearts of its now desolate people. An eerie silence cradled broken sobs as the opaque clouds released their camouflage of torrential downpour upon the upturned faces of a broken republic.

A solemn figure silhouetted against the dark sky emerged from the balcony placed in the public's eye clutching a lifeless lump within its all too tight embrace. Looking out amongst his people he scanned the knowing looks of disbelief, raw agony, and pitying emotions ranging from empathy to sympathy upon their tear stained faces. Confirming what they already knew to be an undisputable truth he slowly lifted up the stillborn child arms stiff in their movements as he proclaimed," Your princess Kagome…" The old man's haggard face lined with years of wisdom seemed to crumple in as he struggled to locate the right words to speak. Wizened, tired eyes glistening with unshed tears framed by crinkled lines usually indicating warm laughter scanned each face attempting to locate the next words to utter.

Every eyeball homed in on the bundle of a baby girl so ethereally beautiful that it was unjust to have such a life robbed thereby depriving the world of one more wonderful thing. The Kami must have been so pleased with their creation that the only place suitable for her to exist was among them. As the man's body shook with grief the delicate baby girls head lolled to the side revealing an odd shaped mark upon her brow. Faintly visible upon her porcelain skin were tightly interwoven vines tightly embracing a closemouthed bud. Unbeknownst to many this was the mark of an old soul searching for a comeuppance apart of a bitter cycle of fate.

A pair of golden hued eyes homed in on the damning symbol silently cursing a string of expletives as he hurriedly exited the swarming mass of sobbing bodies…

A/N: Hey there! I just wanted to greet whoever might be reading my extremely short first chapter and express my gratitude for you doing so. This is my very first ever fanfiction and I'm so excited. This story is basically a train without a conductor its' running on its own steam and can go which ever way so any reviews or ideas are appreciated. This here first chapter is a teaser you could say so expect longer chapters as the story express chugs forward. Don't mince words or thoughts, bluntness is the first step of constructive criticism!:]
