Hello! I'm so happy to see you guys again! I know it seems as if I dropped off the face of the Earth but WHO CARES! I'm just so glad to be back. And to fans of my SYOT, you might want to check the newest chapter… I'm sorry. Any who, I know you're probably not as anxious to get to reading like I am but let's start the story anyways!


Oh how I love it when things go wrong. It's just so fun to step in, take a few shots with the old laser and what not, and just brush off my hands and wait for the next catastrophe. I know that sounds a little evil of me, but still, I'd just blend in and seem taken for granted if I hang around full time. I need to keep things fresh and alive.

"Wh-who are you?" the little blonde boy asks. I chuckle sweetly and say, "Oh hello sweetie." Before the boy can share anymore of his emotion The Doctor steps right next to the controls of the TARDIS and says "River, Peeta. Peeta, River." The boy awkwardly greets me and waves a shy hello.

Oh how I love when the doctor brings home one of his projects… especially when they look so confused. "Has he had his lessons?" I ask while briskly walking past. No one knows the doctor. They don't even know his first name. Except for me. Ha, I imaginarily mock myself. I know a lot more than that.


Who is this? Why is she asking me all this stuff? Where am I? What happened to the arena? It all doesn't matter I have Katniss with me and I don't ever plan on letting her go. Ever. "Hey, can I speak to you… alone… for a second?" Her voice is worried, but her face is quite grateful. I don't blame her. I would be grateful to get out alive, and not through the arena. I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming. Now all I need is for the careers to stab me and I can live here forever.

So, yeah, I'm kind of rusty at writing this stuff. So these chapters will gradually get longer. Here's a discussion question for the reviews, What would you do if you saw a time lord regenerate? Would you freak out, start laughing, or run away screaming? Leave your answer in the comments with what you thought about the chappy. Adios!