A fluffy RP done with my wonderful friend, foREVerhauntingme, whose unending support and advice has helped me begin writing again. Ich liebe dich, mein Liebling. ^.^

Germany looked over at the sleeping Italian beside him. He had woken due to a strange dream and saw that Italy had managed to make his way into his bed while Germany had been sleeping. Why he did it, or how Germany never woke from it, was a mystery.

Italy and Germany were walking down a street in Rome back to Italy's house. Thunder ripped across the sky, causing the Italian to jump. Rain began to poor and they both turned down a dark alleyway to get to his house quicker. As they made their way down the creepy alleyway, a figure appeared in front of them, waving a knife. He charged at Italy, who didn't realize the danger, and Germany jumped in front of him, taking the knife. He fell and Italy looked at his fallen companion in horror. The man who had attacked ran back where he came from, and Italy fell to his knees holding the motionless German. "D-doitsu!" No response..."DOITSU! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE!"

Italy began to toss and turn in his sleep, and Germany touched the Italian's shoulder. "Italy..." he called. Italy thrashed away from his hand and whimpered. Then, suddenly, the boy started screaming. "Italy! Wake up!" Germany tried to grab Italy, and succeeded after a few tries. He shook the boy. "Italy! Italy, wake up!"

Somewhere in his mind, he knew he was being called back to reality, but his dream wouldn't let go. His bloodied hands held onto his dead companion. His cries filling the rainy night. "NO! PLEASE! COME BACK TO ME! I NEVER TOLD YOU! I LOVE YOU! I'M SORRY!" His cries drowned out the footsteps approaching from behind. A hand gripped his shoulder. he gaped as pain erupted in his back. The man's face came close, his mouth by Italy's ear. "Now, I've got you..." The blade twisted and Italy cried out. His eyes snapped open.

"Italy! Italy look at me!" Germany cried desperately as Italy's eyes opened. They seemed to stare right through him. "Italy, it's fine. I'm here. Just look at me, dammit!"

Gasping for air, he whimpered. His heart started to slow down as he focused and his eyes met brilliant blue. Italy blinked. It had been just a dream. He bit his lip and his arms flailed out and wrapped around the startled German's neck. "Oh, Doitsu!"

"I-Italy! What are you doing?" Germany was pulled down on top of the brunette, and he tried to gently pull himself free. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, Doitsu, I had a horribly scary dream!" He gasped for breath again and began recounting his dream at a really fast pace, almost trying to keep up with his racing heartbeat. "We were in Rome and it rained and there was this guy, he tried to kill me, but in the alley you died and he killed me and...it was horrible!"

Germany listened, taking note that Italy was hyperventilating and his heart was racing again under Germany's chest. He pulled away just enough to have a little space between him and Italy without making Italy release him. He brushed the hair out of the smaller nation's face. "Italy, it was just a dream. Everything is ok." He looked into Italy's eyes as he said this, trying to assure him that what he was saying was the truth. "I'm here, see?"

"But it was really REAL! I was so scared! You died before I could tell you! I never have because I was scared with how you would react, since I'm clumsy and lazy and I make you mad all the time. That was the worst part! I hadn't had a chance to tell you I lo-" he bit his tongue. Oops...

At the broken sentence, Germany asked, "What?" Italy looked away from him, biting his tongue. Germany turned Italy's head to meet his eyes. "What were you just about to say, Italy? What were you going to say to me when I died?"

He felt his face turning red. He couldn't do it. Germany would laugh at him. He would turn him away. He wouldn't want to be around him anymore if he told him. God! Stupid Italy! Stupid! "Uh...nothing. Nothing." He pried his brown eyes off the questioning blue ones before him and stared off into the darkness in front of him; trying not to remake eye contact.

Germany was hurt at Italy's sudden distance, and tried to remain reasonable. If the man didn't want to talk about it, Germany shouldn't force him to. But, at the same time, Italy had never kept anything from him before. Why couldn't he know. "Italy... you don't have to be afraid. I'm... your friend... right?" The words felt strange in Germany's mouth, but he continued. "I promise, I'd never laugh at you."

Italy gulped, but refused to look into his deep, mystifying eyes. He couldn't it. If he did he might tell Germany...tell Ludwig...that he loved him. A shudder passed through his body as his mind fought over what to do. "I-I...I lo...ou." He whispered, most of it not reaching the German's ears.

"Italy... I can't hear what you're saying." Germany shifted so that he was directly in the Italian's line of sight. His blue eyes pierced into Italy's amber as Germany pleaded, "Please..."

His breath caught in his throat. Those eyes...like endless pools of deep clear water. He couldn't...he couldn't...he needed to. Something in his mind told him that something bad was going to happen, that his dream was an omen. He bit his lip again, this time bringing the copper taste of blood into his mouth. "I...I..." Before it was too late. "Ti amo." He immediatly turned away and shut his eyes, waiting to hear the Germans laughs or teases.

But the teasing never came. There was no laughter. The German just stared at him, unsure what to say. And suddenly, he knew that there was nothing to say. He once again turned Italy's head to face him, but this time did not insist upon Italy's eyes meeting his. All he needed was his lips, as Germany turned Italy's head to capture those full, pouting lips in a chaste kiss. He pulled away after a moment, and saw a look of shock on Italy's face. Blushing, he explained, "I-ich liebe d-dich... Italien."

He stared at Germany. pure shock upon his face. "Y-y-you..." His English failed him. "Cosa?" There was no way that Germany felt the same way. He had to be dreaming. But he knew that he wasn't. "Tu non sei pazzo?"**

"Nein," Germany assured him. "I'm not mad, Italy." Germany instinctively cupped Italy's cheek in his hand.

He still didn't know what to say. He was more shocked that he couldn't remember any English than that Germany said that he loved-..."You love me too?" His English snapped back into place, and he blinked in confusion.

Germany just nodded. "I wanted to make sure you never knew. I thought You would be scared of me, and that you wouldn't want to ever see my face again. But... knowing that you love me... it seemed a moot point."

"Aww~! I thought Doitsu would be angry with me and kick me out of the Axis!" His smile returned and his hug tightened around Germany's neck. "I'm happy you love me back! You know you always make me feel happy! You chase all the bad feelings away!" He nuzzled his face into Germany's shoulder.

"I-Italy!" Germany called out in protest, but it was halfhearted. His face flushing once more, he asked in a soft voice, "How long?"

"Um...since..." How long had he loved him? "Since I was your prisoner during WWI...but...you have always reminded me of a love I had when I was a young child. I feel like I've known you forever~!"

"A-ah... Is that so?" Germany murmured, wondering about that. Germany couldn't remember his childhood, so he wasn't sure he could say they hadn't met. All he knew was that he was in love with Italy, despite his recent dreams of a brunette woman in a mint green dress, her brunette curls blowing in the breeze as she called his name. But not his nation's name; she called his human name.

"Ya...but that doesn't matter now because i love you; here and now and always"

Germany allowed himself a small smile and wrapped an arm around Italy's small frame, the other still propping him up. "Ja... you're right, Italy." He kissed the side of Italy's head and just held him, content with just letting this moment last as long as possible.

**translations: What? You're not mad?**

Scarlet: D'awwwwww don't be scared to tell me you love me~! You know I'd never reject you~! *huggles REV*

REV: OK~! ^.~

Scarlet: Ohhh, you're just too cute! *snuggles* Having a strangely OOC moment here...?

REV: ...

Scarlet: I can feel you judging me through your computer TTATT