Harry and the Order of Phoenix

Disclaimer-I own the plot but NOTHING ELSE!


Chapter 1

Hermione pushed her trolley through the crowds on platform 9 ¾. Looking for her best friends, Harry Pottter and Ron Weasly. She spotted a large crowd of girls, Hermione rolled her eyes, probably looking at a fashion magazine. She thought why would they do that when they could read Standard Book of Spells Grade 5! Just when she was about to go in the opposite direction, she spotted the trademark red hair. GINNY! What was she doing there? Ginny is quite academic herself and she never hangs around with Parvati and Lavender. Intrigued Hermione pushed her way towards the crowd. When she got close enough she heard Parvati bragging about her holiday in Italy, and saw her flicking her hair behind shoulder and batting her eye lashes. To whom Hermione didn't know. The seventh year girl in front of her shifted a bit, then Hermione saw a few locks of wild black hair. Next to Lavender she saw Ginny with her face as red as the trademark hair. Hermione wiggled through the crowd trying to get a better, when she finally got to the front she gasped.

With his back leaning against the wall was a young man! He had black wild hair but it was stylishly cut. Sparkling emerald green eyes. A slight brown tan. He was wearing a sleeveless white shirt with green combat trousers and trainers. The man was well over six feet tall and quite muscularly. He had a slight smile on his face. All in all he was THE best looking guy ever. Hermione looked closer at him, he was too young to be teacher and too old to be a fourth year. Somehow he looked familiar…

"Harry!" she gasped.

Harry turned round, to the direction of the voice.


She noted Harry's voice was deeper making him sound manlier. In one swift move Harry hugged her (Hermione noticed all the girls was staring jealously at her, especially Parvati) and kissed her forehead.

"Where were you? You didn't write to me the WHOLE summer I was worried about you!" Hermione asked.

"Sorry, I was busy" Harry replied shortly.

"What were you do-…"

"Come on lets find Ron" Harry interrupted. He grabbed her trolley and pushed off in search for Ron.

All the girls glared furiously at Hermione. Parvati looked like she was going to slap her. Hermione quickly followed Harry,

Harry and Hermione went in search for Ron. But that was not as easy as it sounds, everywhere Harry went girls would come up to him asking how he is. In the end Hermione got quite fed up, but Harry was smiling quite good- naturedly never complaining. At long last they found the whole Weasly family.

"Ron!" Harry greeted. The whole family's jaw dropped when they saw Harry. Ginny just blushed furiously. Mr. Weasly, however, didn't bat an eyelid.

"Harry! I trust it's going well?" Mr. Weasly asked. Harry nodded.

"Harry! Is that you? What the hell have you been doing?" shouted Ron once he got over the shock.

"I've been busy." Was Harry's short answer.

"Doing wh-…"

"Come on! You'll be late for the train" Mr. Weasly interrupted. They loaded their trunks onto the train and went in search of an empty compartment. When they found

One the train was ready to go. They all waved goodbye to MR. and MRS. Weasly. George and Fred went in search of some unsuspecting first years to try out their joke sweets.

"Exploding snap anyone? Ron? Hermione? Ginny?"

"Where were you this summer?" they all said in unison.

Harry sighed." I was busy"

"Why didn't you write to us?" Hermione asked.

"I was busy"

"Goddammit! Harry gives us a straight answer!" Ron shouted.

"Can't. Dumbledore doesn't allow it. All you need to know is that I've been busy. That is why I didn't write to you." Harry said in a calm voice.

"In other words YOU don't trust us!" Ron's voice was getting louder every second.

"My, My, My, the Dream Team arguing" drawled a voice.

They didn't need to turn around to see whom the voice came from. Malfoy stood there sneering at them. With Crabbe and Goyle flanking him at his sides.

"Poor orphan Potty not telling his friends what he's been doing"

Ron and Hermione didn't stick up for Harry. Harry stood in front of Malfoy. Using his height as an advantage. He looked down at him.

" I would rather be a orphan than having a father as a death eater," Harry shot back in his annoyingly calm voice.

Malfoy cheeks flushed red. He made a motion for Crabbe and Goyle to beat Harry up. Crabbe lunged at him, Harry sidestepped him, and so Crabbe lunged at thin air, and tripped him up. Crabbe fell flat on his face. Goyle tried to strangle him; Harry grabbed his arms and flipped him over. Goyle landed on top of Crabbe with a loud thump making the compartment rattle. Malfoy stared at Harry for a few seconds and fled with Crabbe and Goyle behind him. Massaging their bruises.

"Where did you learn to fight like?" Ron asked in awe.

Harry narrowed his eyes.

"Thanks for sticking up for me. You're really good friends." Harry said in a cold voice. He strode out of the compartment. Perfect, he muttered.