I'm so sorry for the long wait! I just couldn't come up with anything. But here it is. I hope you like it for this is the end of undeserved punishment.

Thank you to all those ho have continuously reviewed like: Akai Tenshi (my twin sister :p), Jerui, Crystal Amethyst, Vermouth,…. And so on. ^^ So thank you for all the lovely, funny, encouraging reviews and I hope you will keep supporting me and read my new stories. ^^

Disclaimer: I do not own Prince Of Tennis.

7 Undeserved punishment



I was in my last year of high school; the next year would be the university. The whole group of regulars was complete again, with Echizen making it to the regulars in the beginning of this year. Only Takashi wasn't with us any more since he had promised his father to get serious with cooking.

I was changing in the club room all alone the day before the weekend would start. Practice had just ended and we could all go home. I had entered before all the others and was hastily pulling my shoes off so I could change into my other pants. I then pulled off my shirt quickly and at the same moment I heard the door open. I looked in its direction and saw all the rest coming in.

They looked at me and smiled before walking to there own spot. They were all busy with talking about their plans when the buchou walked in and went to stand next to me. I could feel his eyes on me as I pulled on my pants and was about to grab for my shirt.

"Buchou! You'll start drooling if you keep looking like that at Fujiko!" Eiji, my red headed best friend yelled all over the room. It made everyone look at Tezuka who looked slightly uncomfortable but stoic nevertheless.

He looked away at the same moment that a grin played across my lips and I started walking closer to him until I was standing right in front of him. He looked down on me since he had grown and well I hadn't, not much at least. I grabbed his regular jersey and pulled the zipper down. He kept looking at me as I ran my hands over his torso and then down again underneath his shirt. He shivered from my touch and came back to his mind. He pulled my hands under out of the piece of clothing and then moved his one arm around my bare waist and the other to my chin. He lifted my chin up as he pulled me closer to him so my chest was touching his. He then slowly but surely advanced towards my lips until they came in contact with his and I softly, almost a mere whisper, moaned into his mouth.

Every time we kissed I felt like I was in my own personal heaven with my guardian angel. Neither of us paid any attention to the others in the room. It wasn't exactly the first time we kissed in the club room, though this year it had been happening more often and even in more public places. It seemed Tezuka slowly stopped minding other people or he just couldn't resist me. I rather liked the last one.

We pulled apart when somebody subtly coughed. I smirked at Tezuka as he seemed reluctant to let go of me. His fingers were softly brushing my back which made me shiver in pleasure. It tickled but I liked the feeling of Tezuka's hands touching me.

The door opened and our coach walked in. He was a man of about 45 years old and had a lot of experience with tennis. He was still fit and had an athletic body; he was of normal height and had brown hair that was neatly combed. He had led Seigaku to national victory numerous times in his career and had done so for two years again. I, Tezuka, our favourite golden pair and data specialist were immediately let in the inter-ranking matches since he had heard from us from Ryuzaki-sensei. We played and well…won. So we made it to the regulars from the start of our first year and we have been regulars since then. This year will be hopefully another victory as the national is closing in and we, seniors, want to end our high school career with a win.

But back to our coach, he was really nice and helpful but strict when necessary. He also didn't allow any distractions during practice but after, well let's just say he didn't mind it.

He looked in our direction for a moment and then smirked at us as his eyes raked over my body. Tezuka grabbed me tighter and shot a dirty look to the coach who just ignored him and walked further to grab some stuff and then leave again.

"Be nice you two, there are still other people in the room. Though if you fancy a crowd I'm always available." He said as he winked at me and walked out of the door closing it. Strangely that guy's way of acting reminded me of a certain someone's father. You could say he was sort of a womanizer, only his aim weren't exactly woman. We all knew that he was constantly joking about these things but Tezuka didn't like it. He was only respectful towards him because he was our coach and Tezuka had learned to be polite to people.

So the coach had left and I pulled away from Tezuka though he didn't want to let me go yet. I smiled at him and then gave him a quick peck on his cheek. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it on before throwing my jacket over my shoulders and grabbing my bag. I turned towards Tezuka again and gave him another kiss. This time I didn't want to let go since he had been redressing himself and at that moment his shirt had been off as well.

'This weekend' was what I kept on thinking as I pulled away from him and left for the door.

"I'll see you guys on Monday, okay? I need to leave my sister is already waiting. Sorry for not cleaning up with you guys."

"It's nothing Fujiko. We didn't know that practice for us regulars would run later. So we understand. You can't keep your sister waiting," Eiji said as he happily waved goodbye to me.

"Thank you. Oh and Mitsu…"

"Ah?" he said as he turned around to look at me.

"See you tonight," I seductively said as I watched him blush lightly before nodding to me.

"Ah," was his response.

"Oh and don't shower yet. You'll have to wait until I get back from shopping okay? Showering with two is much more fun," I then winked at him.


"Mou, it's not like they don't know what we do. You know I tell Eiji almost everything."

"Eh? Nani, nya?"

I laughed my way out as I left my dumbstruck lover behind and a now very curious Eiji who was probably going to ask a lot of weird questions to Tezuka. Tough he won't be answering them. I smiled as I made my way to my sister's red car and stepped in, she looked at me curiously before asking about my day as we left for the mall.

While we were driving, I was anxiously awaiting for 8 o'clock. That would be about the time I would return to Tezuka's house. His parents and grandfather would be away for the weekend. Because there was this wedding of some distant relative of Tezuka and they were invited. My sister had today off so she decided we would go shopping together since it had been a long time since we'd done something together. Yuuta was still at his dorm and wouldn't be home until late this night.

Yuuta was living with Yumiko and her boyfriend of two years in our old house. Yumiko decided to stay in Japan to take care of Yuuta and me, although I didn't live with them. And she certainly hadn't regretted it so far since she met 'her romeo' as she says. So since Yuuta was still staying at the dorm during the week of St. Rudolph's high school her boyfriend decided to move in so she wouldn't be lonely during the week. I was glad for them and grateful that nobody ever made me go back to that house.

Yumiko was totally okay with me staying at Tezuka's house which I called now my home. And well his parents didn't mind it either they really saw me as their second son, well son in law more to say. The guest room was now Tezuka's and my room since it was bigger and had a bed for two persons. Everyone was very supportive of us, even all the teams we knew three years ago. Well most of them are again the regulars of their school so we often met at matches.

Me and my sister shopped a lot and I bought some new clothes as did Yumiko. I also bought a new cactus, something Tezuka had to deal with. And we went to grab a bite we caught up with each other and told some funny gossip about our boyfriends before it was time for the two of us to leave back for home. Yumiko dropped me off at Tezuka's house and told me to have lots of fun this weekend as she winked and smiled deviously. I grined back and told her it definitely wouldn't be a problem. I said goodbye and told her I would call her somewhere this weekend.

After she left I opened the door and went inside, pulling my shoes off, leaving my bags there for the moment before walking towards the living room. I heard noises from there and saw Tezuka watching TV with his school uniform on which meant he hadn't showered yet. I smirked as I knew that he had wanted to shower with two as much as I did.

I sneaked up behind him and circled my arms around his body, moving my hands over his chest downwards. "Mmh, tadaima, Mitsu."

"Okairie," he said seemingly emotionless but his hands started to trace over my arms which contradicted with his tone.

"Ne, let's shower, my ko-i-bi-to" I whispered hotly as I traced my tongue over the shell of his ear. He shivered visibly and quickly shut of the television before standing up. He walked around the couch and then grabbed me to him as he kissed me softly.


I laughed heartily as I ran up the stairs after untangling from his embrace while pulling my shirt already off. He stood at the end of the stairs and just shook his head at my way of acting before coming up the stairs as well.

Xxxx TIME LAPS xxxx (just fill in what you think will happen ;p I wanted to leave it T) xxx

"Ne, Mitsu when will we be able to put our stuff in our new apartment?" I asked as I contently lied in bed with my naked body pressed against Tezuka's. He lied on his back with his arms around me as I rested my head on his chest. I listened to his heart still beating slightly to fast because of our previous activities.

"I think in about three months, the previous owners still need to move. Besides we still have some time before we need to go to Tokyo. We'll have to graduate first before going to the university."

"That won't be a problem. I just really want to have a place to call our own."

"We will, you just have to be a bit more patient," he answered as he lovingly kissed the top of my head. His fingers were tracing circles on my back as I sighed satisfied.

"I'm sleepy," I said after a moment of silence, only our soft breathing breaking it.

"Of course you are, you were quite active half an hour ago," Tezuka said as I heard the laughter in his voice.

"Mmh…I was, wasn't I. It's because it had been so long ago, another reason why I want to have our own place."

"Yes yes. Didn't you say you were sleepy?"

"Uhuh. I'll go to sleep now," I said laughing softly as I snuggled closer to him and gave him a peck on his chest.


"Ah, oyasumi."


It was dark, everything around me was covered by darkness not even the slightest speck of light came through the shadows. Nothing could be heard or smelled I couldn't even tell what I was feeling. I heard whispers far away from me slowly becoming louder as an eerie feeling came over me. I couldn't understand one single sentence until suddenly the voice was much closer.

"Guys, don't be gentle. Make sure it hurts more than it already does. He has to learn that this is not how you have sex and that loving another man is wrong. And this way he will never forget it."

I suddenly saw the face of my father appearing in front of me with a menacing smile before fading away again. And then a light went on, I could hear some people laughing and it was cold. I covered my body with my arms to feel that I had no shirt on. I looked down and saw that everything that had covered my body just seconds ago were gone, thrown across the place. I stood naked as the laughs turned into voices calling to me.

"Then you should have done the same, Ichirou. And don't worry he will start to like it, eventually. He is gay after all. He won't mind taking something from behind. Now would you, boy?"

"Mmmmmh, that's one nice ass. Guys I think we are going to have some fun."

I suddenly felt hands touching me, pulling me while others pushed me. I tried to get free but I noticed that I was bound with something. I couldn't move my arms anymore and I suddenly fell through my knees onto the cold wet ground. Bodies appeared before me, standing in a circle around me.

Panic, that was all I could feel. Panic and fear. My heart beat faster and faster, adrenaline was pumping through my veins, but everything was meaningless for I could not move. My voice was cut off, not even a single sound came over my lips.

I tried screaming for help, thrashed around but it made the hands grab onto me even more. Then all the sudden lips touched mine.

The lips left and hands started roaming lower and lower. I could feel my whole body burning with pain. I then heard screams that went through flesh and bones that made me shiver. I started hyperventilating as every single breath I took immediately left like I couldn't even keep it in my lunges.


"Syusuke!" the voice, I knew it. I tried concentrating on the voice, the only thing that seemed comforting. But I suddenly felt something breaking me from behind, I screamed louder than I ever had.

"Aaaaaaaah" I screamed at the top of my lunges as I bolted upright. My eyes opened and I could see my room, feel my bed, and hear the voice of my lover.

"Syuu? Are you okay?"

"…Mi…Mitsu…" I said as I started sobbing and tears streamed over my face.

I felt arms circling around me and soft whispers of comfort as I leaned back against the body and tried breathing regularly. I turned around and covered my head in Tezuka's chest and breathed in his scent.

"It's okay. It was just a dream, Syuu. It's okay. I'm here."

After awhile I calmed down again and was able to get the thoughts out of my head. I moved so I was more comfortable and lay in between Tezuka's legs on top of his chest with my head in the crook of his neck.

"Are you okay?"

"Hmm. I'm fine now. I'm sorry for waking you up again." I answered as I moved my hand over his chest and placed it where I could feel his heart beating.

"Syuu, you know it's nothing. You don't have to apologize. Besides, it has already been two months since the last time you had a nightmare. It won't be long before they disappear completely. Until then, I'll be here and comfort you as much as I can."

"Mmh, arigatou Mitsu. I wouldn't know what to do if you hadn't been here all these years. So you have to promise me you'll stay with me forever. Ne?"

"Of course. I promise, don't worry. I won't ever leave you as long as you want me with you."

"Saa,…Then you'll never have to leave," I said while laughing softly at the mushiness of our conversation although I still thought something was missing.


"Hn?" he said starting to sound sleepy again.

"I love you."

He laughed that silvery laugh I was crazy about and answered: "I love you too," before kissing the top of my head softly. I sighed and drifted back to sleep.

The absolute end. ^^ kind of sad though, I had much fun writing this story.

Please review because I want to know what you thought of it. (I'm not completely happy with it but still, it turned out okay.)

Hope you guys liked it and will read more of me, or write perfect pair yourself so I can read your stories. ;p

Ja ne xxxxx