A Hero's True Love

Chapter 1

By HamburgerWithTea


Superhero!US x Cop!UK, AU. Arthur has to catch a very feared criminal, and he's doing a good job until he gets into trouble. The city's hero comes to help him out. minor OP included, possible character death (not US/UK)

A big thanks to Caroline, caroshadow on dA and FF! (find a link on my profile!), for helping me think up the past of the characters, make all characters IC and keep all the awesome shared among the characters to keep it all a fair battle, and helping me keeping the story less cliché 3 she's the best, and she really helped me out a lot! Please visit her dA, it's worth it, and also give her a REALLY BIG thanks (also since she helped me beta-ing… really. How awesome can someone be? She's almost the level of Prussia… but of course ALMOST since well, Prussia is awesome itself…) !

Right now he was running through a small, dark alley, He was chasing one of the most well-known and most feared criminals of the city, the country even.

Arthur always wanted to be a cop ever since he was little. Most boys around that age wanted to be a fire-fighter or a cop or something the like, just like how most girls wanted to become a nurse or just a housewife. But Arthur still wanted to be cop in those years after his childhood, when people started getting serious future plans. He just thought justice was very important in this world, and he really wanted the streets to be safe.

Especially since the fact that his dad had abandoned his mom because of a gang he was in to get money for the family only strengthened his resolve. In the end his father was caught by the police for murder and shut into the prison, and that's where he still was, as far as Arthur was concerned. After all he had murdered someone, it wasn't like he'd get released soon.

Arthur never heard who exactly was murdered, or what the reason was. All he could remember was the last time he met his father; It was a cold and rainy autumn day, grey all over, just like most of the time in the UK, and his dad has just been arrested.

At that time Arthur's mother was working very hard to earn enough money to keep her sons and herself alive and even enough to give the boys a proper education. She was a really strong woman. But at that time she'd been crying, telling Arthur and his brothers how much she loved their dad at first, and that we shouldn't blame him, and that all he needed was some rest at the prison and then he'd come back to our family once he was released.

But by that time he already hated his dad. He had left them all, he made his mom and brothers suffer, because of him they had to work very hard to have just enough money to buy food and education and once in a while a new pair of cloths, and now he even ruined their reputation of being a normal family. It had all neighbours talk about what exactly happened and rumours started to spread about how it was his mother's fault for having an affair and of how she'd helped him plan the murder, and even their family being part of the mafia.

After his mother talked a while with his dad, and Arthur and his brothers all got to say their dad goodbye, all of the boys started to hate their father more as time passed. It was then that Arthur decided he'd never allow himself to become someone like his father and that he'd do anything for justice.

After they all said goodbye at the man that was so familiar, yet so strange to them, they never came around the police office ever again. None of the boys ever got to know what their mother and father had discussed when they waited outside, but the week after their goodbye, they left the village to have a new start in a new town, further south.

Over the years they managed to have a pretty good life, all of Arthur's brothers graduating high school and university even, and then went to work as business-men. All of them had the goal to become successful, have a good job and a great life, so they all had worked very hard. First at school and later at their jobs.

At this time, Arthur's 23rd spring, his mother had fallen ill due to overwork and having to take care of Arthur and his brothers. She wasn't allowed or able to work now, so she'd just sit at home and stare out the window, only being a replacement for the happy woman she once was. Her emerald eyes, which Arthur's own looked like, didn't shine anymore. They used to be so bright and always make Arthur happy, but nowadays it only made him feel miserable and feel as if she was a stranger.

He and his brothers saved up money so she could live without worrying about that, and she appreciated it very much, but still, it stung Arthur to see how sad his mother looked, and how that was all his father's fault. It made him even more eager of becoming the best policeman ever.

And that's exactly why he was now running through this alley, huffing and puffing due to the lack of oxygen in his lungs after he'd been running for several minutes, non-stop. Running had never been his strong point. Strategy was. He'd come up with smart ideas and lure the criminals out of their hiding places. That's why he was very respected among most of the other policemen.

Also that was why he got to take care of this most feared criminal.

To catch the criminal, he'd thought up a pretty clever strategy, even if he said so himself. It had worked out very well, until the very last level of the plan, and the criminal figured them out and was now running for his dear freedom.

Ever since a few years there was a superhero protecting the town. He would save people from all sorts of things and sometimes even catch a criminal. He'd probably help them out if they asked him, but Arthur didn't want that to happen. This was his job, his case and he wanted to fulfil it no matter what. He didn't need any stupid hero's help for this. That guy was probably only a selfish show-off anyway.

Finally he saw the shadow of the criminal that was running in a few meters before him.

"Found you," Arthur thought while some kind of dark smirk crossed his face.

He quickly ran around the same corner as where the shadow had run to, only to be faced by several guys from who he only knew two.

The first was the most feared criminal of the country; Ivan Braginski. He was from Russia and ever since he'd come to the UK to claim territory for the Russian mafia, he'd been the most feared. Barely anyone was able to ever get a glimpse of him. The man would always be where the important things were going on, but no one ever saw him. And the ones who did, wouldn't live to tell…

The second man was Francis Bonnefoy. An ex-cop and ex-colleague from Arthur. He once was a pretty good cop, even tough he was quiet perverted, but after he got offered a pretty big amount of money (Nobody except for Francis and Ivan knew exactly how much) the frog had joined the enemy.

Arthur stood there, facing what seemed to be at least one quarter of the whole gang, which meant it was around fifty people, each and everyone of them armed with baseball bets, knifes, guns or what else they may could use to kill someone easily and accurately.


Looking around to see any of the other cops, Arthur noted that he was alone. One against fifty. How unfair.

He tried to slowly grab his emergency beeper, that would send an S.O.S. signal to all police units and their cops within the city, and send a GPS signal to show them where he was. But before he reached the button his arms were grabbed and pulled up behind his back. The pain was immense.

"Arwgh!" he groaned as he felt the pain in his shoulders that were almost broken by sudden and harsh movement that they weren't used to.

"I'd rather not try calling your friends out, da?" a happy, yet creepy voice said. Arthur looked up to see the face of the Russian smiling and looking down upon him.

"Aw don't 'urt mon petit Arthur too much, Ivan, 'e might be useful," Francis interrupted with a teasing voice with a thick French accent. That part of his hadn't changed in the last year.

"That might be right, da… Let's take him with us to the shack," Ivan replayed, now talking to Francis, but still grinning with a somewhat dark aura.

And as soon as he said that, the guy that held Arthur's arms on his back, started to move. They walked onwards in the dark alley, going the exact opposite way from where Arthur came from.

Arthur started to struggle and try to get himself free, even tough he knew there was a very small change he'd succeed… no chance even. After he'd struggled for a while and they didn't move too fast, the guys holding him were starting to get tired of it. They started to kick Arthur's legs in attempt to have him walking onwards, but it didn't have any effect, Arthur had been trained for this type of situations.

After all methods the guys tried failed, they decided to give up and ask Ivan what to do with him. Ivan only replayed;

"Maybe he needs some nice sleep, da? It's probably been a very long day for sir Arthur," He said while turning his face around, still smiling.

The moment Arthur realised what he meant by that, it was too late. His head hurt, his mind went blank and he sunk into the depths of the deep, dark emptiness of his now unconscious brain.

/Author's note/

Okay, so first I was planning to keep this a one, maybe a two-shot, but in the end I got a full story, especially with help from Caroline, so it'll be a multiple chapter fic now XD and yes, both Francis and Ivan are evil :P wohooo BLAME IT ON CAROLINE :P lol jk, but it'll be explained later in the story.

This story will probably be updated less often as HwRT, but whatever :P Reviews make the updates go faster, I swear.

Also, both Caroline and I are Dutch, so even tough we tried our hardest to have the sentences and words spelled right and using good grammar, if you find any mistakes, just say so.

I don't really have anything else to say, except that it'll all make sense later in the story, as for why we chose certain characters for certain roles :P

Drama all over, I promise you guys :P

Byebye 3

I do not own Hetalia or the characters, those belong to their rightful (awesome) creator, Hidekaz Himaruya!
