Alright, I've had this stuck in my mind for a while and there is only one other story that actually talks about this couple so I felt complied to add to the tiny ship pool.

Please excuse any slow updates, I'll try to write as fast as I can, but I have to work all summer at a camp with no internet, and I have exams very soon. I should be able to have at least three chapters before I leave though.

Pairing: Sibella x Tug

Although this is currently rated T, do expect the rating to go up when the story reaches the point where it will need to be (you all know what I mean).

The Wall

By: StarUchiha

Chapter 1: You're in My Sulking Zone, Grimwood

While puberty had been kind to Tug Roper, his hormones had not. Yes, his more than wonderful gene pool gave him brilliant blue eyes and clear skin, but his mood swings rivalled that of a pregnant woman. His other personality traits could usually keep him on task, but when it came down to it, he could snap on a whim.

Something which, much to his dismay, he had already accomplished earlier that day.

So, he did what he always did when he found himself in a repulsive mood. He sulked. A childish and down right pathetic thing to do, but it helped him get over the moods which plagued him.

The cadet found himself lying in his usual area, atop the stone wall that separated Calloway from Grimwood. The wall had been built to replace the shrubbery which had used to show the boundary between the two schools. It was about three years ago when the plant had mysterious burned to a shrived-crisp. And so, the wall was built – sturdy and completely fire proof. That creepy head mistress over at Grimwoods had insisted on it and the Colonel was smart enough to give in.

God the Grimwood girls… now they were a group of characters. Sure, he was forced to admit they had gotten visual appealing over the years, but just because they had become very pretty didn't mean they'd become any less strange. Strange, very strange, but still rather pretty – were all girls like that? The one's from his home town certainly weren't, or were they the freaks and the rest of the female population was more like the Grimwoods? Heck if he'd ever know. Girls of all kinds were a mystery. And one that, even at the ripe age of 16, Tug was too bothered to try and solve.

He shut his eyes and relished in the feeling of the crisp night air nipping at his skin. One of his hands reached up to loosen the tie around his neck and he smiled at the sudden lack of restriction around his throat. His hand returned to his stomach where the other remained. He sighed unconsciously. The temperature was wonderfully cool in contrast to the hot early fall weather. The space around him was silent and all lights dull enough not to bother his eyes behind his lids. It was a perfect moment. He could barely remember why he had even snapped earlier… how pleasant.

"Enjoying yourself, Calloway," a voice broke the glorious silence around him and Tug suddenly found himself feeling that familiar emotion of anger tainting his mind.

"Go away Grimwood," he spat, not even bothering to open his eyes for the girl beside him.

"Oh," she mused mischievously, "Is that what we've come to?"

"What are you babbling on about?"

"Our use of our school's names as an insult of sort - it just seems a little petty."

"Fine," he sighed, his hand dragging itself down his face, "Go away, Sibella."


"Are you gone yet?"


He opened his eyes and glared at the girl sitting behind is head. She smirked at him and he glowered back at her. A noise of fake hurt escaped her mouth as she crossed one leg over her other. He pushed himself into a sitting position, his legs swung over the side towards Calloway.

"You're not going to leave are you?"

"Don't count on it cadet."

He groaned, his eyes drifting to the digital watch on his watch. He winced at the time. It was nearly one in the morning, almost five hours past curfew. There was no way he was going to be able to sneak back inside unless he went in through a window. He slapped his forehead and fell into a crouching position over his legs.

"Locked out Calloway," Sibella asked, flipping her hair over her shoulder to keep it off the stones.

"Yes," he admitted, "when did it get so late?"

She shrugged, "What are doing out here anyways?"

"Cooling off," he mumbled.

"Ooh, did Mr. Roper have a fit," she chuckled.

"No," he shot her a look, but it quickly faded when he realized that it really wouldn't affect her anyways. She was a Grimwood girl after all, they don't get bothered by glares or looks; they do them. Why was he even talking to her again?

"Why are you out so late Grimwood," he asked.

"I don't know," she picked at a lock of hair as she spoke, "couldn't sleep I guess, and it's always so nice out here at night."

"You can say that again," he spoke without thinking, but he didn't regret saying it.

They sat in silence, simply appreciating the night for the next little night. It surprised the both of them that they found themselves almost enjoying the company of the person beside them. Yes, Tug Roper and Sibella Dracula were enjoying the others company without some sort of vile verbal exiting their mouths. And it was rather nice. But unfortunately, that was something that they both had deemed as unacceptable a long time before and something had to be done to stop this horrid pleasantry between the cadet and the countess in the making.

"You haven't left yet," he snipped, attempting to destroy the silence with an iron fist.

"No," she smiled naughtily to herself and got off the wall, but it would only be for a little while, "but, you will."

"What are you talking about?"

"This," she said bluntly as she shoved him of the barrier roughly. Tug flailed in the air before hitting the ground with a thump. Sibella laughed heartily as she leaned over the wall and looked at him with a cruel endearment in her eyes. He sneered at her and stood up, hastily attempting to rub out a few grass stains on his shirt. He groaned.

"Thanks, that was very funny," there was enough sarcasm in his voice to offend a hundred men but she simply glowed in its presence.

"You're welcome Calloway."

"Go away Grimwood."

She merely smiled at him and turned away from him. He watched in awe as she walked away back into the corridors of her school. He found himself slightly mesmerized by the seductive tones in the way her hips moved and the unholy gracefulness in her steps. When she reached the nearest door, she turned to look and him and waved teasingly. He jeered at her and she left a small smirk on her face.

He stood facing Grimwood, grass stains on his shirt, hair dishevelled and an utterly large smirk plastered to his face. That damn Grimwood girl was certainly trouble, and he had a feeling that this meeting was only the first of many. At least she was pretty, weird maybe, but pretty. And a good part of him had to admit; when they spat words at one another it was exhilarating. But she had no idea what she was getting into, because when you push Tug Roper, cadet or not, they push back.