The first of the epilogues

"Nervous?" I asked, as I placed my hand on her bouncing leg.

"Bit." She was chewing on her nail and looking out the window. She never did like flying.

"We've got a while before we land, try and get some sleep." Her other leg was bouncing now.

"Roza, look at me." She did and I could see the apprehension in her eyes. "You'll be fine." She nodded and I put my arm around her shoulder. She leant into me, still chewing on her nail.

"What if they don't like me?" Ahh, so this was what she'd been obsessing over for the past few days.

"Baby, they already love you." I kissed her forehead.

"But I'm the reason you haven't been to see them in ages."

"No, I decided to spend Christmas in New York and I decided to take a trip to Rome with you over Easter. They understand it's a long way to travel." I kissed her again, unable to keep my lips off her.

"But they haven't seen you in over a year and-"

"-and that's my fault. I was working and travelling. Relax, I moved away years ago and I live my own life, they understand that."

She was still a bit nervous, but decided to watch a film to pass the time. Sure enough, she fell asleep almost straight away, and I moved her so she was more comfortable, covering her with a blanket and putting her pillow in my lap so she could near enough lie down.

To say the last six months were manic would be an understatement. We'd spent Christmas with Tasha in New York and her parents did manage to make it over for New Years. Her mother and sister took a shining to me straight away, but her father took a bit longer. The first few hours after we met consisted of menacing glares and awkward silences, but he warmed up to me in the end. Especially after I gave him a rather expensive golfing set for his Christmas present. I was not above bribery.

The Academy wanted me back in January, and it was agony to leave Roza behind. But she needed to be with her family and settle back into her life in London. I got back into my work, putting in all the extra hours I could, working as fast as I could to get the rest of the amendments finished. I saved up my holidays and worked very, very long hours, and sure enough, I had finished all my work by March. They still had me on contract until July, but there was nothing else I could do, so I took my holiday, which would take me up to the end of my contract. It wasn't strictly above board, but Janine managed to pull some strings, and I was in London for Roza's surprise birthday party on the 20th. She was over the moon and I took her on a holiday to Italy for her birthday over her Easter break.

I found a college that would take me, even though I was technically still in work. I did a criminal psychology course and found an apartment in the centre of London. We both finished school, and she was going to King's in the fall. I'd managed to find a job close to where I lived, and I don't know how she did it, but she managed to persuade her father that living in my apartment with me was better for her. He complied, reluctantly, but I think the fact that she wouldn't be alone in a big city was comforting.

I was finally taking her to Russia to meet my family for the first time. We were starting off there, staying a week before travelling round Europe for two, then meeting up with her family in Greece for another week. It was complicated and expensive, but the across-continent trip was her present for finishing school with the top A-Level grades, and I was covering the other expenses. She was really looking forward to seeing my family, and she'd spent the last month learning everything about my family and my childhood, but as soon as we started packing, she started panicking.

It was nonsense. They already loved her, and asked more about her when they were on the phone than they asked about me. I was so happy that the most important people in my life were finally coming together.

I must have dozed off too, because I awoke to the captain announcing we were coming into land. I woke Roza and she went back to looking out the window.

"You're just making yourself nervous." I reached over her and pulled the window shutter closed; she was most nervous with landings.

"I just start thinking about everything that can go wrong and I freak myself out." I took her hand and smiled at her.

"Would I ever let anything happen to you?" She rolled her eyes, and I leant forward and kissed her gently before plugging my seatbelt in.

The plane started to decline, and I felt Roza's body stiffen. I rubbed her leg and she relaxed a bit, but I could tell she was still worrying.

It took another hour to get through passport control and collect our bags. We were waiting for car hire when I heard a shrill scream.

"Dimka!" I turned and saw my younger sister, Viktoria running towards me.

"Vika!" I caught her as she launched herself at me and swung her around.

"I've missed you." I set her down.

"I've missed you too. Look how tall you are! I'll have to chase all the boys away while I'm here." She grinned and nudged me.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?"

"Of course, sorry. Roza, this is my little sister Viktoria, Vika, this is my Roza." She beamed and pulled her into a big hug, catching Roza off guard.

"I've heard so much about you, you're all he ever talks about." She pulled back. "Do you like shopping? Because I've arranged for us to hit the sales on Thursday, but if that's not your thing, it's fine, we can do something else. Or you can do things by yourself, you don't have to hang out with me if you don't want to, I tend to be a bit forward but I'm fine if-" Roza grinned.

"I'd love to go shopping with you." Vika grinned and pulled her into another hug.

"Come on you two, we've got to hire a car." Roza broke away and I put my arm round her.

"Dimka, Lina is in the car park waiting for you. Sonya said you can borrow her car if you want to get around." She tried to take a case, but I shooed her on.

Roza and I trailed behind her as she led the way to the car. "I told you they'd like you."

Roza smiled. "She's really nice, I can't wait to get to know her better."

"Come on love birds, we're over here." She jumped straight into the car and Roza went with me to the boot to help me put the cases in.

"Don't even think about it." She tired to lift a case.

"Aww, going all caveman on me now are you?" She grinned and I leant down, kissing her. I think we got a bit carried away, my arms pulling her hips closer and her hands resting on my biceps.

"Oh nice." We broke apart and saw Lina standing there.

"Like you're any better. Remember Marcus?" She grinned and I pulled her into a hug too.

"I've missed you Dimka." She whispered, burying her face into my shoulder. I think it was hardest on Lina. I helped her out when she had Paul because his father was away working, and we'd developed a close relationship.

"I've missed you too Lina." She sniffed and pulled away, trying to wipe a stray tear without anyone noticing. "How are the kids? I haven't seen them in so long, I doubt Paul will remember me."

"Of course he'll remember his favourite Uncle. And we've been showing Zoya photos of you and she can say your name."

"Really?" I was worried that she'd be scared with some strange man in the house.

"Of course. Now stop being rude and introduce me." I did, and once again Roza was pulled into a big hug. What can I say? We were an affectionate family.

Eventually we made it into the car and spent the two hour drive catching up. The whole ride I held tightly onto her hand, rubbing small circles into her palm to calm her down. It took about an hour before her muscles started to relax.

My sisters asked all about our travels, and I hoped that by hearing their genuine interest in the questions they asked would stop Roza's irrational fear that they resented her for taking me away from them.

The rest of the day ran smoothly. Of course, the whole family loved her, including Babushka. I'll never admit to Roza, but she was the one I was most anxious about. She had a track record for hating the boys my sisters bought home, and I was worried that she'd react the same with Roza. My worries were unnecessary and Babushka loved Roza as much as the rest of the family.

She loved looking round my home town, looking at the places that I'd loved when I was growing up. Roza also loved staying in my childhood home.

"I can just imagine you sliding down the banister when you were little, running through the house playing cowboys and sitting on the work surface, learning how to cook."

"He was such a good baby, never crying and sleeping right through. But as soon as he could walk, he was a menace. They don't call it the terrible twos for nothing. I had to move everything out of his reach, put safety guards on all the things he could reach, and even the child locks couldn't keep him out of the food cupboards. I would often walk into the kitchen and see him surrounded by packets of stuff, eating out of everything. I think I have a picture around here..." I groaned as Mama went to hunt down the infamous flour photo. Roza just laughed and pinching my cheek.

"Aww, you sounded like such a cute baby." She kissed where she pinched and patted me on the bum. I rose my eyebrow at her, but Mama came in before I could say anything.

"Here he is. I was just about to start making Lina's birthday cake and I found him like this." She showed Roza the framed photo. I was sitting on the kitchen floor, surrounded by packets of food that I had pulled out of the cupboard. I had a bag of flour in my lap, my fist in my mouth and a disgusted expression on my face.

"Did he...?"

"Oh yes. He kept eating it, pulling that face, and just doing it again. By the time I found him he'd eaten almost half the bag." They both fell about laughing, Roza gripping my arm to stop falling over.

"Ha ha. Very funny." That just made them laugh even harder.

"Look at your face! Oh Comrade, you look so cute! Look at your little dungarees." Roza wiped tears away from her eyes.

"My baby boy." Mama kissed my forehead before moving towards the door. "Don't worry, I have many more where that came from." I groaned again and Roza giggled.

"Every time anyone comes into the house she shows that picture. I think she even showed the gas man once."

"I like it." She kissed me lightly on the lips. "And you've seen all my baby photos, it's only fair I get to see yours." Mama came back, grinning at my arm around Roza's waist. "Olena, I think I'll have to have a copy of that photo, my sister will love it."

"After Dimka binned the photo when he was 13, I made multiple copies, in case he ever did it again." I scowled. "You're more than welcome to have one." The two most important women in my life grinned at me, and I sighed. That photo was going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

The rest of the week passed smoothly. Roza soon became thick as thieves with my sisters, and Zoya followed her round whenever she could. Mama and Babushka doted on her, more than happy to tell her all about my thoroughly embarrassing childhood. Paul loved her too, asking whatever questions he could think of about England. Lina said he was studying the Tudors at school, which would explain his fascination with medieval torture methods, something Roza was not an expert on, much to his dismay.

"She's amazing Dimka." I was helping Mama make her infamous black bread in the kitchen. Roza was with Vika and the children in the garden, playing tag or something similar. Even from the kitchen window we could see the huge smiles on all of their faces, and Zoya's high pitched squeals of delight carried through the house.

"I know Mama." I had to repress a small sigh. Roza was turning me into a lovesick teenager.

"When are you going to ask her?"

"Huh?" I turned to see my mother watching me with a knowing look.

"Babushka told me about the ring." Damn. "You think she would keep such secrets from me? I'm having trouble keeping it to myself as it is."

"I don't know Mama. She's only just turned 18, and we've not even known each other for a year. Is it too soon?" I sighed. "I've spoken to her father, but-"

"Did he say no?" I sighed again.

"No, he gave us his blessing. But he mentioned whether we were up for such a big commitment." I was wondering this myself.

"If you think you're ready, then you are. You already live together, and you both love each other. Can you imagine being with anyone else?"

"No! Roza is the woman I will spend the rest of my life with." She smiled at me.

"I know that. But you need to be sure before you ask her. Her father's right. Only ask if you're sure you can handle it. But age should not factor in your decision. She may be young, but she is wise for her years." I nodded.

If I was honest with myself, I wanted to take Roza down to a court today, get married and whisk her away somewhere where I would never have to think about anything else but her. But I knew it was more than that. She was starting university, and I had just started a new job. We didn't have the funds to plan a wedding, and we had only know each other for a year.

High pitched giggling bought me out of my musings. Roza had Zoya in arms, blowing raspberries on her belly. Zoya's giggles got impossibly higher and her little arms and legs started to wiggle. Roza stopped and laughed along with her, before swinging her around in the air. She put her down as Paul started to chase her. Roza saw me watching and waved me over.

She jogged over to me as I walked out the back door, grinning ear to ear. I wrapped my arms round her waist and pulled her closer, burying my face in her hair.

"What's that for?" She asked, kissing the side of my face.

"I just love you." I felt her smile.

"I love you too." I looked up at her and grinned.

She tried to pull away but I caught her round the waist and pulled her closer. She smacked me on the arm, and I laughed, pulling her into a kiss.

"You're stopping me playing! Leave me alone you oaf, I'm having fun. Go back into the kitchen."

I laughed loud at that, smacking her on the bum before kissing her again.

"I'll remember that when you next ask me to make you anything."

"Yeah yeah. Now bugger off." She kissed me quickly before running back over.

Yep. That was the woman I was going to marry. And soon.

More to come!